Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

I guess it's inevitable that whoever I asked that question to would have had people thinking the same thing, even if it was completely random. The main reason I wanted to ask that question (and I picked one of the last people who commented on the lynch situation before I posted it) was to see if I can elicit a response to see if I could guage whether someone were a townie or not.


In following that, based on your previous posts it seems you are pro-lynch, so I'll ask the hypothetical question to you as well, in that if you were anti-town do you think you would want a lynch today or not?

i think we should just put on some spandex, knee-pads, and boots, get in a wrestling ring and duke it out Royal Rumble match style. last one left in the ring wins! lol, jk! watching WWE right now. sorry.

if i were anti-town, i would want a lynch. less townies for me to worry about, one more closer to a win.

man, i hope Shawn Michaels comes back! SORRY! sorry! it's WWE and he's my fave.

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...


vote: Ludacris

I'll switch my vote for this, seeing as how I believe TC and Luda to be co-conspirators. Maybe we can get some more info if people can secure a lynch.

Unvote: ThunderCat
Vote: Ludacris

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Okay, does this mean I don't have to play anymore?

Ankeli, would you please mod-kill Turtle when you get a chance? It's painfully obvious he has no desire to play, and there's no use keeping him around if each post is going to speed-bump the enthusiasm surrounding this game.

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Thundercat and Ludacris do seem to be the most suspicious at this point, although I prefer to not vote this early.
Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Thundercat and Ludacris do seem to be the most suspicious at this point, although I prefer to not vote this early.

Early? We have 12 hours left in an 18 player game with people in the US coast to Coast, UK, Australia, and everywhere else in the world. It was near impossible to get our 14 player game to get a lynch lock within 24 hours. Very suspicious post noodle.

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Early? We have 12 hours left in an 18 player game with people in the US coast to Coast, UK, Australia, and everywhere else in the world. It was near impossible to get our 14 player game to get a lynch lock within 24 hours. Very suspicious post noodle.

He missed the first 24 hours so it might feel different to him

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Ankeli, would you please mod-kill Turtle when you get a chance? It's painfully obvious he has no desire to play, and there's no use keeping him around if each post is going to speed-bump the enthusiasm surrounding this game.
You're making it sound like I'm going out of my way to ruin your game, I gotta be honest that comes off a little rude to me. I tried to get into the game and was reading everything leading up to this point to try and get a grasp of the game, so don't you go assuming that I'm not showing any interest in the game at all. That's a little presumptuous of you to say something like that.

If the game is run like this I don't see why I would continue playing, it didn't look like I was very welcome here from the start simply because I was new to the game. Gorny already explained several times why I looked into joining this game, but in the end it was my choice whether or not to sign up, so obviously I did show minimal desire to play this game at the very least. I only signed up before having read all the rules because there was a due date for registration and I can get pretty busy at times.

I'm sorry for "speed bumping your enthusiasm", I didn't mean to ruin your fun, nor was that my intention. I guess I just don't enjoy this game as much as you fellas do, that's allowed, isn't it? Or is forming my own opinion a big no-no for this game?

edit: poop man

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

ok, i just looked over my notes, and when i was re-reading i didn't see it, maybe im not seeing the bigger picture, but i don't see anything b/w Luda and TC. i see Wicked and Orphan as my top two. Orphan kinda cleared the air, still don't like the thing b/w him and CC; Wicked bcuz he is anti-lynch on first day. what about the fact that Wicked also said he agrees with BoD and SiTro? them three could possibly be working together.

until my number one suspect can convince me otherwise...

Vote: WickedSwami

sorry, bro. i just feel you are most suspicious to me atm.

Turb--> you can form you own opinion. :) we welcome it (at least i do :) ). the way i see it, yeah, Mara, maybe you didn't have to post that in the open. im sure you could've PMed Ank. but at the same time, i understand that you are a little frustrated bcuz you want some activity, some positive feedback. Turb, i understand that what Mara said was a little rude and i can understand why you are mad. and you have every right for showing "minimal desire". if you aren't into it that much, no one can force you to get into it, ya know? but we would like some input and thoughts about the game from time to time. not takin any sides, just typing what i think.
Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...


i think im coming down with something. i have BAD allergies/sinuses and they are acting up hardcore right now. going to bed. have a question first:

1.) i know this has probably been asked, but when does the day end? in *does calculations on fingers* nine hours?

my head is spinning. i think the couch/bed is calling for me. ugh, i will try to wake up early to see what has happened, what hasn't happened. if i can. if not, see y'all in the daylight. good night, Forum.
Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Current vote tally is as follows:

aman - 2
Ludacris - 2
Gorny - 1
Turbulentturtle - 1
BoD Trader - 1
Wickedswami - 1

You have 11h 36min from the time on this post to vote, until it's nightfall.

As far as the Turb thing goes, I won't modkill him unless he edits his posts or requests to be removed from the game / or otherwise breaks the rules.
Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Unvote: aman

if you don't want to play just edit your post. you will be modkilled.

This kind of play doesn't sit well with me. I'm sorry, but in my opinion an inactive is more likely to be mafia than townie. In any case, even if roles are revealed upon modkill pushing for someone to edit their post is like a lynching that one or few players decide on rather than the town as a whole. If the modkillee turns up townie then it's simple enough for their encourager to say "I wasn't thinking about strategy, the game will be better without them".

Either you're mafia or you're helping them do their job, IMO.

Backed up by the fact that most posts by him are short and around half aren't relevent.

Vote: Ludacris

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Asrrin, without meaning to imply anything, where did you see me have anything against Gorny? Anything that sounded serious atleast.

This is your basic first day without a NK, same as last round. Where no real suspcions are coming up, not for me atleast. Tho im not fond of Sitros playstyle, mainly because it feels like hes trying to manipulate something. Theres 10 hours remaning till the end of the day and i will be online for the whole time, so ill take a decision for a vote a bit later and/or help lock a lynch if the reasons are relevant.
PS: that doesnt mean i dont want to see a lynch happen today, as stated before, i do but not on the wrong person.
Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

This is your basic first day without a NK, same as last round. Where no real suspcions are coming up, not for me atleast.
there's a big difference between this game and last round.
Last round there was no NK because of a towny power-role save. Also, the cop had already investigated someone.

other then that:
Miss Stotch, I'm still not 100% sure if lynching on day 1 is a good idea.
As you said so yourself:
if i were anti-town, i would want a lynch. less townies for me to worry about, one more closer to a win.

Basically you're suspecting me of being mafia because I don't want a day1 lynch, however if you were mafia yourself, you'd want a lynch.
How is that logical?

other then that:
i have a few ppl in what i have collected with so far. atm, i would probably want to investigate Wicked. he didn't think lynching someone was a good idea, agreeing with BoD and SiTro. he also said that mafia "tend to lay back and hide." i disagree with that. i think for the most part, mafia ppl try to stir the pot a little, act pro-townie to not look suspicious to anyone else. he has also said that he doesn't feel, in his opinion, lynching an active player is not a good idea that it slows down thought process and convo, but he is not a fan of killing inactives either. so, from my interpretation of that...

Wicked: who should we lynch if not active ppl or NAs? i know that you feel it's "wrong" to lynch on a first day, but what else can we do?

we should lynch someone who acts suspicious, not based on their activity level.
Of course, the more you talk, the more someone will interpret something you say as being mafia-esque. But as I said before, the active players are what keeps the town running, and that's how we catch the bad guys.
since inactives get modkilled, and we get to have their role, it's useless to lynch them as well.

P.S.: Ankeli, turb did edit his post.

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

P.S.: Ankeli, turb did edit his post.

All I can see is "edit: poop man", but no edit date and time in the bottom, so if he did edit it, he edited it within 5 minutes of posting it and I can't see if he actually did or didn't.

Gorny, Orphan, did he edit it?

Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

A lynch is always required. Lynching no one gives us nothing. Trying to say that people who want a lynch are anti-town is stupid because thats the only way we got to get the maffia.

Unvote: Gorny

Vote: Wickedswami
Re: Forum Mafia: Keep your friends close...

Started rereading everything, got fed up at page 20, here are some remarks:

Fifteen minutes and no action. Is everyone avoiding posting because of aman's "first person to post is mafia" rule? :grin:
u're the first person to post so, mafia!!!! (jk)

Two posts from Gorny caught my eye:

[blabla quotes from gorny]

In the first post, the game is only an hour old but he is calling out the 12/18 players who have yet to post by that point. The second post shows that he is aware that not all of them have necessarily checked the forums yet and realised the game is active. Not really sure what to make of this, other than it relegates the first point to more of a "checking in" statement.

you're bringing suspicion on gorny without any real reason. Seems like a scum thing to do.

Now, the only way to figure out whats in Ankelis mind is to either torture him to talk, or lynch as much as possible to find out what roles/groups are out here.
So despite of my thoughts of not lynching anyone today unless we have some solid proof, i suggest we do lynch someone, not matter the outcome to get an idea what we are up against.

The mafia is not the towns worst enemy, Ankeli is :p
somebody give this guy a mafia point.
Seriously, you're advertising random lynching, just to lynch. Not a good move imo.

Can't avoid that which is inevitable. If theres nothing to post about then there is nothing to post about. You want to hear me add something then just ask me a question. I merely sayed that because i didn't want to be the guy that was innactive and ruining the game and the towns chances of a win.
is still layin low, haven't heard much of him, which is supicious.

Why ask me this?
this was in response to orphan asking this:
A hypothetical question for you CC, if you were anti-town would you want a lynch today?

you never answered the question CC.. why is that?

I'm getting suspicious of SiTro.

He earlier stated that he is the cop and investigated me on night one. This can't be true because we had a day start and have yet to have a night. That along with his initial comment about me makes me uneasy.
was clearly a joke on behalf of sitro. Gorny did later claim he only made this post to see what other reactions would follow. This does sound like how gorny plays, so I won't think anything of it.

Gorny--> it was probably nothing, BUT... "keep your friends close..."
sounds like a hidden message

other then that, Dlove isn't posting very much. Just enough to not bring attention to himself imo. We should keep an eye on him.

Last note: Everyone seems to think there's a connection between TC and luda, what if that's exactly what TC wanted to achieve.
If luda now turns out to be town, everyone will assume TC is town as well.
He could be mafia/sk and doing this on purpose

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