Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

your answer gives me some laughing, cause you have answer to any argument brought against frenzy weekneses, however stupid it is.

If your feelings are involved in this, then I'll not keep reporting back to tell you flaws in your build as others already have mentioned, nor will I keep on telling you that frenzy will actually do well using the proper skills and items at the proper time, as it isn't healthy to debate without being able to cancel out whatever you feel towards the person you're debating with.

I'd though like to note something that you must agree is obvious and something that won't trigger your feelings. First an argument isn't stupid, only a person can be stupid, an argument can be weak, and a weak argument should be easy to counter, so no need to ever write that.

Second playing bad-mannered doesn't tell anything about your skill level, it tells something what the person enjoyes, if it's winning or if it's the dueling itself.

Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

Well , Shocker , you shocked us. =)
This Frenzier has pros but I don't think you could deal with Paladins ...
Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

nice bump kordova, lol.

i'm a little surprised a frenzy/throw hybrid was barely discussed, considering double swing adds dmg to both skills and that more than one point in double throw is useless i think (because of some bug, cant remember).

with 20 frenzy/mastery/bo/double swing, you could put the rest (~15 points) in throw mastery instead of taunt/nat res/inc. speed/leap and get an almost fully synergized throw barb that can easily charge himself up with frenzy, since he has good AR with it. you dont lose that much frenzy damage doing so.

charge up on fallens + machinegun some eth lacerators frwzon style + swing those griefs in your opponent's amp dmg'd face = win?

i almost feel like trying this.
Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

Lacerators have Very Short Flight - not even the edge of the screen and aren't like GAs to certainly hit so basically - forget it to make PvP use of that.
Javelins travel farily far but still - they can be Defended , can be Blocked.
It is best to rely on Frenzy only - Dual Grief PBs will not only help you Hit Hard , Faster but provided they have only 2-Range it is good to equip KB item and with Very High AR it will be Charge-like Effect.

P.S.: Actually with my BvC , years back , I won over a poor Non-Tele Trapsin who apparently didn't know of Mind Blast with (1HSP) Frenzy only - Hit-Speed-Hit-Speed-Hit-Killed Assa!
Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

im just sayn out of 10 and a half pages and 5 months on a dormant thread it mush have taken some searching to resurect this thread to give almost no usefull info. the kb wont be as affective as charges' kb.

i use onepoint DT and lacys on switch. amp + greif = godslayer.
Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

why would anyone wanna knockback opponent from melee range?
Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

why would anyone wanna knockback opponent from melee range?
Chargers do - and yet it's more than effective!
KB's benefit is that in the time the opponent is KB-ed they're immobilized and in the case of Charger or Frenzy Barb - where you Speed as mad - it's not a problem to Reach them before or right after the Knockback and to put them in another Knockback - thus Immobilizing them ~constantly untill you Kill them.
Simply put - KB ~= Stun - and anyone would want to Stun their Opponent so to kill them Without too much Trouble.

Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

but what your not calculating is that chargers arent really that effective due to the shields. kb aint worth it for pvp frenzy youll be dissapointed i promis.
Re: Faster than a charging paladin! PVP Frenzy Barb

Chargers do - and yet it's more than effective!
KB's benefit is that in the time the opponent is KB-ed they're immobilized and in the case of Charger or Frenzy Barb - where you Speed as mad - it's not a problem to Reach them before or right after the Knockback and to put them in another Knockback - thus Immobilizing them ~constantly untill you Kill them.
Simply put - KB ~= Stun - and anyone would want to Stun their Opponent so to kill them Without too much Trouble.

lol on theory

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