Diablo 3 a MMO?

You think they'll splurge on a minor update aswell ? Mebbe they'll change the name of one of the npc's to Cain, but that'll be about it.

If this is the Blizzard announcement -- "It will be a completely new game with entirely new content. The engine will be based on the engine that made WoW such a success."
Then they actually mean what Steve and I said.
Just because they say a new game willl use the WoW engine, doesn't mean it will use the WoW model. Although it could...
After seeing the success of WoW and how much money they make, they will most likely seek to make huge profits off of this game too. Which is why I think all of us D2C players should have our own private (and probably illegal) server to enjoy playing the game.
I really hope they don't follow the model of everyone else and make a pay to play online game though. Guild Wars is a great free to play game, and it was made by many of the programmers who worked on the Diablo series. If the game had a better item system it would be able to pull me away from D2, but I still play it with friends (aznpwner plays this game now thanks to me)

If they delay releasing D3 as much as the original, I'll probably not have as much time to play it then, but I'll still have to try it.
I would rather pay $100 for a game and not pay monthly fees than $50 then monthly bull**** (yes it's an all ages forum, but how else can I describe Blizzard making us pay monthly for a new game in our beloved series?)
Most profitable way to make a free game could be to have the first game in the series cost $60 (a step above 50 for the future, probably not 70 or 80 though), then have a large expansion cost $50 or 60, as GW did. Sell "collectors editions" of both for a good amount more and throw in some fun stuff. I still have the CE of the original. I have not yet actually used any of the stuff as far as I remember, but I do have the Diablo II Soundtrack, sitting on the bottom of a pile of CDs.
Zodi, you're right about the item system in D2. It's the items that keep people coming back after all of these years.

But instead of an illegal server, which wil receive cease and desist orders from a group of corporate lawyers, why not just play single player? You can multi play over TCP/IP and the item systemn is better than Bnet because you don't have to keep and maintain a hundred mules. You can use ATMA and keep everything on your own computer.

GW is a good game, one that hooked me for a while. But I have not played since Oblivion came out.
Releasing a second fantasy-based subscription game would be...foolish of Blizzard.

Final Fantasy XII uses the engine of Final Fantasy XI(Online)...but it's not a MMORPG.

Diablo III will be similar to Diablo II, I suspect. At least as far as the online component goes. Perhaps with more people per game.

If they release a second MMORPG, it will be based on the Starcraft universe, thereby netting them more people without taking any away from their current MMORPG(WoW).

Well...that's what I'd do if I want to make a hojillion dollars. :p
To make DIII along the lines of WoW would be a travesty for us. However, we are becoming a smaller percentage of the blizzard fan base, as WoW brought about a new type of gamer (one who likes to pay monthly fees). I'm pretty sure that blizzard is moving in the wrong direction, and I can feel that many of the players currently enjoying years of entertainment on sc, wc, and diablo, will start to move towards other titles. Someone mentioned hellgate: london, and I think this is a game that has it right. I guess I have to wait until it's out to pass final judgement, but most of the original diablo team can't go wrong in my eyes. I think there will always be games made for gamers, but big bad blizzard seems to be heading in a games for profit direction.

One thing that worries me is that none (correct me if I'm wrong) of the original diablo programmers are involved in the DIII project. It's not too hard to get the look and feel of the game right, but to really capture the spirit that keeps us coming back to DII... well, I'm not sure a bunch of diablo newbies can accomplish that. I'm anticipating a very disapointing sequel in the diablo franchise. If it happens to be an amazing game hosted on free closed servers, I will be overjoyed. and suprised :undecided:
Estimated market value