Cheyenne Mountain Complex - O'Neill's Empire Home Base ifr

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Watcha talkin' 'bout?
School is serious! His future we talkin' here.
any other, and perhaps serious, reasons? :wink3:

He got married in RL to a girl he met on MSN, and now has 3 kids.

His daughter Sarah is named after her mother :p ... even though the name is spelled a bit different, and has a bit of a bloodthirsty mermaidish Z sound.

He got married in RL to a girl he met on MSN, and now has 3 kids.

His daughter Sarah is named after her mother :p ... even though the name is spelled a bit different, and has a bit of a bloodthirsty mermaidish Z sound.

Is that avatar of yours taken from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? Did you like that film? It got dreadful reviews that put me off renting the DVD.

Yeah, it's Sean Connerey from LXG

I saw it on cable once or twice. The movie itself is subpar .... I did not care for it either way. He just looks cool with the hat on.
any other, and perhaps serious, reasons? :wink3:

Gorny said:
He got married in RL to a girl he met on MSN, and now has 3 kids.

His daughter Sarah is named after her mother :p ... even though the name is spelled a bit different, and has a bit of a bloodthirsty mermaidish Z sound.

*laughs hysterically* :laughing:

Dondrei said:
I don't get it, these don't look like old-style smilies.

When the forum first came back up things were still a bit buggy, especially the smilies. I remember the old ones from my lurking days, it was weird seeing them again.

i like the new smilies better, they look more alive xD
*feels all warm and fuzzy inside because new smilies are back*
nicro tower said:
i like the new smilies better, they look more alive xD
And yet you never use the smileys. :rolleyes:
He got married in RL to a girl he met on MSN, and now has 3 kids.

His daughter Sarah is named after her mother :p ... even though the name is spelled a bit different, and has a bit of a bloodthirsty mermaidish Z sound.
How did you figure out?! I tried to keep it as secret as possible... -_-
All my efforts in vain. Oh wellz.

nicro tower said:
i just never take the time to go advanced...:grin:
Pfffft...going advanced isn't even required to use the smileys...:unimpressed:
i'd have to agree... its not like i remember all the codes for smilies...
i blame education taking up so much of my memory.
That sword has no hilt....

Try this one:

That animation is painfully slow, gorny. It taunts me because it is just noticably slower than it should be.

That or I'm way more drunk than I should be after 3 beers in downtown D.C.
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