best PvM zon build???

Tri-elemental zon would be possible, but very tight.

FA works without synergies, Immo and EA need to come together..or Fire Arrow and EA..but you might get away with spending only 15 pts in each skill. LF needs no synergy. That's 70-80 points spend..but you will have a hard time squeezing out points into pre-reqs and pierce, Valk or DAE.

The following gear can help a good deal at saving points:

Kuko when using Immo (+6 skill), Mara's +2 skills, 25% res all, Rare circlet with +2 bowskills and dual leech, socketed for res. (not very common, but somebody was offereing it on this forum) +3 passives 20 IAS gloves. Duriels Shell for even better resists, Titans on switch. Now you can concentrate on the synergies a bit more. (incidentally a setup that is very close to my own on HC ladder - not the LF part however, but pretty much my equipment.)

Easier however: Good damage bow and 20 pts in MA.
alright cool interested in the sniperzon build....but if possible could someone post a strong strafezon build...or a link to one? thanks
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