[Answered] 1.07 Ravenclaw Exploding arrow lvl, +skills impact


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2019
Hey guys!

Trying to determine my final build for DiscoBowie, I am trying to evaluate the Exploding arrow damage.

For reference: Amazon basin Exploding arrow table.

Basically, with Fire arrow maxed, Exploding arrow damage is multiplied by 3.4.

On the web, it seems unsure if 1.07 forwarded is lvl 30 or 33 for Exploding arrow, also not sure about this level upped by skillers or other sources of + skill count.

- is Exploding arrow lvl 30, 33 or somehow random?
- do skillers count to raise this level?
- do other sources do? +Amazon skills, + bow skills, + all skills, none of them?

Thanks for any input, if i find some other sources from kinda legit sites I'll link here, for now I only found sources from other forums I can't link here. From this sources:
-> Exploding arrow is 30 or 33
-> +skills count, if mechanic is the same for Ravenclaw and for Dream runeword.
I have no reason to suspect this mechanically, but I would assume "Fires slvl XX Exploding Arrows" is treated as a "100% ctc on attack" as opposed to looking up a skill routine. I would think, if it could be buffed, we'd have seen much more end-game Ravenclaw play. Granted, a lot of fishy stuff happened/s in 1.07, but I am reminded that o-skills were most likely not even a twinkle in the dev's eyes at the time. I don't have the gear nor character to try for empirical data, but, my .02 anyway.
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It makes sense. I could try it in some way loading +skills and see if there's some significant effect or not in runtimes.

For Exploding arrow level, ifound several sources at 30, only one at 33. I guess statistically I can bet on 30!

So in the end, it would give 880-1023 damage synergized. Have to compare it to M'avina's magic damage with Strafe, Cold/Physical immunes are not often packs, or even Magic arrow as backup. Also I can find some charms to help (fire/lightning and poison ones).

Thanks @logoutzero!
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