Annihilus Solution?

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Quest For Glory said:
I trust you read earlier in this thread I would have no clue whatsoever on how to assign random appearance of the dclone.

As of now, no one knows how to spawn the clone randomly. It's hidden somewhere on Blizzards server.

Quest For Glory said:
Your thoughts on making a recipe requiring multiple not-so-attainable itamz would clearly be a good solution, Boddah_Khan. One could have the demon portal open by hitting transmute etc.. now making a whole new level with dclones and other foul monsters and beasts running around in it would require hard work but it's not too complicated. That random spawning thing would be much harder, at least for me.

I'm using the "new level with hard to get items trigger" method in the mod I've been working on. Just added 4 unique glyphs (New item type) with hella rarity which can only be dropped by hell Baal, and made a recipe requiring them and a TP tome to spawn a new red portal. It works well, and helps limit the amount the charm can be gained. The only part you may find difficult is actually creating the new DS1 and linking it into the game. Ability comes with time.

Quest For Glory said:
Man I wish we could conjure up a mod-player's forum here..
So do I, but it's the admins decision. The PhrozenKeep helps however.

Since nobody has said it already...THE STANDARD RESPONSE!!!

Thank you for directing your question to the Single Player forum. Here, we pride ourselves on maintaining a dupe-free, cheat-free, hack-free community. Since we have an active trading community and several competitive ladders, our policy is that of no tolerance towards discussion of item packs, cheats, and hacks.
While we do not condone the use of item packs, cheats or hacks, we recognize that whatever you do on your own computer is of your concern. We would like to suggest that you try and play the game legitimately. In most of our experience, playing with hacked or cheated items or characters greatly detracts from the gameplay value.

If you have questions about specific builds, feel free to ask them. The wealth of experience of the members of this forum will surely be able to give you some great answers.

This standard response has been furnished in order to avoid any unpleasantness between posters on this forum.

In short, do whatever you want on YOUR computer. Just make sure to keep your stashes separate, so you don't taint your legit trade items for the rest of us.
NorrYtt said:
I know very little about this, but it seems to be an atrocity in the eyes of the Single Player Forum.
  • The Annilihus is a unique Small Charm dropped by the Diablo Clone. I offers uberness like +1 to All Skills and +5% Bonus Experience. I guess you have to beat Hell Baal and the Diablo Clone will spawn as a superunique sometime later.
  • This Annilihus charm seems to be the only unattainable item for Single Players.
  • It is unfair to deny this item to Single Players.
Perhaps, but it's also unfair for Bliz to fix the FE bug server-side, and ignore the SP folks. But what can you do?

NorrYtt said:
Now, I suppose it's possible to find duped/nonlegit/hacked Annilihus Charms on OpenBNet, amiright?
Actually, you're wrong. Annihilus has a qlvl of 110, and Uber Diablo is the only monster whose mlvl is that high; thus only Uber D can drop it, and he only appears on the Realms. He will never ever appear in a legit game for Open/SP characters, even on The only possible ways for him to appear would be for a) Bliz to patch the game so he spawns in Open games (which would be 1.11 or later, if ever), or b) for someone to mod the game. Now, while I have no problems with people modding a game, in a community that is based around playing a 'stock' version of the game in question, such modding would be a no-no, regardless of motives.

And just imagine the consequences, if Anni charms were kicking around. Sure, one isn't going to tip the balance dramatically, but while on, it's impossible to pick more than one up, on SP, you'd have people use ATMA to cram 40 of the little suckers into their backpacks. +40 skills, +400-800 to all attributes, +200-400% exp gained, and +400-800 to all resists (meaning you'd be at max, in hell, even when hit with Lower Resist and Conviction simultaneously). This would make the SP community far, far worse than ever was, even in 1.09, with ITH items, hex charms and white rings. And before anyone points out that this person would actually need to "fairly" obtain 40 Anni charms, that's wrong- it's ridiculously easy to dupe things in SP, even without abusing tools like ATMA, and there would be an unscrupulous person who'd do just that, likely with a high-end Anni charm.

All in all, the best mods on the Anni are the skills and resists. The +exp gained only ranges from 5% to 10%, and with the heavy exp penalties at high levels, that really won't matter much. The attribute bonus (+10-20 to all) is likewise very nice, but nothing earth-shattering. All told, it's easy to go without it, considering we also get to go without lag, spambots, and idiots spamming "GIB ITAMZ" and "RUSH ME PLZ!!!". :)
GooberGrape said:
Since nobody has said it already...THE STANDARD RESPONSE!!!

Thank you for directing your question to the Single Player forum. Here, we pride ourselves on maintaining a dupe-free, cheat-free, hack-free community. Since we have an active trading community and several competitive ladders, our policy is that of no tolerance towards discussion of item packs, cheats, and hacks.
While we do not condone the use of item packs, cheats or hacks, we recognize that whatever you do on your own computer is of your concern. We would like to suggest that you try and play the game legitimately. In most of our experience, playing with hacked or cheated items or characters greatly detracts from the gameplay value.

If you have questions about specific builds, feel free to ask them. The wealth of experience of the members of this forum will surely be able to give you some great answers.

This standard response has been furnished in order to avoid any unpleasantness between posters on this forum.

In short, do whatever you want on YOUR computer. Just make sure to keep your stashes separate, so you don't taint your legit trade items for the rest of us.

NOT FOR MOD RESPONSES! Please guys, don't use this yet. It's not done. And there need to be very specific circumstances in which it's used. Let this sit for awhile and please don't use it.

edit: this also will NEVER to be used in answer to mod questions--AE has made that clear.
My bad wildjinn, I was under the impression that the Anni mod would turn into the next /seed argument, and I was trying to head it off before any real flames began. I'll tuck the standard response back into the folder from whence it came.
Good discussion guys :thumbsup:

Couple moderator notes:

1) Although it hasn't happened yet in this thead, it may soon, so this is preemptive... No linking to the Phrozen Keep - it's against site rules.

2) GooberGrape, your response was inappropriate, and thanks for retracting. This is a perfect example of why I am very leery of this whole "standard response" topic. Don't tuck it away for future use - it won't be used in that form anyway.
It is time for AE to step in.

The damage already done, just not as bad as it can go yet. we can talk about mod, but this is far over just talk.

No offense, but "teach how to mod" in this case, is not we should do here, especially this mod would be considered "cheat/hack".

Edit: sorry, AE beat me on typing speed.
No DeathMaster. The conversation has been fine. No harm has been done at all here. Also, mods are not cheats or hacks. They are game mods.

The only problems in this thread are from the members who are trying to moderate for me.

Moderator notes:

3) It's ok to talk about DiabloII game mods. The admins have no problem with it, nor do I. It's not ok to discuss the technical modding process, or provide technical support for them here however. This is a gray line, but one that I think I can handle.

4) Folks who play game mods (e.g. Quest for Glory, Boddah_khan) understand that the items they find while playing mods are to be kept separate from those found in that standard game. This is of course because of the SPF item trading policy.
AlterEgo said:
The only problems in this thread are from the members who are trying to moderate for me.

Moderator notes:

3) It's ok to talk about DiabloII game mods. The admins have no problem with it, nor do I. It's not ok to discuss the technical modding process, or provide technical support for them here however. This is a gray line, but one that I think I can handle.

4) Folks who play game mods (e.g. Quest for Glory, Boddah_khan) understand that the items they find while playing mods are to be kept separate from those found in that standard game. This is of course because of the SPF item trading policy.

I never have anything in mind like "do your job" or "I'm better than somebody eles", if you feel this way, I would just shut up.

If I remembered, saying cude zod was removed because it "teach" how to cheat the trade. Before, i had no idea how easy to cude the charm, now I know from this thread. Aint they same?

I have nothing against quest for glory, or boddah_khan, I respect their knowldge, and point of view. however, spread how to make the charm yourself made me feel there is double standard here.

Anyway, I need to back to more gambling today, seems I starting get better luck.
GooberGrape said:
We would like to suggest that you try and play the game legitimately.
I have played the game "legitimately" a few hundred times through... now I would like to see some change - I get my hands on the newest Valhalla and I'm having a great time with it. Except that because I did - people like GooberGrape says I'm not a legit player. All I can say, is o_O

I rest my case.
well ive heard the anni charm was in the item inventory that has been recently taken off after we all objected that SP is not a testing ground for bnet and we should have the right to remain legit without people running around with annis and zods.
and for the modding, the idea of creating a new lvl with very difficult to get entry costs (maybe a zod and wirts leg to enter it?) sounds ok.
the onyl change ive made was to allow my fartarian to mule on 2 legs at the same time, and i found that difficult, so i woudlnt liek to try what some people do...
i have considered downloading some bigger game mods to see what there like, and having them installed on seperate HDD's to my normal diablo (that can be done from the same PC with 2 HDD's on cant it?) although i havent done so yet. uber diablo would be great to fight, although someone would have to incude code to prevent 2 beign carried at the same time (as gheeds is now). as i can see how it could be abused.
I could make him spawn at a set location, and make it so that he can't drop the annihilus charm if all you want to do is fight him. The charm is the whole problem with making the clone spawn, so if that was taken out of the equation.. Cheers!

@Fbob: The annihilus is already set so that you can only carry 1. It's an argument in uniqueitems.txt. Don't forget that although the charm is only, a person needs a untampered copy of the MPQ's in order to connect, so all items would be in there.
Im not a modder (Yet) - I only tried once, and I couldn't re-pack my mod - though the changes worked unpacked (and it was playable).

Anyway, I am also learning to be a programmer, and I was wondering if you could connect the "spawn" of the D-Clone to something outside of the game, like the clock in windows, or something like that - something that could provide randomization (even create a random function or something that the game checks). Then, depending on the algorithem used, you could adjust the "randomness" of time between spawns.

I find this interesting not for the fighting (though that would be cool) or the Anni (which would be fun too :) ) but for the pursute of knowledge, which is awesome !

Keep it up!
I always wished the SPF would award something to people that accomplished great things in D2. I wished there would be some kind of award for beating the game hardcore untwinked, or Hell Ancients on players 8, or making it to grail-1, or having 7 level 99 characters. These are all great accomplishments and it would be nice to have something from the forum that was tangible in return. The idea of the anni charm sparked this thought and it would be realtively easy to do.

example: For making guardian untwinked the award from the spf is any set item of your choice. I'll take IK armor please. The item is donated/dowloaded form the item pack, and then personalized with an Anya quest either a number or name-a figerprint if you will. This item cannot be traded but can be used to quest with and items you find can then subsequently be traded legitly as you legitly recieved the item for your great accomplishment.

There would be other logistics like how many times can you complete the "great accomplishments" and stuff of that nature, but using Anya we do have a way to artificially give any piece of equiptment a "fingerprint", and if someone tries to trade with it, it will be easily detected, more easily than verifying fingerprints.
Oh well. I personally would like to have the charm. Most of my favorite characters are skill based, and so I hunger for +skills.

But I don't want to mod to get it, so unless Bliz decides to replace Hell Cow King with Uber Diablo on the SP version, I'll never get a chance. Heck, my chars all die before finishing Hell anyways (I play HC) so the point is moot.
I don't understand why this thread is still here *sigh*. This is a terrible thread and has no place here. Annihilus was never meant for Single Player, as Blizzard from the start stated it would be a World Event. I know this is not fair, but life isn't easy. I for one, would not like to have the charm.
Holy thread resurrection :) I have no idea what inspired you Quest...

If anyone has anything new to say, please start a new thread.

Locking now.
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