[2018] Tournament: Set/Unique Worshippers 2017 [by jiansonz]

Finished off Act II! Hitt is sailing through pretty easily, I do enjoy playing characters who can make use of their main skill before level 30, and dragon tail+tiger strike is quite up to the challenge, though I have a feeling that if I don't find some better boots before Act IV I'll be slowing down considerably. Still shin shuffling with Gorefoot, and after a failed few gambling sessions for Arctic Mitts I'm going to save up until lvl 45 to spend all my money gambling for Goblin Toe and Tearhaunch. I can sorta entertain the idea of gambling a set piece...but uniques are just....we'll see. I've got **% gold find from charms alone, so hopefully I'll have an impressive amount by the time normal has finished.

I've found a few useful items. Beserker's Helm has some nice fire resist, 25%! Really useful for Diablo later on, fire is my lowest resistance. Angelic's ring also dropped a while ago, which makes me feel like I should try gambling sabres or amulets. Both a gold and yellow sabre dropped from Duriel, and I can't help but think if I had tried swapping over to a Rogue mercenary for the killing blow (and more mf%) that I could've had Angelic's Sabre. However, Skewer of K...... has ignore target defense and 7% mana steal which is really nice, I don't have to worry about swapping from my blessed aim mercenary, and I no longer have to continuously charge-up Cobra Strike!

All in all I'm remembering why I love martial arts assassins so much, especially in norm, you feel completely over powered walking through combat while CoS is on, and dragon flight(ing) to your target when things get hairy. Even though it's hardcore Hitt has been played pretty fast a loose, I'm going to have to reign it in soon. I've also been lucky that the S/U weapons that have dropped have relatively fast attack speeds, I can't imagine what I'd do with something like a two-handed axe or a spear.

A2 Drops:
Beserker's Headgear
Isenhart's Lightbrand x2
Arctic Bindings (my second one)
Angelic's Halo
Skewer Of Krintiz

Gorefoot (another duplicate drop)

Persephone has defeated Baal and moved on to Nightmare! She found several weapons, so there is no longer any issue about which ones to use. The best find was:

Pierre Tombale Couant Partizan
Two-Hand Damage: 120 to 260
Durability: 44 of 65
Required Dexterity: 67
Required Strength: 113
Required Level: 43
Polearm Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 68
Fingerprint: 0x2a73af0a
+220% Enhanced Damage
+186 to Attack Rating
+12 to Minimum Damage
+20 to Maximum Damage
6% Mana stolen per hit
+3 to Barbarian Skill Levels
30% Faster Hit Recovery
55% Deadly Strike

Persephone switched to an Act 2 merc and gave this to him. Between Persephone's Frozen Orb and this merc, my only problem is overconfidence. Of course, that is my trademark.

At level 48, her 22 S/U items are Soulflay, Tancred's Crowbill, Death,s Hand, Magefist, The Chieftan, Manald Heal Ring, Pierre Tombale Cauent, The Face of Horror Death Mask, Stormstrike bow, Angelic Halo, Cathan's Mesh, Milabrega's Orb, Cathan's Seal, Leadcrow, Infernal Cranium, Hsarus' Iron Stay(2), Hsarus' Iron Heel, Cleglaw's Claw(2), Arctic Binding and Berserker's Headgear.

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  ----------------
jiansonz           Viridissima     Amazon       Valkyrie/CS       87      154         Guardian #1
Grisu              Oberon          Druid        Fire Claws        86      124         Hell Act IV RoF
OldSoldier         AndrewNiteTorch Paladin      Charge            77       76         Hell Act II Lut Gholein
OldSoldier         Brigid_Crane    Sorceress    Balls of Fire     53       ??         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Dezrok             Roland          Paladin      Avenger           52       40         NM Act II Lut Gholein
PhineasB           Quinta          Amazon       Valk/Passive/?    52       28         NM Act II Lut Gholein
zoo                Alexander       Paladin      Holy Shock        48       51         NM Act I Rogue Camp
Caliph             ??              Assassin     Dancer            ??       ??         NM Act I Rogue Camp
Wolron             Persephone      Sorceress    Frozen Orb        48       22         NM Act I Rogue Camp
jiansonz           Mirex           Paladin      FoH/Conviction    37       22         Act V Frigid Highlands
Dazliare           Pestilence      Druid        Rabies           35?        >2        Act V Harrogath
Drystan            Goldilocks      Amazon       ??                32       12         Act IV Panda Fortress
Charlo             Meroca          Necro        Skelli/Poison     30        9         Act IV Panda Fortress
ioupainmax         Habacalva       Sorceress    Melee Enchantress 22        3         Act II Dry Hills
Jocular            GodKnowsWho     Assassin     Dragontail        ??        3         Act II Lut Gholein
GothamsBeard       Envy            Amazon       Elemental Bowzon  ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
hackedagainanda    Conrad          Paladin      Frost Zealot      ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
RedTang            PaniSuka        Sorceress    FO/Lightning      ??      ???         Act I Outer Cloister
Oakbrain           Olyssia         Assassin     Lightning Trapsin 18        0         Act I Outer Cloister
TwentyMuleTeam     TwoHearted      Druid        Fury              13        0         Act 1 Underground Passage
jamesixgun         Bethany         Sorceress    ChargedBolt/FOrb  13        1         Act 1 Dark Wood

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
Southpaw8668       Wuzhul          Necromancer  Skelliemancer     67      ???         NM Act IV Chaos Sanctuary
Wolron             Pam             Amazon       Bowzon            67      78          NM Act IV Diablo
Charlo             KulKanta        Druid        Ele-Summoner      59      28          NM Act III Kurast Sewers
zoo                BorisTheBlade   Paladin      Holy Shock        56      33          NM Act II Ancient Tunnels
Oakbrain           Jathnolf        Barbarian    Berserk/War Cry   54      ???         NM Act II Far Oasis
zoo                Jens-Rune       Barbarian    Whirlwind         51      27          NM Act I Tamoe Highland
Wolron             Durbanex        Druid        Summoner          49      25          NM Act I Dark Tower
LacertaCK          Haramis         Sorceress    Meteorb           49      28          NM Act I The Hole (MSLE)
Skunkbelly         NewestSkunk     Sorceress    FO/FB             34      16          Act IV Diablo
kstuart            Chocopower      Necromancer  Fishymancer       34       9          Act IV Diablo
Charlo             Talameer        Paladin      Thornadin         32      5+          Act IV Diablo
Persephone wears this:

Helm - The Face of Horror Death Mask (I cubed it to get exceptional)
Body - Cathan's Mesh (this is the only armor found so far)
Mage Fist - Nice item for a spell caster
Hsarus's Iron Stay and Hsarus's Iron Heel
Cathan's Seal - goes well with his mesh
Manald Heal - Another nice item for a spell caster

She wield's the Chieftan, but only because of the +10 to all resistances. She will probably never use it unless she is desperate when up against a cold immune.

Her offhand is the Stormstrike bow. Its primary purpose is to provide +8 strength to allow the Face of Horrow to be put on. Once it is put on, it provides its own strength and the Stormstrike could be removed. So far I have left it in the offhand and could use it for cold immunes at a distance.

The merc uses Pierre's Partizan, has a normal armor, and uses infernal Cranium for a helm.

If I could find Cleglaw's Tooth, I would probably replace the Chieftan. Angelic Halo and Arctic Binding could be interesting if another element of the set is found. Now that I have put a socket and a perfect topaz (socketing quest reward) into the Face of Horror, I do have +24 magic find. I like that mask so much that I had Anya put Persephone's name on it. I will probably find something better shortly:).
Persephone has rescued Cain and is looking for the Countessa's ruined castle. She found six more S/U's: Nagelring, Rakescar, Venom Ward, Tancred's Skull, Eisenhart's horns and The Grim Reaper. The most useful item was Venom Ward breast Plate. It has so much poison resistance that Persephone can put a couple charms back into storage. Besides that, it is simply much better than Cathan's Mesh. The merc inherits the mesh and that means that there is only one slot that is not filled with S/U items. That is the amulet.

At level 49, her 28 S/U items are Nagelring, Venom Ward, Eisenhart's Horns, Tankred's Skull and Tancred's Crowbill, Soulflay, The grim Reaper, Rakescar, Death,s Hand, Magefist, The Chieftan, Manald Heal Ring, Pierre Tombale Cauent, The Face of Horror Death Mask, Stormstrike bow, Angelic Halo, Cathan's Mesh, Milabrega's Orb, Cathan's Seal, Leadcrow, Infernal Cranium, Hsarus' Iron Stay(2), Hsarus' Iron Heel, Cleglaw's Claw(2), Arctic Binding and Berserker's Headgear.

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  ----------------
jiansonz           Viridissima     Amazon       Valkyrie/CS       87      154         Guardian #1
Grisu              Oberon          Druid        Fire Claws        86      124         Hell Act IV RoF
OldSoldier         AndrewNiteTorch Paladin      Charge            77       76         Hell Act II Lut Gholein
OldSoldier         Brigid_Crane    Sorceress    Balls of Fire     53       ??         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Dezrok             Roland          Paladin      Avenger           52       40         NM Act II Lut Gholein
PhineasB           Quinta          Amazon       Valk/Passive/?    52       28         NM Act II Lut Gholein
zoo                Alexander       Paladin      Holy Shock        48       51         NM Act I Rogue Camp
Wolron             Persephone      Sorceress    Frozen Orb        49       28         NM Act I Black Marsh
Caliph             ??              Assassin     Dancer            ??       ??         NM Act I Rogue Camp
jiansonz           Mirex           Paladin      FoH/Conviction    37       22         Act V Frigid Highlands
Dazliare           Pestilence      Druid        Rabies           35?        >2        Act V Harrogath
Drystan            Goldilocks      Amazon       ??                32       12         Act IV Panda Fortress
Charlo             Meroca          Necro        Skelli/Poison     30        9         Act IV Panda Fortress
ioupainmax         Habacalva       Sorceress    Melee Enchantress 22        3         Act II Dry Hills
Jocular            GodKnowsWho     Assassin     Dragontail        ??        3         Act II Lut Gholein
GothamsBeard       Envy            Amazon       Elemental Bowzon  ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
hackedagainanda    Conrad          Paladin      Frost Zealot      ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
RedTang            PaniSuka        Sorceress    FO/Lightning      ??      ???         Act I Outer Cloister
Oakbrain           Olyssia         Assassin     Lightning Trapsin 18        0         Act I Outer Cloister
TwentyMuleTeam     TwoHearted      Druid        Fury              13        0         Act 1 Underground Passage
jamesixgun         Bethany         Sorceress    ChargedBolt/FOrb  13        1         Act 1 Dark Wood

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
Southpaw8668       Wuzhul          Necromancer  Skelliemancer     67      ???         NM Act IV Chaos Sanctuary
Wolron             Pam             Amazon       Bowzon            67      78          NM Act IV Diablo
Charlo             KulKanta        Druid        Ele-Summoner      59      28          NM Act III Kurast Sewers
zoo                BorisTheBlade   Paladin      Holy Shock        56      33          NM Act II Ancient Tunnels
Oakbrain           Jathnolf        Barbarian    Berserk/War Cry   54      ???         NM Act II Far Oasis
zoo                Jens-Rune       Barbarian    Whirlwind         51      27          NM Act I Tamoe Highland
Wolron             Durbanex        Druid        Summoner          49      25          NM Act I Dark Tower
LacertaCK          Haramis         Sorceress    Meteorb           49      28          NM Act I The Hole (MSLE)
Skunkbelly         NewestSkunk     Sorceress    FO/FB             34      16          Act IV Diablo
kstuart            Chocopower      Necromancer  Fishymancer       34       9          Act IV Diablo
Charlo             Talameer        Paladin      Thornadin         32      5+          Act IV Diablo
Persepone has killed Andariel (P5).

At level 52 In Lut Gholein, these are her 34 S/U items:

Beserker's Headgear
Isenhart's Horns
Arctic Bindings
Angelic's Halo (2)
Tancred's Skull
Tancred's Crowbill
Cathan's Mesh (2)
Cathan's Seal

Cleglaw's Claw (2)

Cleglaw's Tooth
Death's Hand
Hsarus"s Iron Stay (2)
Hsarus's Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium
Milabrega's Orb
Vidala's Ambush

The Chieftan
The Face of Horror
Venom Ward
Nagel Ring
Manald Heal
Pierre Tombale Couant Partizan
Black Tongue (2)

The Grim Reaper

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  ----------------
jiansonz           Viridissima     Amazon       Valkyrie/CS       87      154         Guardian #1
Grisu              Oberon          Druid        Fire Claws        86      124         Hell Act IV RoF
OldSoldier         AndrewNiteTorch Paladin      Charge            77       76         Hell Act II Lut Gholein
OldSoldier         Brigid_Crane    Sorceress    Balls of Fire     53       ??         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Dezrok             Roland          Paladin      Avenger           52       40         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Wolron             Persephone      Sorceress    Frozen Orb        52       34         NM Act II Lut Gholein
PhineasB           Quinta          Amazon       Valk/Passive/?    52       28         NM Act II Lut Gholein
zoo                Alexander       Paladin      Holy Shock        48       51         NM Act I Rogue Camp
jiansonz           Mirex           Paladin      FoH/Conviction    37       22         Act V Frigid Highlands
Dazliare           Pestilence      Druid        Rabies           35?        >2        Act V Harrogath
Drystan            Goldilocks      Amazon       ??                32       12         Act IV Panda Fortress
Charlo             Meroca          Necro        Skelli/Poison     30        9         Act IV Panda Fortress
ioupainmax         Habacalva       Sorceress    Melee Enchantress 22        3         Act II Dry Hills
Jocular            GodKnowsWho     Assassin     Dragontail        ??        3         Act II Lut Gholein
GothamsBeard       Envy            Amazon       Elemental Bowzon  ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
hackedagainanda    Conrad          Paladin      Frost Zealot      ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
RedTang            PaniSuka        Sorceress    FO/Lightning      ??      ???         Act I Outer Cloister
Oakbrain           Olyssia         Assassin     Lightning Trapsin 18        0         Act I Outer Cloister
TwentyMuleTeam     TwoHearted      Druid        Fury              13        0         Act 1 Underground Passage
jamesixgun         Bethany         Sorceress    ChargedBolt/FOrb  13        1         Act 1 Dark Wood

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
Southpaw8668       Wuzhul          Necromancer  Skelliemancer     67      ???         NM Act IV Chaos Sanctuary
Wolron             Pam             Amazon       Bowzon            67      78          NM Act IV Diablo
Charlo             KulKanta        Druid        Ele-Summoner      59      28          NM Act III Kurast Sewers
zoo                BorisTheBlade   Paladin      Holy Shock        56      33          NM Act II Ancient Tunnels
Oakbrain           Jathnolf        Barbarian    Berserk/War Cry   54      ???         NM Act II Far Oasis
zoo                Jens-Rune       Barbarian    Whirlwind         51      27          NM Act I Tamoe Highland
Wolron             Durbanex        Druid        Summoner          49      25          NM Act I Dark Tower
LacertaCK          Haramis         Sorceress    Meteorb           49      28          NM Act I The Hole (MSLE)
Skunkbelly         NewestSkunk     Sorceress    FO/FB             34      16          Act IV Diablo
kstuart            Chocopower      Necromancer  Fishymancer       34       9          Act IV Diablo
Charlo             Talameer        Paladin      Thornadin         32      5+          Act IV Diablo
Persepone has Cubed the staff and is ready to go into the palace.

At level 56 In Lut Gholein, these are her 40 S/U items:

Beserker's Headgear
Isenhart's Horns
Iratha's Coil
Arctic Bindings
Angelic's Halo (2)
Angelic Sickle
Tancred's Skull
Tancred's Crowbill (2)
Cathan's Mesh (2)
Cathan's Seal (2)
Cleglaw's Claw (2)

Cleglaw's Tooth
Death's Hand

Hsarus"s Iron Stay (2)
Hsarus's Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium
Milabrega's Orb
Vidala's Ambush

The Chieftan
Soul Harvest
Gleam Scythe
The Face of Horror
Venom Ward
Nagel Ring
Manald Heal
Pierre Tombale Couant Partizan
Black Tongue (2)

The Grim Reaper

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  ----------------
jiansonz           Viridissima     Amazon       Valkyrie/CS       87      154         Guardian #1
Grisu              Oberon          Druid        Fire Claws        86      124         Hell Act IV RoF
OldSoldier         AndrewNiteTorch Paladin      Charge            77       76         Hell Act II Lut Gholein
zoo                Alexander       Paladin      Holy Shock        48       51         NM Act I Rogue Camp
Wolron             Persephone      Sorceress    Frozen Orb        56       40         NM Act II The Palace
OldSoldier         Brigid_Crane    Sorceress    Balls of Fire     53       ??         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Dezrok             Roland          Paladin      Avenger           52       40         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Quinta          Amazon       Valk/Passive/?    52       28         NM Act II Lut Gholein
jiansonz           Mirex           Paladin      FoH/Conviction    37       22         Act V Frigid Highlands
Dazliare           Pestilence      Druid        Rabies           35?        >2        Act V Harrogath
Drystan            Goldilocks      Amazon       ??                32       12         Act IV Panda Fortress
Charlo             Meroca          Necro        Skelli/Poison     30        9         Act IV Panda Fortress
ioupainmax         Habacalva       Sorceress    Melee Enchantress 22        3         Act II Dry Hills
Jocular            GodKnowsWho     Assassin     Dragontail        ??        3         Act II Lut Gholein
GothamsBeard       Envy            Amazon       Elemental Bowzon  ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
hackedagainanda    Conrad          Paladin      Frost Zealot      ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
RedTang            PaniSuka        Sorceress    FO/Lightning      ??      ???         Act I Outer Cloister
Oakbrain           Olyssia         Assassin     Lightning Trapsin 18        0         Act I Outer Cloister
TwentyMuleTeam     TwoHearted      Druid        Fury              13        0         Act 1 Underground Passage
jamesixgun         Bethany         Sorceress    ChargedBolt/FOrb  13        1         Act 1 Dark Wood

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
Southpaw8668       Wuzhul          Necromancer  Skelliemancer     67      ???         NM Act IV Chaos Sanctuary
Wolron             Pam             Amazon       Bowzon            67      78          NM Act IV Diablo
Charlo             KulKanta        Druid        Ele-Summoner      59      28          NM Act III Kurast Sewers
zoo                BorisTheBlade   Paladin      Holy Shock        56      33          NM Act II Ancient Tunnels
Oakbrain           Jathnolf        Barbarian    Berserk/War Cry   54      ???         NM Act II Far Oasis
zoo                Jens-Rune       Barbarian    Whirlwind         51      27          NM Act I Tamoe Highland
Wolron             Durbanex        Druid        Summoner          49      25          NM Act I Dark Tower
LacertaCK          Haramis         Sorceress    Meteorb           49      28          NM Act I The Hole (MSLE)
Skunkbelly         NewestSkunk     Sorceress    FO/FB             34      16          Act IV Diablo
kstuart            Chocopower      Necromancer  Fishymancer       34       9          Act IV Diablo
Charlo             Talameer        Paladin      Thornadin         32      5+          Act IV Diablo
Dang, you're just burning through nightmare, @Wolron!

As for Hitt, she dealt with the Spider Forest and Great Marsh today. Had an interesting moment when the super chest in the Arachnid Lair gave us two set items, Cleglaw's Tooth and Cathan's Seal. Unfortunately, deadly strike does nothing for my kick damage...poo. So my mercenary is sporting it for fun.

Burning is now past tense; burned. Persephone has died in the third of Tal Rasha's tombs. Level 58 and 41 S/U's.

When the merc could not make any progress in a room that was obviously full of trouble, Persephone got a bit impatient and decided to go into the room and see what the problem was. There were many problems. One of them had Persephone's number.

At level 58 In Lut Gholein, these are her 41 S/U items:

Beserker's Headgear
Isenhart's Horns
Iratha's Coil
Arctic Bindings
Angelic's Halo (2)
Angelic Sickle
Tancred's Skull
Tancred's Crowbill (2)
Cathan's Mesh (2)
Cathan's Seal (2)
Cleglaw's Claw (2)

Cleglaw's Tooth
Death's Hand

Hsarus"s Iron Stay (2)
Hsarus's Iron Heel
Infernal Cranium
Milabrega's Orb
Vidala's Ambush

The Chieftan (2)
Soul Harvest
Gleam Scythe
The Face of Horror
Venom Ward
Nagel Ring
Manald Heal
Pierre Tombale Couant Partizan
Black Tongue (2)

The Grim Reaper

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  ----------------
jiansonz           Viridissima     Amazon       Valkyrie/CS       87      154         Guardian #1
Grisu              Oberon          Druid        Fire Claws        86      124         Hell Act IV RoF
OldSoldier         AndrewNiteTorch Paladin      Charge            77       76         Hell Act II Lut Gholein
zoo                Alexander       Paladin      Holy Shock        48       51         NM Act I Rogue Camp
OldSoldier         Brigid_Crane    Sorceress    Balls of Fire     53       ??         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Dezrok             Roland          Paladin      Avenger           52       40         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Quinta          Amazon       Valk/Passive/?    52       28         NM Act II Lut Gholein
jiansonz           Mirex           Paladin      FoH/Conviction    37       22         Act V Frigid Highlands
Dazliare           Pestilence      Druid        Rabies           35?        >2        Act V Harrogath
Drystan            Goldilocks      Amazon       ??                32       12         Act IV Panda Fortress
Charlo             Meroca          Necro        Skelli/Poison     30        9         Act IV Panda Fortress
ioupainmax         Habacalva       Sorceress    Melee Enchantress 22        3         Act II Dry Hills
Jocular            GodKnowsWho     Assassin     Dragontail        ??        3         Act II Lut Gholein
GothamsBeard       Envy            Amazon       Elemental Bowzon  ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
hackedagainanda    Conrad          Paladin      Frost Zealot      ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
RedTang            PaniSuka        Sorceress    FO/Lightning      ??      ???         Act I Outer Cloister
Oakbrain           Olyssia         Assassin     Lightning Trapsin 18        0         Act I Outer Cloister
TwentyMuleTeam     TwoHearted      Druid        Fury              13        0         Act 1 Underground Passage
jamesixgun         Bethany         Sorceress    ChargedBolt/FOrb  13        1         Act 1 Dark Wood

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
Southpaw8668       Wuzhul          Necromancer  Skelliemancer     67      ???         NM Act IV Chaos Sanctuary
Wolron             Pam             Amazon       Bowzon            67      78          NM Act IV Diablo
Wolron             Persephone      Sorceress    Frozen Orb        58       41         NM Act II Tal Rasha's tombs
Charlo             KulKanta        Druid        Ele-Summoner      59      28          NM Act III Kurast Sewers
zoo                BorisTheBlade   Paladin      Holy Shock        56      33          NM Act II Ancient Tunnels
Oakbrain           Jathnolf        Barbarian    Berserk/War Cry   54      ???         NM Act II Far Oasis
zoo                Jens-Rune       Barbarian    Whirlwind         51      27          NM Act I Tamoe Highland
Wolron             Durbanex        Druid        Summoner          49      25          NM Act I Dark Tower
LacertaCK          Haramis         Sorceress    Meteorb           49      28          NM Act I The Hole (MSLE)
Skunkbelly         NewestSkunk     Sorceress    FO/FB             34      16          Act IV Diablo
kstuart            Chocopower      Necromancer  Fishymancer       34       9          Act IV Diablo
Charlo             Talameer        Paladin      Thornadin         32      5+          Act IV Diablo
Tough breaks :/ Are you planning on trying again?

As for Hitt, she's made a few very important finds recently. First, Sigon's Greaves. This is a substantial boost to my damage as I was previously wearing Gorefoot whose maximum damage is now my minimum damage (Greaves have 10-20 kick damage, vs 4-10). With 3 charges of Tiger Strike, Dragon tail does 1100 max damage and Hitt is only midway through Act III Norm! Pretty insane numbers, which means all skill points will be sunk into Phoenix Strike and Claws of Thunder until at least the end of normal. I'll need to spend at least 24 skill points, cumulatively, into those skills to hit 1k lightning damage, and 28 points for 1.5k lightning damage. Fully maxed with no +skills comes out to 2.6k.

My next very useful item that has dropped is the Diggler Dirk, and I think it may be a end-game weapon candidate what with Ignore Target Defense, 10 stat points, 50% resists, and a relatively fast attack speed. And then the last weapon that I just found was Angelic's Sabre. Now with both the Sabre and Ring (as well as having Sigon's Greaves lessening the need to gamble boots) I think I'm going to spend at least a few million gambling for the Amulet. Nothing is currently in the slot anyways, so even if I gamble something that isn't Angelic's it'll still be an improvement.

All in all Hitt is doing fortuitously well for herself, Diablo's RNG gave a string of luck that I hope will last through Mephisto. Still, if I don't happen to find some unique boots by the end of norm, or Act I NM, I'm going to be in big trouble...

Items found thus far in Act III:
The Diggler

Angelic Sickle
Sigon's Sabot

Sorry for the deeds @Wolron – will you try another entry? It’s been a while since my last update with Quinta, but here goes:

We cleared the first part of A2 NM one day back in May, starting off with 0% MF. Sparking Mail dropped in Sewers, with Manald dropping in Stony Tomb for . . . meh. But the real upgrade happened in Dry Hills with Angelic Sickle dropping to give 50% MF from the ring! So finally some MF again. :)

That was followed by Nagel in the Halls of Dead to add more MF! Maggot Lair was a joy with 2 PI bosses, but Quinta and Co. plowed through and cleared through the Staff. Nothing notable on drops (summary of all drops is below).

We picked back up yesterday, clearing the Palace with nothing to show, and then a nice upgrade for the merc with the set circlet dropping (replacing the berserker’s helm, which was x2 for the only helms up until then). Arcane provided another nice upgrade, with Vidala’s amulet to pair with the boots for more MF (now up to 128% with Angelic ring, Nagel and a 4% MF SC).

The tombs were brutal, with 6 of 7 featuring Unravellers. :( But Quinta persevered (often just standing there while the merc and valk whittled the skeletons down enough for her to run in and hit the Unravellers to proc the blind from Umbral Disk in succession to slow down the resurrections.

The roll in the True Tomb was especially unpleasant with boss #1 and boss #2 grouped with two other plain ones, and another set back up the hallway so she couldn’t lead the skeletons away without drawing in others and resurrections from the other side. But we eventually found a sweet spot to lure skellies and eventually took down the bosses.

That honestly may have been the worst roll in tombs that I can remember, but Duriel tried to repay the labor. The greaves will come in handy if we find Angelic Amulet, but otherwise not much of use.

Other finds for this Act: Stormstrike, Angelic Sabre #2, Cleglaw’s shield, Hellplague, Sander’s Wand #3, Blacktongue, Cleglaw’s shield #2, Ko rune, Death Sword, Spineripper, and Leadcrow. Still nothing that forced her to choose between spear/javelin or bow for the backup, but that's a ways off for now that she has the Angelic's set for MF. But I'm hoping NM provides an answer to the ? in her build listed below!

Quinta, the Level 60 Passivezon, and Waheed, the Level 60 Desert Might Merc; A3 NM, Docks; Total S/Us=36, Equipped=15.

* * *

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  ----------------
jiansonz           Viridissima     Amazon       Valkyrie/CS       87      154         Guardian #1
Grisu              Oberon          Druid        Fire Claws        86      124         Hell Act IV RoF
OldSoldier         AndrewNiteTorch Paladin      Charge            77       76         Hell Act II Lut Gholein
PhineasB           Quinta          Amazon       Valk/Passive/?    60       36         NM Act III Docks
OldSoldier         Brigid_Crane    Sorceress    Balls of Fire     53       ??         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Dezrok             Roland          Paladin      Avenger           52       40         NM Act II Lut Gholein
zoo                Alexander       Paladin      Holy Shock        48       51         NM Act I Rogue Camp
jiansonz           Mirex           Paladin      FoH/Conviction    37       22         Act V Frigid Highlands
Dazliare           Pestilence      Druid        Rabies            35?      >2         Act V Harrogath
Drystan            Goldilocks      Amazon       ??                32       12         Act IV Panda Fortress
Charlo             Meroca          Necro        Skelli/Poison     30        9         Act IV Panda Fortress
ioupainmax         Habacalva       Sorceress    Melee Enchantress 22        3         Act II Dry Hills
Jocular            GodKnowsWho     Assassin     Dragontail        ??        3         Act II Lut Gholein
GothamsBeard       Envy            Amazon       Elemental Bowzon  ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
hackedagainanda    Conrad          Paladin      Frost Zealot      ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
RedTang            PaniSuka        Sorceress    FO/Lightning      ??      ???         Act I Outer Cloister
Oakbrain           Olyssia         Assassin     Lightning Trapsin 18        0         Act I Outer Cloister
TwentyMuleTeam     TwoHearted      Druid        Fury              13        0         Act 1 Underground Passage
jamesixgun         Bethany         Sorceress    ChargedBolt/FOrb  13        1         Act 1 Dark Wood

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
Southpaw8668       Wuzhul          Necromancer  Skelliemancer     67      ???         NM Act IV Chaos Sanctuary
Wolron             Pam             Amazon       Bowzon            67      78          NM Act IV Diablo
Wolron             Persephone      Sorceress    Frozen Orb        58       41         NM Act II Tal Rasha's tombs
Charlo             KulKanta        Druid        Ele-Summoner      59      28          NM Act III Kurast Sewers
zoo                BorisTheBlade   Paladin      Holy Shock        56      33          NM Act II Ancient Tunnels
Oakbrain           Jathnolf        Barbarian    Berserk/War Cry   54      ???         NM Act II Far Oasis
zoo                Jens-Rune       Barbarian    Whirlwind         51      27          NM Act I Tamoe Highland
Wolron             Durbanex        Druid        Summoner          49      25          NM Act I Dark Tower
LacertaCK          Haramis         Sorceress    Meteorb           49      28          NM Act I The Hole (MSLE)
Skunkbelly         NewestSkunk     Sorceress    FO/FB             34      16          Act IV Diablo
kstuart            Chocopower      Necromancer  Fishymancer       34       9          Act IV Diablo
Charlo             Talameer        Paladin      Thornadin         32      5+          Act IV Diablo
I did not even notice the level 68. Since I was only level 48 when it dropped, how is that possible? Why was I able to use it at all. I have had other items drop that had requirements beyond my level and I could not equip the item. [Oh, I just noticed the required level is 43. Why is it only 43?]

I do not understand the item drop formula at all, but it fell. What is the formula? Is this a bug?
Them item level is the same as the monster level that dropped it (or if it's dropped by a container, it's the same as the area level, I think). Gambled items have ilvl in the range of clvl-5 to clvl+4.

Required level is something else. For weapon and armors, there is both a required level for the base item (which in the case of a Partizan is only 23) and for uniques, there is (usually) a higher required level for the unique itself. Set items usually have the same required level for all the items in the set. For example, it's quite common in these tournaments to find Tal Rasha's mask a long time before you can use it.

Required level 43 for the unique Partizan is nothing weird. It's very much in line with unique weapons in the treasure classes around it. The other exceptional unique polearms have required levels from 41 to 45.

BTW, do you remember what dropped your Pierre Tombale Couant? The treasure class isn't particularly high (weapon 36) and neither is the qlvl (51), so e.g. Normal Lister's pack and Baal can drop it. Is the text you posted from an ATMA readout? Maybe it doesn't show the correct item level? Items dropped by Lister's crew should have ilvl 58 and stuff dropped by Baal should have lvl 60.
It was right before the Baal battle. Probably was Lister, but my "old man's memory" won't recall whether it was Baal or his minions that dropped it. The text was a copy from an ATMA view. The Item Level is clearlly 68, but if there is an ATMA bug, it could be that the item is really 58. Is there a way to check the item level separate from ATMA? Referring to your previous email, I never got to NM Pindleskin. I managed to kill off Persephone long before that.

Here is a fresh copy from the item:
Pierre Tombale Couant
Two-Hand Damage: 120 to 260
Durability: 44 of 65
Required Dexterity: 67
Required Strength: 113
Required Level: 43
Polearm Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 68
Fingerprint: 0x2a73af0a
+220% Enhanced Damage
+186 to Attack Rating
+12 to Minimum Damage
+20 to Maximum Damage
6% Mana stolen per hit
+3 to Barbarian Skill Levels
30% Faster Hit Recovery
55% Deadly Strike
Some people don't know when to quit! So, here is another attempt at this S/U quest.

ShadowLurker is an assassin who will concentrate on traps. She finished off Andariel with no trouble at all. Well, she did have to resurrect her level 3 Shadow Warrior twice, but the merc survived and she took almost no damage. Now she has done away with Radament and moved on into the Dry Hills. She recovered the cube and now it is time for Wolron to go to bed.

I am considering sticking with the Shadow Warrior rather than moving on to the Shadow Master. I do not like the way the Master will use Mind Blast to cause enemies to fight for me. It usually is done right when I am ready to kill off the enemy. And, then it wears off when I am in jeopardy from the that same enemy. Any advice???

ShadowLurker found two items in Act 1: Pelta Lunata and Gorefoot.
ShadowLurker found two items so far in Act 2: Bloodfist and Crushflange

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  ----------------
jiansonz           Viridissima     Amazon       Valkyrie/CS       87      154         Guardian #1
Grisu              Oberon          Druid        Fire Claws        86      124         Hell Act IV RoF
OldSoldier         AndrewNiteTorch Paladin      Charge            77       76         Hell Act II Lut Gholein
PhineasB           Quinta          Amazon       Valk/Passive/?    60       36         NM Act III Docks
zoo                Alexander       Paladin      Holy Shock        48       51         NM Act I Rogue Camp
OldSoldier         Brigid_Crane    Sorceress    Balls of Fire     53       ??         NM Act II Lut Gholein
Dezrok             Roland          Paladin      Avenger           52       40         NM Act II Lut Gholein
jiansonz           Mirex           Paladin      FoH/Conviction    37       22         Act V Frigid Highlands
Dazliare           Pestilence      Druid        Rabies           35?        >2        Act V Harrogath
Drystan            Goldilocks      Amazon       ??                32       12         Act IV Panda Fortress
Charlo             Meroca          Necro        Skelli/Poison     30        9         Act IV Panda Fortress
Wolron             ShadowLurker    Assassin     Trapper           23        4         Act II Dry Hills
ioupainmax         Habacalva       Sorceress    Melee Enchantress 22        3         Act II Dry Hills
Jocular            GodKnowsWho     Assassin     Dragontail        ??        3         Act II Lut Gholein
GothamsBeard       Envy            Amazon       Elemental Bowzon  ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
hackedagainanda    Conrad          Paladin      Frost Zealot      ??      ???         Act II Lut Gholein
RedTang            PaniSuka        Sorceress    FO/Lightning      ??      ???         Act I Outer Cloister
Oakbrain           Olyssia         Assassin     Lightning Trapsin 18        0         Act I Outer Cloister
TwentyMuleTeam     TwoHearted      Druid        Fury              13        0         Act 1 Underground Passage
jamesixgun         Bethany         Sorceress    ChargedBolt/FOrb  13        1         Act 1 Dark Wood

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:  S/U found:  Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
Southpaw8668       Wuzhul          Necromancer  Skelliemancer     67      ???         NM Act IV Chaos Sanctuary
Wolron             Pam             Amazon       Bowzon            67      78          NM Act IV Diablo
Wolron             Persephone      Sorceress    Frozen Orb        58      41          NM Act II Tal Rasha's tombs
Charlo             KulKanta        Druid        Ele-Summoner      59      28          NM Act III Kurast Sewers
zoo                BorisTheBlade   Paladin      Holy Shock        56      33          NM Act II Ancient Tunnels
Oakbrain           Jathnolf        Barbarian    Berserk/War Cry   54      ???         NM Act II Far Oasis
zoo                Jens-Rune       Barbarian    Whirlwind         51      27          NM Act I Tamoe Highland
Wolron             Durbanex        Druid        Summoner          49      25          NM Act I Dark Tower
LacertaCK          Haramis         Sorceress    Meteorb           49      28          NM Act I The Hole (MSLE)
Skunkbelly         NewestSkunk     Sorceress    FO/FB             34      16          Act IV Diablo
kstuart            Chocopower      Necromancer  Fishymancer       34       9          Act IV Diablo
Charlo             Talameer        Paladin      Thornadin         32      5+          Act IV Diablo
Yes, Shadow Warrior is far more reliable in HC.

I first moved away from Shadow Master when I had a setup that crashed every time Cloak of Shadows was used on a crow nest/mummy sarcophagus/evil urn/trapped soul (and I was still in range when it timed out). I came to appreciate the safety benefits as well.

Also, a high level Shadow Warrior is a great tank vs. elemental damage if you know the Fade skill. It's easy to get the SW to cast it - just have Fade as selected skill while the SW sees monsters but isn't right next to them.
Mirex the FoH/Conviction Paladin is having the best of times. His main skills are nearly maxed (FoH without synergy skill, however), both his life pool and his mana have been growing.

One of the last jobs for Thadar was with these practice targets:
(too bad about the lost loot for the ones that mutated, though...)

View attachment 9997

Once I had cleared Crystalline Passage, I had only areas with shambling undead ahead. Having Thadar freeze all of them wouldn't be good, so I hired an Act V merc and gave him Shadowfang. That slowed down the merc killing considerably, so more Fists were used. Merc wasn't wearing any MF, so Mirex let loose with abandon, especially against annoying Abominables and frozen creepers.

Shadowfang does have cold damage, so many shambling undead still got shattered. What's the probability? Looks like around 1/3.

I don't remember where I found my sought-after Sol rune, but it was after a couple of areas together with Sigurd. Upgrading Shadowfang made Sigurd almost a powerhouse. I liked that my Conviction made his sword hits chill for longer.

I had first planned to go back to an Act III merc for WSK level 2, but I realized that if Mirex was the one peeking around corners, I had time to kill the bombers so I would get XP for them. One Fist was always enough, with Conviction influence or not.

Arctic Binding (Frigid Highlands)
Cathan's Visage #2 (Frigid Highlands)
[Highlight]Venom Ward[/Highlight] (Frigid Highlands)
Sander's Superstition (Pit of Acheron)
Sigon's Shelter (Thresh Socket)
Cathan's Mesh #2 (Frozen River)
Isenhart's Horns #2 (Frozenstein)
Cathan's Seal (Gambled!!)
[Highlight]Bloodrise[/Highlight] (Worldstone Keep 1)
[Highlight]Gleamscythe[/Highlight] (Baal)
Cathan's Visage #3 (Cows)
[Highlight]The Diggler[/Highlight] #2 (Cows)

That gambled Cathan's Seal got fire resist up by 30 (partial 3-items bonus on armor) and lightning resist up by 25 (partial any-3-items bonus). Best find otherwise was probably Sigon's armor.

[Highlight]Destroyer Mirex the FoH/Conviction Paladin and Sigurd the barbarian, level 49, 34 S/U items found, NM Rogue Encampment[/Highlight]
Estimated market value