- Jan 3, 2007
- 9,188
- 992
- 113
DISCLAIMER: Migration finished
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by @Wolron on May 3, 2007. The last post was made Aug 27, 2008.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by @Wolron on May 3, 2007. The last post was made Aug 27, 2008.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
The Afterlife Tournament
The Afterlife Tournament
Leah the blizzard sorceress was in Hell. She and her favorite mercenary (Pharaz) were doing just fine in the Flayer Jungle when suddenly a pack of about 50 Flayers and their Shamans descended upon them. Pharaz tried his best to ward them off and protect Leah, but two Shamans let loose their inferno blast and toasted him alive (and dead). Leah thought that logic demanded an immediate portal back to the Kurast Docks. She lit up the portal and tried to click on it… but too late! Her deeds will be remembered. Drat! She really seemed to be destined for Guardian. Wolron did it again: not enough respect for those little devils, and now another of his best characters is dead. If only there were a way to resurrect a hardcore character…
Have you ever died playing Hardcore Diablo and wanted to continue? I have. Yes, I really have! And when one of my really great characters died, I have often wished that I could come back to life and use that character again. But alas, it is not possible. Or is it? In this tournament, you are playing your character in his (her) “afterlife”. He (she) could be an angel, a Valkyrie, a martyred saint, a Werewolf, a Toxic Wight, a mummy, a Poltergeist. You pick it…then you play it!
There are seven possible character types that you can select. Oh, this is not the Diablo version of character, this is the afterlife character. These afterlife character types do have a resemblance to the Diablo character types as follows:
Angel: The angel must be a Sorceress.
Valkyrie: The Valkyrie must be an Amazon.
Toxic Wight: The Toxic White must be an Assassin.
Martyred Saint: The Martyred Saint must be a Paladin.
Werewolf: The Werewolf must be a Druid.
Mummy: The Mummy must be a Necromancer.
Poltergeist: The Poltergeist must be a Barbarian.
You are dead! No more than one vitality point assignment per level!
You are physically weak! No more than one strength point per level!
However, you may use Alkor’s attribute reward anyway you want. No other restrictions on attributes (That’s enough I think!). Additional vitality is also a part of the reward for finishing an Act. See the Act reward section to find out how your character may slowly recoup his/her life!
Skills and Equipment
The afterlife character can equip all jewelry and all ethereal items (that means you must drop or sell back all starting equipment!). Any charm can be carried. All potions/scrolls/tomes may also be used. In general, the afterlife character cannot use any skill that gives fire or cold damage (except via charms or equipment mods). Other than that, each specific character type will be limited in the equipment that they can use and the skills that they can wield. Since this varies depending upon the afterlife character type, the following dossiers are provided to give meaning to the various versions of the afterlife.
NOTE that all prerequisites may be assigned one point to allow access to the skills that can be used, however, the prerequisites may not be used unless they are also specifically available to the character. Synergy skills cannot be assigned points unless they are also specifically available to the character.
ANGEL (Sorceress)
The Angel has ascended into heaven and received the blessings of God (her sponsor) that she has earned during her virtuous life. Her blessings include all of the lightning tree skills, the Warmth skill and Frozen Armor .
God has provided her the ability to use special angelic items as follows:
- Any item with the word “Angel (or “Angelic”), “Radiance” or “Rainbow” in its name.
- Class Specific Unique Items: The Oculus; Eschuta's Temper; Death's Fathom
- Tal Rasha’s Wrappings set items.
- The rune word torso armor, “Enlightenment”.
The Valkyrie joins her sisters that have ascended to Valhalla before her. Thor himself is her sponsor. He has blessed her with the ability to wield lightning in any of the following ways: Power Strike, Lightning Bolt, Charged Strike, Lightning Strike, Lightning Fury.
In addition, he has given her the following bow skills: Magic Arrow, Guided Arrow, Penetrate, Pierce. However, he has warned her that, as a Valkyrie, she will find it very difficult to find a bow that she can wield (Lycander’s Aim, Bloodraven’s charge, M’avina’s Caster, and the Zephyr Bow (Ort Eth Rune word bow). Finally, since he understands the vanity that comes with her ascension to Valhalla, he has given her the ability to erect an image of herself (decoy). Since she is a Valkyrie herself, she cannot call forth a Valkyrie to assist her unless she wears the “Peace” runeword armor and then it is a random skill that may be difficult to control.
Thor has also provided her the ability to use special items as follows:
- An item with the word “Rune” in its name may be equipped.
- Class Specific Unique Items: Stoneraven; Lycander's Flank; Lycander's Aim; Titan's Revenge; Thunderstroke; Blood Raven's Charge;
- M’Avina’s Battle Hymn set items may be equipped.
- Zephyr rune word bow
- The rune word torso armor “Peace”
The Martyred Saint has earned a special place in heaven due to his selfless sacrifice during his virtuous lifetime. His sponsor is Saint Peter. The Apostle has blessed him with the following abilities: Prayer, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Cleansing, Meditation, Redemption, Salvation, Thorns, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Holy Shock, Conviction, Conversion, Sacrifice, Holy Bolt and Fist of Heavens.
Saint Peter has provided him the ability to use certain holy items as follows:
- Any item with the word “Saint”, “Faith” or “Soul” in its name may be equipped.
- Class Specific Unique Items: Alma Negra; Herald of Zakarum; Dragonscale shield.
- Griswold’s Legacy set items may be equipped.
- Griswold’s edge unique broad sword may be equipped.
- The rune word torso armor “Principle” may be equpped.
The Poltergeist is an angry demon in his afterlife. He makes lots of noise and throws things. His sponsor is the god of discord. That malevolent being has bestowed the following blessings on his unruly servant: All warcry skills are allowed. In the mastery tree, throwing mastery is allowed along with increased stamina, increased speed, natural resistance. The only combat skills are Leap, Leap Attack, Whirlwind, Berserk and double throw.
The god of discord has provided him the ability to use certain items as follows:
- An item with the word “havoc”, “Fury” or “Chaos” in its name may be equipped.
- A ghost armor of any quality or magical endowment may be worn.
- Class Specific Unique Items: Arreat's Face; Wolfhowl; Demonhorn's Edge; Halaberd's Reign
- Immortal King set items may be equipped.
- The rune word “Spirit” may be used.
- The rune word torso armor “Myth”
The dead Druid can no longer exist in human form. He is now a Werewolf for all eternity. (That means that you must continually reapply the Werewolf skill as soon as it times out!). His sponsor is known simply as “The Beast”. The Beast has endowed his servant with the following skills: Werewolf, Lycanthropy, Feral Rage, Rabies, Hunger, Fury, Raven, Summon Spirit Wolf, Summon Dire Wolf, Heart of Wolverine, Solar Creeper, Spirit of Barbs.
The Beast has given him the ability to use any of the following items:
- Any item with the word “Beast” in its name may be equipped.
- Class Specific Unique Items: Jala's Mane; Cerebus' Bite; Ravenlore; Spirit Keeper
- Aldur’s Watchtower set items may be equipped.
- The rune word torso armor “Rain”
MUMMY (Necromancer)
A necromancer in life, he has succeeded in finding the answer to life after death. Through the dark arts that he nurtured throughout his life, the necromancer has returned to the mortal world as a mummy. His sponsor is Amon-Ra the Egyptian sun god from whom the necromancer learned all that he knows about the mummy that he has become. Amon-Ra has bestowed the following blessings upon his mummy: All of the golem spells except fire golem and iron golem are at his disposal. He can revive the dead as the monsters they were, but cannot turn them into skeletons (unless it is a skeleton that he uses his Revive skill on). He can use summon resist. All poison and bone skills are available to him, but he cannot recall any curses except life tap, terror, attract and lower resistance.
Amon-Ra has given his mummy the ability to use the following items:
- An item with the word “Bone” in its name or type may be equipped (bone shield/helm/wand are included here).
- Class Specific Unique Items: Hommunculus; Darkforce Spawn ; Boneflame
- Trang Oul’s Avatar set items may be equipped.
- The rune word torso armor “Bone”
TOXIC WHITE (Assassin)
Her life was spent killing with the poisons and the electrical traps of her trade. Her very being was both soiled and energized with the vile concoctions and emanations that she wielded. In death, she has been transformed into an aura of charged toxicity. Her afterlife body is a pasty green/white that glows from the deathly emissions of her toxic essence. Her sponsor is Hecate, goddess of the underworld. Hecate has endowed her with the following abilities: All Shadow disciplines except Shadow Master; Dragon Claw, Cobra strike, claws of thunder, Flight, Shock web, Charged bolt sentry, Lightning sentry, death sentry.
Hecate has given her the ability to use the following items:
- An item with the word “Venom”, “White”, “Viper”, “Plague”, “Toxic” or “Corruption” in its name.
- Class Specific Unique Items: Shadow Killer; Bartuc's Cut Throat; Jade Talon; Firelizard's Talons
- Natalya’s Odium set items may be equipped.
- The rune word torso armor “Treachery”
Reward for completing an Act
Every Act Boss must (yes, you must do this!) be rerun as many times as needed to get him/her to drop a set or unique item. As soon as a set or unique item drops (even on the initial run) you must discontinue the running of that boss at that difficulty level. The item that the boss dropped is allowed to be equipped but does not have to be equipped. If more than one set or unique items drop on that last run, you can choose only one to use. Only one reward per act. No other rerunning (no countess rerunning!) is allowed.
In addition to the item reward, the sponsor allows the afterlife character to assign up to five attribute points to “Vitality” and five attribute points to “Strength”. This can only be done if the points are available! (it might be a good idea to keep ten attribute points unassigned as you approach the end of the act because you are not allowed to rerun areas to get these attribute points via leveling unless it occurs while you are trying to get that set or unique item reward). NOTE: these points are assigned after you receive your equipment reward. In other words, they do not help you until the beginning of the next act.
Other ways to get Usable items
The personalization quest in Act 5 may result in an item that meets the name requirement for your character if your character name is wisely selected. If so, it can be used. Also, the item that Anya rewards you with for rescuing her can be used no matter what its name is. Imbued items (Charsi quest) can only be used if they happen to agree with the name requirements for your character class (not likely!).
Any mercenary can be used and any equipment can be worn by the mercenary.
Scoring {Scoring is rather complex}
One point for every way point that you activate (including the town way points).
2 points for every quest completed.
3 points for finishing an act with all WPs found and all Quests completed.
5 points for becoming a Destroyer and then killing all the cows in the secret cow level.
10 points for becoming a Conquerer and then killing all the cows in the secret cow level.
25 points for becoming a Guardian and then killing all the cows in the secret cow level.
Minus one point for every level (that means you start at 0, +1 for the rogue camp WP, -1 for level 1).
Other basic rules
1. HC only. Even the dead can only die once!
2. Version 1.10, 1.11 and 1.11b are permitted. The Rune Word Module may be used. The Red Rune Module may be used.
3. No Multi-Player permitted. No trading permitted.
4. You may play on any players setting you wish, and change that setting as you see fit. Please do NOT engage in cheesy “kill monsters on players 1, open chests on players 8” tactics.
5. You may not use the escape key to bail out of a rough battle. If you cannot run away or portal out, RIP.
6. ATMA is permitted to extend your stash, but no items may be used except items that you find in this tournament, buy at stores or gamble in this tournament.
7. You do not have to solve all quests and find all way points. Of course, you won’t get the score points and you cannot collect the 3 point bonus for a perfect act!
8. Rerunning of some areas is required as previously mentioned . Only act bosses can be rerun and only until the reward (first set or unique item) is collected.
9. You are not allowed to go back to previous acts or previous difficulty levels for any reason. After doing your act 5 Baal reruns, you may elect to do the Cow Level. (You do not have to do the Cow Level, but you cannot collect the difficulty level bonus unless you do!)The Cow Level is considered part of Act 5 and you may go back to Harrogath after killing the cows to use your socket quest or Anya personalization quest.
10. The tournament will end when there are no new posts for thirty days. (No interest, no tournament.)
11. The winner will be the highest score when the tournament is finished. If there is interest in a team score (adding up the total of all seven of your characters!). That will be mentioned, but the best single score will be the winner.
12. Replays are allowed, but you must select a new character type each time. That means that you are limited to 7 attempts.
Signing Up
To sign up, enter a post that looks something like this:
Forum name: Wolron
Character Type: Valkyrie {Amazon}
Character Name: Death_Goddess
Required Posts
Provide an update at the end of each act that includes level and any choice tidbits of information on how things are going. Begin by replying to the last post with the table in it. Erase everything before the table’s [.code] command and everything after the [./code] command. Update the table with your new score and location. Then include your new information in front of the table. It might look like this:
Fallen_Angel has completed Act 4 and killed Diablo. Her Diablo runs ended when she found a Sigon’s Wrap plated belt. She is playing on P8 and using the “Angelic Sickle” saber. She is still wearing quite a few ethereal items and changing them often. Her best item is a Mahim Oak Curio Amulet that she found while running Mephisto.
Level 36: -36
31 Way Points: 31
21 Quests: 42
Total Score is 37
[then the table will occur here]
When you die or retire, notify via a final update.
A table is provided to facilitate your updates:
Character Class Forum Name Level Act Last WP Score
Fallen_Angel Angel Wolron 36 A5 Harrogath 78
Character Class Forum Name Level Act Death Site Score
Feral_Beast Werewolf Wolron 46 A5 Ancients 51 RIP
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