The quest for level 99- progress thread

Should be when Diablo appears. Anytime I kill Diablo very quickly I know I forgot to change the player setting. Very noticeable kill speed between p1 and p7.

@Pb_pal - Like you said, just stomp Nihlathak and let the hammers fly. It's been a decade since I played one, but I remember hammers taking down Nihlathak fairly quick. Paladins are tanky enough to handle all the stuff down there.
@Pb_pal - Like you said, just stomp Nihlathak and let the hammers fly. It's been a decade since I played one, but I remember hammers taking down Nihlathak fairly quick. Paladins are tanky enough to handle all the stuff down there.

Well that's good news. Gives me a reason to one day pick mine back up again (currently 94). Thanks!
I would think that giving Nihlathak enough corpses to use CE would be quite dangerous. But i never ran him with a hammerdin so maybe he goes down so fast it's not a problem.
Nihl has 60052 life on p8 and also has 25% magic resistance. Hammerdin has say 12k hammer damage.
It would take total of 7 hammers to take him down which can be done in total of 63 frames if you have 125 fcr and nothing prevents you from casting. That is roughly 2.5 seconds of hammer casting on him. Similarly fast as some smiter in theory.
I'm not worried about the speed vs a pure smiter. Difference would be that a smiter only attacks Nihlathak which leaves no bodies for him to CE. Whereas a hammerdin would leave a ton. So i think the more interesting Griph-question (= A question that needs answering with numbers. Preferably a very lenghty respons with lots and lots of numbers. ;)) would be if the hammerdin would survive one or two CE's from him (either regular or with certain gear).

@Kitteh : Agreed.
CE from Nihlathak isn't bad at all unless there's amp and/or conviction around. RIP mod doesn't work with sentries so my trapper knows all about tanking CE. By now, I expect to tank 2-3 ice spawn CE's and be above 50% life. (4k life, 18%DR, 75%FR)
I tried this quickly with my lvl96 CS running Hammerdin, just to see how he fares in case I want to try this in the future. Swapped Nature's Peace on to prevent the CE, and it's handy against the vipers too with the dr. Switched Delirium/Reaper's/Treachery for merc. Blessed hammer damage 11k.

I think it's quite safe, didn't really have much problem even with the vipers, except that the merc was kinda fragile, he died few times to vipers and other shooters. Maybe some other gear would be better for him. Nihl is annoying target but I think he is that for any characters. His movement is very much akin to the Oblivion Knights in CS, plus the teleporting, so not exactly easy to hit with hammers. Early decrep from merc helps alot.

Timed 20 runs with avg of 35.413s which can be improved greatly by better map and bit of practice. Fastest run was 27.3 and that didn't even feel it went very well. When Nihl spawns with Mana Burn or Magic Resistance he dies noticeably slower, so that's the biggest downside (along with the squishy merc) it seems.

I don't exactly know how this compares to killing Diablo, so I wait for Grip to come with the real numbers.
Nihl should almost always be considerably faster than Diablo. I did a comparison of my sorc running the 3 big targets (Baal, Diablo, Nihl) in the untwinked 99 thread, and Nihl came out on top easily. I would imagine the same applied for hammerdins, or pretty much any other character that can kill nihl in a reasonable time.

Just for comparison's sake, my Nihl runs would have to be slower than 42 seconds for Diablo to catch up in terms of XP/time. Or on the flip side, I'd have to kill Diablo in 64 seconds or less for him to catch up to Nihl. Now this doesn't account for XP shrines, which will have a greater benefit for Diablo than Nihl (theoretically no increase in run time, as well as no chance to get it cursed off so more reliable, and a higher nuber of shrines to check so increased odds of getting one), but there is no way that XP shrines alone would make up the difference.

The single biggest downside to Nihl runs is the risk of dying (and increased number of aborted runs). Hammerdins seem like a class that can mitigate this quite well with a big life pool, blocking, lots of iDR etc.
I tested how fast I can do p1/p7 Diablo. Fastest time I got was 1.13s, but overall the runtimes were around 1.20s. My CS map is rolled for p8 Infector+Vizier runs, so I have too many bosspacks around the seals, that slows me down most of the time (hard to reach the seal), and of course De Seis is the wild card. With great map I think it's possible to get something like sub 1.20s avg, but i guess that's still inferior to Nihlathak. With good shrines in CS/ROF they might still come quite close. Of course with Nihl running you don't have to bother with players command.

My gear in case someone is interested:

1.13 Shako with PTopaz
HoTO 36@
35fcr Spirit Sacred Rondache 38@
Mara's 27@
Rare ring with 10fcr/10life/72mana/7dex/7@
Arachnid Mesh
Trang's Gloves
Switch: 5BO CTA/Spirit
Inventory: Gheed's 36mf, 6xSkillers, 1xlife/LR GC, 12xlife/FR/LR/MF SC's
Merc: Insight 1.07 GPA, Eth Guardian Angel (Ral), 30str/10ll Andariel's (Ral)

For Nihl runs I'd probably switch Hotspurs for Trekkies (or something else?) and put Sol in Shako. Ber if I was rich. It's doubtful I'll ever reach that point, but if I'll ever bring one character to 99, this is the most likely candidate.
Not much progress with Fordyl but I will get some more tonight whilst watching the last episode of series 16 of Midsomer Murders :p Also, I'm buying a 3DS and Pokemon Platinum/Fire Ember Fates, so my play time may drop a bit :p

Table of Heroes:
[highlight]Rank Class Name Player Build[/highlight]
1 Druid Wind_Whisperer Strijdje Wind
2 Barbarian Lycan Strijdje Wolfbarb
3 Sorceress Fortuna tweety BlizzBall
4 Sorceress Ayla Grogs Blizz
5 Sorceress Kara DarkChaos BlizzBall
6 Paladin Julius Grogs Hammerdin
7 Paladin Mayhem Marvel Hammerdin
8 Amazon ShieldMaiden jjscud Lightning
9 Assassin Mave-II DarkChaos Lightning/FB
10 Paladin Nikola DarkChaos Holy Shock
11 Sorceress Miranda jjscud Lightning
12 Necro Scarecrow Marvel Skelliemancer
13 Sorceress Cindy Callador Lightning
14 Sorceress Nemesis Zaliqai Lightning
15 Paladin Uber_Ploppy DX Hammer
16 Sorceress Mihana Eric Xanthu Blizzball
17 Paladin AdmiralAckbar Wielanja Hammer
18 Sorceress Lighting elevenlang Lightening
19 Amazon Azalea Ugla Lightning
20 Amazon FuryPhys EatSleepDiablo Lightning
21 Paladin Maxamillian Asmodeous Schaeferdin
22 Sorceress Chainlightning Cyrax Lightning
23 Sorceress Helina LD50 Lightning
24 Sorceress Blower inter Blizzard/Nova
25 Paladin HolierThanThou Kimppi Hammerdin
26 Amazon Mio frozzzen LF/CS
27 Sorceress Diiieeeeee zgpmf Lightning
28 Paladin Possessed Cyrax Hammerdin
29 Amazon PureDamagezon zgpmf LF
30 Paladin Spatha_Lux WoRG Vengeance
31 Paladin Samsara Corrupted Hammerdin
32 Amazon Lightning_speed Cyrax LF/CS
33 Sorceress Allegro ziambe Lightning
34 Paladin Narkis Helvete Hammerdin
35 Paladin Jeffy jeffy Hammerdin
36 Sorceress Coldtest CRG Lightning/CL/FW
37 Paladin Vodka Grape Hammerdin
38 Necro Raising_dead Cyrax Skelliemancer
39 Barbarian Perkele zticazzy WW-barb

Table of runners:
Rank Exp(Bln) Lvl Class        Name              Player             Updated DD-MM-YYYY
1    3.446 HC 98  Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle   zgpmf              12-04-2013
2    3.369    98  Assassin     Jenna             Grogs
3    3.333    98  Barbarian    yy                scrcrw             16-12-2012
4    3.330    98  Paladin      Fordyl            Kitteh             21-08-2016
5    3.306    98  Sorceress    Michelle          Solar Ice          23-02-2010
6    3.304    98  Amazon      CRG            Lady_Fury            30-07-2016
7    3.282    98  Sorceress    Sparkles          Ipsilantee         17-03-2009
8    3.260 HC 98  Paladin      Quov-Tsin         Solar Ice          26-12-2012
9    3.244    98  Sorceress    Electra           krovak             12-01-2009
10   3.230    98  Barbarian    PvP_Baba          Naab               05-06-2011
11   3.229    98  Necromancer  Toxik             usamahanas
12   3.229    98  Sorceress    Atil              Thyiad             19-02-2011
13   3.229    98  Necromancer  Teron             Tupsi              05-01-2013
1    3.109    97  Paladin      Roland            Dodgydave          10-04-2014
2    3.101    97  Paladin      Swiss_Cheese      Masas
3    3.100    97  Barbdruid    Unnatural         DX
4    3.100    97  Paladin      Zalikoo           Jaedhann           03-07-2010
5    3.081    97  Assassin     Akane             Nagisa             07-07-2013
6    3.040    97  Paladin      Temps_deMarteau   jrlafrance         02-05-2011
7    3.025    97  Necromancer  Shrek             Vajurewi
8    3.010    97  Paladin      Hybridadinadin    RibGriller
9    3.010    97  Sorceress    Lightemup         RibGriller
10   3.007 HC 97  HammerDin    Inultus           Grisu              13-09-2012
11   3.006    97  Paladin      Emperor           bassano            18-11-2009
12   3.005    97  Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow    Silospen
13   3.003    97  Barbarian    Uber_Neno         neno
14   3.001    97  Sorceress    Hera              Reborn2k
15   2.989    97  Assassin     Jasmine           sequana            14-08-2009
16   2.985    97  Sorceress    Spellweaver       Dazliare           03-03-2013
17   2.980    97  Paladin      Brand_Dale        King's Spectre
18   2.962    97  Amazon       Viraya            Hrus
1    2.927    96  Necromancer  Zhar(RWM+FE mod)  LprMan
2    2.922    96  Sorceress    blizzardmaster    bassano            18-11-2009
3    2.840    96  Paladin      Charged           Shermo
4    2.806    96  Necromancer  usamahuuu         usamahanas
5    2.804    96  Sorceress    Lore              NorthDakota        7-14-2013
6    2.800    96  Barbarian    Lycaeus           dune6836           17-06-2009
7    2.794    96  Paladin      Abresax           Wicket
8    2.791    96  Sorceress    BackAgain         EasyG              13-09-2012
9    2.790    96  Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly      nubikoen
10   2.762    96  Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise   dune6836           01-06-2009
11   2.747    96  Paladin      Cheeser           Neksja             08-03-2009
12   2.740 HC 96  Paladin      Harry-dAmour      Crawlingdeadman    26-09-2012
13   2.730    96  Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT    o1d_dude           28-03-2010
14   2.728    96  Necromancer  Viperidae         dune6836           17-06-2009
15   2.722    96  Paladin      Gabriel           Gabriel74
16   2.721    96  Sorceress    lucania           bassano            18-11-2009
17   2.720 HC 96  Sorceress    Colinda           Gibitam            02-02-2011
18   2.718 HC 96  BlizzSorc    Langnese          Grisu              19-01-2013
19   2.717    96  Sorceress    Icewind           sawm
20   2.717    96  Sorceress    Lore              NorthDakota        1-11-2012
1    2.550    95  Necromancer  Gromph            Shleefin
2    2.543 HC 95  Paladin      Bremmsparkfist    pharphis           16-01-2013
3    2.521    95  Amazon       PewPew            Kimppi             26-07-2012
4    2.514    95  Barbarian    Doom              XDoomasX
5    2.507    95  Sorceress    Xandra            Are
6    2.502    95  Sorceress    Obfuscated_C      SkaMan
7    2.500    95  Sorceress    My-Morwel         slarti
8    2.499    95  Wolfbarb     Morph             nebux
9    2.496    95  Sorceress    Alara             Deadbob
10   2.494    95  Sorceress    Jaaneito          Toppo
11   2.493    95  Amazon       Katzenjammer      factory
12   2.493    95  Sorceress    Lady_Vashj        Zhao_Yue
13   2.492    95  Blizzsorc    ColdA**B****      sirpoopsalot
14   2.492    95  Sorceress    Icy_Hell          EternalTenacity    24-07-2010
15   2.492 HC 95  Sorceress    Lulu              LiquidClear
16   2.492    95  Sorceress    Mito              dhaos              22-07-2013

1    2.458    94  Barbarian    ISeeRed           Kimppi             21-05-2011
2    2.412    94  Druid        Debbbole          Debbbole
3    2.397    94  Sorceress    Tortinita         Nagisa             07-07-2013
4    2.359    94  Sorceress    Point             Shermo
5    2.342    94  Sorceress    Aeryn             Aerwynd
6    2.340    94  Sorceress    oz                GabrielSylar
7    2.309    94  Barbarian    Doolin_Axes       jrlafrance
8    2.301    94  Paladin      Jermaine          Lemming
9    2.289    94  Paladin      Skaro             skipjack           06-09-2010
10   2.288    94  Amazon       BitterBeauty      Tasdaz
11   2.287    94  Sorceress    Chelle            Shade
12   2.287    94  Paladin      Hagrid            Mikle
13   2.287    94  Sorceress    Flogging_Molly    Hp_Sauc
14   2.287    94  Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers     DX
15   2.286    94  Sorceress    Bella             smilts
16   2.286    94  Druid        Iltschi           Tenecabo           27-09-2015

1    2.236    93  Sorceress    PureBlizzard      Friiser            15-09-2009
2    2.234    93  Necromancer  Sharn-Mes         Sharn-Mes
3    2.202    93  Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead     Friiser            15-09-2009
4    2.186    93  Sorceress    Sorceress         Bugzy
5    2.150    93  Assassin     Sneaky-Barren     barren
6    2.148    93  Druid        WinterBreeze      Cyrax              30-05-2014
7    2.137    93  Necromancer  BobSellers        L8hingeTheUnhinged
8    2.134    93  Sorceress    Freezyaballs      Thyiad
9    2.114    93  Amazon       Eagle             tripsu
10   2.107    93  Sorceress    ColdAsIce         SuperSavage
11   2.105    93  Paladin      Tarr              Tarr
12   2.100    93  Paladin      Thanatos          FodderCannoned
13   2.098    93  CL/FW Sorc   ChainSmokin       sirpoopsalot       (retired)
14   2.097    93  Barbarian    Horus             aarrgus
15   2.084    93  Amazon       Catte-brie        Sunbearie
16   2.084    93  Barbarian    Nasca             Sledge
1    2.074    92  Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak   PuffeN
2    2.049    92  Sorceress    IceQueen          RoidRage
3    2.023    92  Sorceress    Lily              QueenEm            retired
4    2.022    92  Sorceress    Quezacotl         NightBurst
5    2.013 HC 92  Paladin      Mehuggah          Martinkingss       27-06-2011
6    2.000    92  Assassin     MahTahHahRee      WiseGuy
7    1.999 HC 92  Sorcy        Blizzardisha      sike               18-03-2009
8    1.986    92  Necromancer  Tracul            Tracul(RWM)
9    1.974 HC 92  Necromancer  HCLRWPN           sebhehe            16-01-2013
10   1.973    92  Amazon       Ursula            Jason Maher        19-06-2012
11   1.948    92  Amazon       Rhiannon          Jason Maher        19-06-2012
12   1.932    92  Sorceress    MistressGale      Jackalope
13   1.931    92  Barbarian    Immortal_King     INC
14   1.931    92  Amazon       asdf_Joan         asdfgah
15   1.927    92  Sorceress    Meteorb           Sir Lister of Smeg
16   1.925    92  Amazon       Angel             Lord_Vega
17   1.924    92  Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy     DX
1    1.909    91  Sorceress    IcyHotTouch       EternalTenacity    03-05-2009
2    1.856    91  Paladin      Zeus              Joosh              16-08-2009
3    1.821    91  Amazon       ThePerfectJava    Silospen
4    1.802    91  Paladin      Daniela           kstuart            31-12-2012
5    1.801    91  Necromancer  UnHoly_XR         XrceR
6    1.789    91  Barbarian    Smashington       angeldesignpro     27-02-2011
7    1.767    91  Amazon       Maveen            VinKelRix
8    1.765    91  Amazon       Uber_Fluffy       DX
9    1.764 HC 91  Necromancer  Skelemancer       WailingDoom
1    1.756    90  Sorceress    pingu             4fun
2    1.738    90  Sorceress    Serena            Tarr
3    1.736    90  Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter      Frosty
4    1.662    90  Paladin      Emperor_II        bassano            18-11-2009
5    1.638    90  Sorceress    TP-Fice           SeeiN2StarS
6    1.620    90  Assassin     Halle             Nazdakka
7    1.619    90  Paladin      Cervantes         Lord_Vega
I think it's quite safe, didn't really have much problem even with the vipers, except that the merc was kinda fragile, he died few times to vipers and other shooters. Maybe some other gear would be better for him. Nihl is annoying target but I think he is that for any characters. His movement is very much akin to the Oblivion Knights in CS, plus the teleporting, so not exactly easy to hit with hammers. Early decrep from merc helps alot.
Standard merc armor when running Nihl is Gladiator's Bane (b/c of the straight PDR).

Also, GG on the pass @Kitteh. I'm @ 3.324B.
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I'm a bit confused about the overlapping between this thread and the 99ers we are currently working on. Can we add our characters here in the table as well if they are level 90+?
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This thread is the original 99 running thread. Or perhaps i should just say THE thread. This thread contains all 99-ers and potential future 99-ers. So yes your char should be in here.

Since most of the chars in this thread are (heavily) twinked more recently the untwinked 99 running thread was opened as an added kinda challenge. So a twinked char only goes in this thread, an untwinked one goes into both threads.

Besides both the twinked and untwinked versions in this thread, it also contains both SC and HC chars (though mostly SC).

Oh and to add to the earlier discussion about Nihl/Diablo/Baal. I don't have the data ready at hand, but someone already did put the numbers together on which is fastest, which is Nihlathak. Only downside as far as i'm concerned is that he's also most dangerous out of the 3.
Are you still running though? :p
Did a 50K, 50 miler, 100 miler already this summer, and have a 50 miler coming up in two weeks from Saturday. Last race of season then shut it down until no later than about Halloween.

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Estimated market value