Uniqes vs Rares


New member
Jun 7, 2005
Uniqes vs Rares

does the classification "unique" bother anyone else when compared to the actual items themselves? for instance a ton of people have vipermagi's but a "rare" serpentskin armor with 24fhr/2os/10 life is truely a unique item (if somewhat useless in the grand scheme of things).

i am just of the opinion that gold items should be "rare" (since many people can have them) and yellow items should be "unique" since every one is different in any number of ways from any other yellow item. anyone else think this way?
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

does it also bother you that the gold and yellow colours can be hard to distinguish from each other?
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

i am just of the opinion that gold items should be "rare" (since many people can have them) and yellow items should be "unique" since every one is different in any number of ways from any other yellow item. anyone else think this way?

This point has actually always amused me. Doesn't really bother me at all. Just means i can be smug in the fact that i know the unique items are rare and the rare items are unique.

Re: Uniqes vs Rares

does it also bother you that the gold and yellow colours can be hard to distinguish from each other?

not really as they're easy enough to tell apart on my computer. i've played on a friend's comp and it was freaking hard to tell them apart though.

Re: Uniqes vs Rares

Unique items are named thus because there's only one of each item type. Only one unique Colossus Blade, one unique Kraken Shell, one unique small charm, etc. Rings and amulets are an exception, but otherwise the reasoning behind classifying them as unique is obvious.
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

Well you remember that in the early versions, uniques wouldnt drop if there was already that unique in the game...but then people just used that to farm SoJs by carrying around a Nagel and a Manald so every unique ring that dropped would be an SoJ :p

But it certainly would make Shakos and Vipers and HoZs a lot rarer if all the Hammerdins that wore them couldnt get them to spawn :)
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

Unique items are named thus because there's only one of each item type. Only one unique Colossus Blade, one unique Kraken Shell, one unique small charm, etc. Rings and amulets are an exception, but otherwise the reasoning behind classifying them as unique is obvious.

thing is there isnt just one for each type. there's millions. sure they're all called the same.. oh wait that brings us back to the fact that there's nothing unique about a unique.

* Main Entry: unique
* Pronunciation: \yu?-?n?k\
* Function: adjective
* Etymology: French, from Latin unicus, from unus one — more at one
* Date: 1602

1 : being the only one : sole <his unique concern was his own comfort> <I can't walk away with a unique copy. Suppose I lost it? — Kingsley Amis> <the unique factorization of a number into prime factors>
2 a : being without a like or equal : unequaled <could stare at the flames, each one new, violent, unique — Robert Coover> b : distinctively characteristic : peculiar 1 <this is not a condition unique to California — Ronald Reagan>
3 : unusual <a very unique ball-point pen> <we were fairly unique, the sixty of us, in that there wasn't one good mixer in the bunch — J. D. Salinger>
synonyms see strange

— unique·ly adverb

— unique·ness noun

* Main Entry: 1rare
* Pronunciation: \?rer\
* Function: adjective
* Inflected Form(s): rar·er; rar·est
* Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rarus
* Date: 14th century

1 : marked by wide separation of component particles : thin <rare air>
2 a : marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal : distinctive b : superlative or extreme of its kind
3 : seldom occurring or found : uncommon
synonyms see choice, infrequent

— rare·ness noun

Re: Uniqes vs Rares

jhtvman got it right. No need to go look up a dictionary and stuff.
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

Unique items are named thus because there's only one of each item type. Only one unique Colossus Blade, one unique Kraken Shell, one unique small charm, etc. Rings and amulets are an exception, but otherwise the reasoning behind classifying them as unique is obvious.

Actually, you're close, but not entirally correct ^^

Some unique items have two of the same type, but different stats (Spired Helm, Sacred Armor, and probably some more which I'm not gonna be buggered with looking all up)

In a way, rare items and unique are very similar, the only difference is that each unique item with the same name has the same static/varying stats, where each rare item has a random name and random stats.

Re: Uniqes vs Rares

As an example, there is only 1 unique War Boots ( War Trav ) but there are more than 1 rares for War Boots?

Same also for diadem ( only griffon while rare diadems there are many variations of names? )
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

thing is there isnt just one for each type. there's millions. sure they're all called the same.. oh wait that brings us back to the fact that there's nothing unique about a unique.
Yeah, I get it. You're getting hung up on the statistical side of things, whereas I'm looking at it from an item classification standpoint. When the Colossus Blade/Kraken Shell/Small Charm with the gold lettering drops, you know what it's going to be because there is only one of its type. Again, rings and amulets are an exception, as well as a couple different pieces of armor, but those aside, there's no reason to go scouring your dictionary and arguing semantics when the reason things are the way they are is clear.

Re: Uniqes vs Rares

Only mistake I made was picking up some IAS/+2jav rare gloves. I kept them fo rages, my instincts telling me they are worth something. A friend told me to ditch them while I was cleaning my inventory... later one I found ppl offering HRs.

Besides that, I always look at the stats without being concerned of the titles color.

I've found a 24mf/+96mana blue ring, allreswith+str blue rings, and heaps of blues that I would find maybe once in a lifetime compared to many uniques.
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

Yeah, I get it. You're getting hung up on the statistical side of things, whereas I'm looking at it from an item classification standpoint. When the Colossus Blade/Kraken Shell/Small Charm with the gold lettering drops, you know what it's going to be because there is only one of its type. Again, rings and amulets are an exception, as well as a couple different pieces of armor, but those aside, there's no reason to go scouring your dictionary and arguing semantics when the reason things are the way they are is clear.

i dont know diddly about statistics nor is there anything in my post about it. my "scouring" took about 2 minutes.

as pointed out (by yourself and dawnmaster) your definition is flawed, there are more than one for a few base types, making those uniques even less unique. this thread was made to argue semantics so i wont stop. also if it were clear i'd never have made the thread. it isnt clear to me, nor do i agree with your side. i can see where you're coming from, but my arguments make more sense to me than yours do as i'm sure yours make more sense to you than mine. when that gold item drops, it's not unique, however. it's one of thousands of others like it. heck you could even be wearing one nearly like it.

this is why the unique items showoff thread in the stats forum was bound to fail. we can go to arreat summit and look at one.

jhtvman got it right. No need to go look up a dictionary and stuff.

2 minutes. why shouldnt i support my claims with definitions? i dont think he did get it right.

Re: Uniqes vs Rares

The so called 'Uniques' should have been named as 'Serial ones' because they are all the same, every Shako is a Shako, with minimal variations, so it is more an 'Serial' item, or Standard item.
Whites are normal, or trash items,blue are rare, sets are part of a set so no biggie about that, and the true uniques should be the Yellow ones, no two items of the same type spawn withthe very same type of suff/aff., so they are truly unique.Else, one could call unique any part of a set, because they are as much unique as the Golden Named ones, juts painted green. To make an item truly unique, it should be possible to exist only ONE item like that per realm, now that would be an uber Unique. Extreme? Sure, why not?
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

Legendary or mythical or fabled would be much better titles for what are currently labeled 'uniques'.
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

I've found a rare colossus blade with a little over 300% ed, 40 ias, some AR, cold damage and life leech. That sword was truly unique and served my WW barb well for a long time.
Re: Uniqes vs Rares

i dont know diddly about statistics nor is there anything in my post about it. my "scouring" took about 2 minutes.

as pointed out (by yourself and dawnmaster) your definition is flawed, there are more than one for a few base types, making those uniques even less unique. this thread was made to argue semantics so i wont stop. also if it were clear i'd never have made the thread. it isnt clear to me, nor do i agree with your side. i can see where you're coming from, but my arguments make more sense to me than yours do as i'm sure yours make more sense to you than mine. when that gold item drops, it's not unique, however. it's one of thousands of others like it. heck you could even be wearing one nearly like it.

this is why the unique items showoff thread in the stats forum was bound to fail. we can go to arreat summit and look at one.

2 minutes. why shouldnt i support my claims with definitions? i dont think he did get it right.

The reason they are called unique was stated. Everyone here understands how the rares can be described as unique and the uniques are rare, when you are looking at them from a different point of view than the game creators. Does that make the name unique incorrect? -> No.

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