Random Tournament 2007

Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  43  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             25     A3     Kurast Docks
  20  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            20     A2     Lut Gholein   
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   8  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           12     A1     Dark Wood
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains 
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

Here comes Leon. I got about as good a bonenecro roll as I could have. I just started the cold plains when I realized I hadn't even updated the list. Looking forward to sharing stories of our toons together!
Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  43  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             25     A3     Kurast Docks
  43  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         26     A3     Kurast Docks
  20  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            20     A2     Lut Gholein   
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   8  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           12     A1     Dark Wood
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains 
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

I have been playing OneOfAKind off and on since the tournament started. Act 1 went pretty much, I'm guessing, the same way it did for ChaosIsMe. I pumped Might as fast as I could, do get a little more damage on my
short sword then relied on my mercenary to do most of the work. Found a set item belt right before andarial. Didn't really do
much towards my survival, but boosted my morale a little. Was able to gamble a long sword at level 16 or so, and that helped
me get through Andarial.

Act 2 was more of a problem. I went through the whole act with the same weapon as I started off with. A rare longsword with 6% life leech. I gambles a unique pair of boots that I could use, which led me to believe that the lack of luck that my Diablo 2 experience has been is going into this one character.

Duriel was a pain in the ***. I could tank him fine with my Holy shield
but couldn't do any damage to him, as my mercenary was the main damage dealer in my party. I had to go back to town to heal him and get more life
potions for about a dozen times before he died on player 8 and dropped 5 rares, none useable.

I am now in act 3, waiting, need to figure out whether or not I am going to play on /player 8 or /player 4.
Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  54  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  43  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         26     A3     Kurast Docks
  20  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            20     A2     Lut Gholein   
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   8  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           12     A1     Dark Wood
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains 
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

Interesting stories your characters have. My sorc is doing well, i did act 3 in the last couple of days. Played through it entirely on players 8 as my blizz damage annihilated everything on my path.

Meph was easy thanks to the moat trick, travincal wasnt much of a problem either. Really my scariest moments thus far were in act 2.. i wasnt used to having my merc tank for me yet and got a too carried away there.

Now act 4 awaits, luckily Zaria's resists are decent so it shouldnt be too hard unless i mess up. Im still armorless though, str is around 50 so i can use my heaviest item which are light plated boots but i managed to get a nice gothic plate for my merc and he has no problems tanking.
Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  54  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  20  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            20     A2     Lut Gholein   
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   8  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           12     A1     Dark Wood
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains 
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox	   1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

Act 3 passed without a problem, even if I decided to go on /player 8. The fire resist I sacrificed for lightning and cold rest in act 2 were catching up to me, for there are plenty of creatures dealing fire damage in act3. Act 4 ended OneOfAKinds life very quickly.

I was fighting a group of those fire demons guys, and my mercenary died half way through the battle. no biggie, I figured. I walked a little away before casting a town portal. Apparantly they were extra fast, for they caught up to me very quickly and trapped me in a corner. One fire breath from them all killed me very easily, since I only had 22 fire resist.

I would like to try again through, and will try my next favorite class, the Necromancer. I shall name him... PreciousAnPerky. Is someone willing to role me 3 bone and poisons and two curses please. With a wand for a weapon as well.

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Here you go:


Bone Spear
Bone Armor


Gothic Plate
Spiked Shield
Light Gauntlets
Heavy Belt

Zombie Head

Yew Wand
Thanks very much, Can you reroll confuse and Gothic Plate please.


Very nice roll by the way, couldn't expect better.
Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  54  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  20  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            20     A2     Lut Gholein  
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
  10  Lukas          Necromancer   pwangsta        13     A1     Dark Wood
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   8  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           12     A1     Dark Wood
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister
Got through the to dark wood today. Might play some more tonight, but I dunno. If I can get the same group that MP'd w/ me last night together again, probably not. Anyways, I'm off to quest through some physics problems.

edit: oops, I could've edited my last post. didn't realize the hour limit wasnt up yet; sorry for the double post.

9 skeletons go whack whack whack
Tin man and holy man got their back
Duriel and his gang
Fall over when I go bang(ok sure I lost it right there..its 1am and I had 2hrs of sleep last night..)

Grabbed a Grim wand in act3, and rerolled it with all my chipped gems to get nothing I could use(about 15 rerolls from what I didn't cube up) So I'll start working on Act3, overall killing speed is fairly fast..and although I have a good chance of stuff, I need to get a good Necroshield and wand with +my skills and perferably some skeleton mastery to be found in their as well.

Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  54  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  41  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            26     A3     Kurast Docks
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
  10  Lukas          Necromancer   pwangsta        13     A1     Dark Wood
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   8  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           12     A1     Dark Wood
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

Anyone else need a roll tonight, I'll check when I take the puppy out in the middle of the night.
Thumper finished act 1 and made it to the Dry Hills WP in act 2. He now has all his gear slots filled except for the armor, ancient armor is going to be awhile.

Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  54  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  41  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            26     A3     Kurast Docks
  26  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           17     A2     Dry Hills
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
  10  Lukas          Necromancer   pwangsta        13     A1     Dark Wood
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister
Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  63  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             33     A5     Harrogath
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  41  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            26     A3     Kurast Docks
  26  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           17     A2     Dry Hills
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
  10  Lukas          Necromancer   pwangsta        13     A1     Dark Wood
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

Zaria did act 4 without any problems. the most annoying part of it was that izual had an insanely huge life pool or a very high cold resist because my blizz barely damaged him, he took longer to kill than diablo himself. Hellforge dropped a thul rune, and with 75 fire and lightning resist diablo really wasnt much of a challenge. Finally managed to find some of those sorceress orbs too which are my class specific item, all of them were garbage though.
Bremm + Vampire boss with conviction+ horde of meteors on me and my gang=dead.

Oh well, what can I say. I really wasn't expecting that as I was still killing at a fast pace.
Lets see..5character classes to go..which one should I use next
Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  63  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             33     A5     Harrogath
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  26  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           17     A2     Dry Hills
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
  10  Lukas          Necromancer   pwangsta        13     A1     Dark Wood
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
   59 DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            30     A3     Durance of Hate
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

Zrk, I have you at 68 point(not counting imbue)

OK, need a Paladin Rolled up, using Scepter and 2Combat, 2 Offensive, 1 Defensive. Maybe I'll have better luck..
Zrk, I have you at 68 point(not counting imbue)

OK, need a Paladin Rolled up, using Scepter and 2Combat, 2 Offensive, 1 Defensive. Maybe I'll have better luck..



Resist Cold

Helms: Helm
Armor: Chainmail
Shield: Bone Shield
Gloves: Heavy Gloves
Boots: Boots
Belts: Light Belt

Weapon: Scepter(nice)

Class Item: Rondache

My first random character, tell me if I missed anything.

Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  63  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             33     A5     Harrogath
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
  10  Lukas          Necromancer   pwangsta        13     A1     Dark Wood
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
   59 DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            30     A3     Durance of Hate
  48  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           22     A3     Flayer Jungle
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

I'm racing Vang to see who can go though all the characters first. Thump had just made himself a Steel flail and killed Duriel. Just to meet his doom in the Flayer Jungle killed by midgets.


Can I get a Barb with 2 combat, 2 War cries and 1 Mastery. I'll choose the weapon after the Mastery.
Can I get a Barb with 2 combat, 2 War cries and 1 Mastery. I'll choose the weapon after the Mastery.

Leap Attack, berserk
Shout, Battle Orders
Spear Mastery

Full Helm
Studded Leather
Leather Gloves
Heavy Boots
Plated Belt

Class helm:
Fanged Helm

Which weapon type? I guess Spears (unless you want to reroll the Mastery...)? Any other rerolls?

I'm racing Vang to see who can go though all the characters first. Thump had just made himself a Steel flail and killed Duriel. Just to meet his doom in the Flayer Jungle killed by midgets.

Taking all bets right now..who will die faster first? Vang or Saucy?

@zrk, grats on getting to Act5
@Saucy, your new rollup looks fairly nice, wondering what your going to decide to reroll. Berzerk in a twohander..ouch. But BO/SHOUT? nice!

So my new paladin with some fairly easy riding synergy Holyfreeze/ResistCold has completed Act1. No NDEs to report. Having the sanctuary aura will help once I venture into NM and beyond, but right now lets just get a good attack up and hirer a nice Prayer merc to offset that slight health cost of sacrifice.

Score Character      Class         Forum Name    Level    Act    WP
  63  Zaria          Sorceress     zrk             33     A5     Harrogath
  54  Orchid         Paladin       ChaosIsMe       28     A4     Durance of Hate
  20  UselessChump   Paladin       Vang            20     A2     Lut Gholein
  19  Alkyone        Assassin      Grisu           20     A1     Catacombs Level 2
  15  Jurcina        Assassin      bergeron        15     A1     Black Marsh
  11  Tal_Rebecca    Sorceress     erics           13     A1     Black Marsh
  10  Lukas          Necromancer   pwangsta        13     A1     Dark Wood
   8  Hartley        Necromancer   nilynrae        13     A1     Stony Fields
   6  Styx           Amazon        rickc           10     A1     Cold Plains
   6  Leon           Necromancer   Ron             6      A1     Cold Plains
   4  DoomedLeaper   Barbarian     aitrus          6      A1     Cold Plains
   1  Smithy         Druid         Judoka          1      A1     Rogue Camp
   1  PreciousAnPerkyNecromancer   DuesNox         1      A1     Rogue Camp

Score Character      Class         Forum Name      Level  Act    WP
  60  OneOfAKind     Paladin       DuesNox         30     A4     Pandemonium Fortress
  59  DeadLovinSloth Necromancer   Vang            30     A3     Durance of Hate
  48  Thumper        Druid         Saucy           22     A3     Flayer Jungle
  40  SlothChunks    Barbarian     Vang            27     A2     Lut Gholein
  18  Deeds          Assassin      Saucy           15     A1     Inner Cloister

Estimated market value