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D1 Lore

From Diablo 2 Wiki
Revision as of 15:33, 2 February 2009 by (talk)

Diablo introduced the world of Sanctuary, the humans within it, and the powerful forces of Angels and Demons hovering forever just beyond the veil. The plot of the game of Diablo is revealed during the course of play, by NPC dialogues which are supplemented by the histories and legends related by various books and tomes found through the course of exploring the dungeons.

There are two types of stories told by the books and tomes.

  1. Histories left by the Horadrim mages. These are ancient tomes and they speak of historical and cosmological matters, introducing the reader to the cosmic struggle between the forces of the Heavens and the Hells.
  2. Diary style entries written by Archbishop Lazarus. These confessionals tell the story that led up to events in Diablo, and supplement what the NPCs tell about the plot events of the game.

The dialogues presented in these books is quoted in full on this page.

Horadric Histories

Books written by the ancient Horadrim mages, who built the catacombs beneath Tristram and buried the soulstone containing Diablo's essence deep within the labyrinth. There is some overlap between the books, as they describe the same events from slightly different perspectives or time frames.

These books can be found on any levels throughout the Crypt, Catacombs, or Caves.

The Great Conflict

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the fields that we know -- between the utopian kingdoms of the high Heavens and the chaotic pits of the burning Hells. This war is known as the Great Conflict, and it has raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky. Neither side ever gains sway for long as the forces of light and darkness constantly vie for control over all creation.

The Sin War

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. When the eternal conflict between the high heavens and the burning hells falls upon mortal soil, it is called the Sin War. Angels and Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the prying eyes of mortals. Some daring, powerful mortals have even allied themselves with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War.

The Prime Evils

So it came to be that three prime evils were banished in spirit form to the mortal realm and after sewing chaos across the East for decades, they were hunted down by the cursed order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The younger brother –- Diablo, The lord of Terror -- escaped to the West.
Eventually the Horadrim captured Diablo with a Soulstone as well, and buried him under an ancient, forgotten cathedral. There, the Lord of Terror sleeps and awaits his time of rebirth. Know ye that he will seek a body of youth and power to possess -- one that is innocent and easily controlled. He will then arise to free his brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War...

Lazarus' Grimoire

Diary style entries left by the Archbishop, telling how Diablo was freed from the soulstone and returned to power in the body of Prince Albrecht. These books are found in random locations on different levels, order, as you descend through the dungeons.

The Realms Beyond

All praises to Diablo, Lord of Terror and survivor of the Dark Exile. When he awakened from his long slumber, my Lord and Master spoke to me of secrets that few mortals know. He told me that the kingdoms of the High Heavens and the Pits of the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war. He revealed the powers that have brought this discord to the realms of man. My lord has named the battle for this world and all who exist here the Sin War.

Tale of the Three

Glory and approbation to Diablo, the Lord of Terror and leader of The Three. My lord spoke to me of his two brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to this world long ago. My lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the East. Once my lord releases his brothers, the Sin War will once again know the fury of The Three.

The Black King

"Hail and sacrifice to Diablo, Lord of Terror and Destroyer of Souls. When I awoke my master from his sleep, he attempted to posses a mortal's form. Diablo attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my master was too weak from his imprisonment. My lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this world, and so found the boy Albrecht perfect for the task. While the good King Leoric was left maddened from my lord's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his son Albrecht. I now await Diablo's call and pray that I will be rewarded when he at last emerges as the lord of this world.

Hellfire Lore

Blizzard did not provide additional lore or story to the Sierra developers to work into Hellfire. As a result there are no books or tomes that tell more of the Sin War, or any other events in the Diablo canon. There are some lore books to be found in Crypt levels in Hellfire, but these are original to that game and not part of the overall Diablo story.

The Hellfire tomes relate entirely to the plot of Hellfire, which revolves around a powerful mage summoning the demon Na-Krul. The demon was too powerful for the mage to control, and as the mage felt himself losing control, he took the time to write long, grammatically correct journal entries, which he left on huge book stands spread throughout his dungeon.

There are also three scraps of paper, which, when combined, form one readable note that tells how to weaken Na-Krul by releasing him by pulling three levers in the proper order, instead of just throwing the main switch to his vault.

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