Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

Just continuing a mini-tradition started by others. :). Last year's thread by Callador, found here.

In short, what were your most memorable moments from 2009, and what will your goals be for 2010? Did you set any goals at the beginning of the year? If so, how well did you fulfill them?

Getting into PvP was nice of course, but so was doing half decently in the summer MFO and area 85 tourney. I always seems to finish fourth, but I guess that isn't so horrible. My Blizzard/Lightning sorceress made 96, and my Gunslinger made 92; both of whom have since been retired, but were two of my favorites. Couple of nice runes finds as well this year, notably everything up to Jah, excluding Ohm, which lead to my creation of a 'Faith' Diamond Bow. (Thanks Liq, for the 15% ED base.) As far as fulfilling last year's ambitions, didn't complete any of the HC related ones, but my SC character projects were all finished nicely, so I'm reasonably satisfied.

Not sure really. Another quirky character or two (or seven) would be great, but I also want to finally get that first untwinked Guardian. Aside from that, the hunt continues for high runes of course, as does the search for a new /players 8 1.12a CS (full clear) and/or Baal runner to replace the aforementioned two (not respectively). Lastly, I'd like to come up with a PvP character who can actually kill things, but that's probably the most wishful thinking of all of these. :crazyeyes:

Happy New Year, everyone! :).
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

Not much really. I guess playing in the Certain Death tourney was a highlight. A great tourney Wakiki! Hats off to you for making it!. As far as character accomplishments goes, i guess i managed to kill alot of HC tourney characters hahaha. Still no dam Guardian!

Hopefully get my first ever HC tourney Guardian. That is my no.1 goal!
Hopefully play in more SPF tourneys and maybe create one myself for 2010.
I hope that Insane Wayne somehow comes back to the SPF. I miss him :(.

Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2010 is a great year for all of you!
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009: Getting the runes for Infinity was a big thing, of course, but the biggest moment was without a doubt when the golden scourge dropped during the MFO and I just knew it was a Stormlash before I IDed it:) Not my greatest find of 2009 (2 Surs have that spot), but it sure was exciting. Too bad everyone decided to find better stuff, but I`ll have my revenge the next time:wink:

2010: Well, due to some rather serious RL stuff I didn`t play at all during the first 4 months of 2009, so I have learned to not set goals for myself. Despite that it would be great to make a 99er and get to grail -3. Both of the goals should be possible, but it requires a lot of dedication. I have a life-time goal of a sept-sept à la NighFish, but it will probably not be finished in 2010. We`ll have to see what happens.

Edit: Happy new year to all of the SPF. Take care!
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

My goals for 2009:

- Mat/Pat a char from each class (so far I have ~7 sorc mats and 1 barb pat, with a necro at level 91 who can pat easily and a paladin in early NM)
- Make some more fun chars (fun for me, even if they're cookiecutters)
- Get to Grail -20
- Run LK more (only done about 1.5k so far) and find at least one high rune
- Finish my 5k AT runs project (actually start and finish, I've dropped the 2.5k or so I've done so far and am going to start counting towards it at the start of the MFO)
- Find a Death's Fathom

The mat/pat every class one was close, but I managed to finish them all. Drastically overshot the Grail-20, as I'm now sitting at Grail-7.

Obviously finding Tyrael's and winning an MFO were incredible, and the biggest combined moment of the year, without a doubt. Some other great ones, though, like finding a JMoD and finishing up my sept. It was an amazing year.

I'll be keeping my goals for this year simple (and yet not-so-simple).

1. Finish the Grail
2. Make more cookie cutter builds.

See, simple!

Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009: Finished one of my BotD Chars
2010: Finish another BotD char, or at least get one out of normal.

Should be done by 2012 just before the apocalypse.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009: I'd rate finding a Windforce in the alvl85 MF as my favourite moment from this year, just ahead of finally building a proper MF character (Blizzy of course). I'll also mention the discovery of just how useful Telekinesis can be. Makes matting a single-element sorc a far easier task when she can essentially put monsters (e.g. the Ancients) into constant hit recovery while the merc takes them down, even the LI ones.
2010: Finish my ambitious running project (8000 runs total over 3 targets); do some serious LK running; finally make a Guardian (much kudos to anesthaesia for kitting me out for a fair dinkum attempt); not sign up to half a dozen tourneys simultaneously.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

[2009]I Did not set any goals in the beginning of the year but i am still very satisfied. Highlights of this year was me ending my Bnet career and starting SP. I say it was a very successful start and I am enjoying every bit of SP. Though I originally planned to play SP till ladder reset occurred but now I'm never going back lol.

[2010] This year I want to participate in all MF tourneys. Build a Baal/Countess sorc. Make some fun but very cookie cutter mat/pats. Finish my 5k Pindle then move on to AT and stay there until i complete the grail. Also want to make some High rune words (I am very close to make one), find my first high rune, and above all else have a lot of fun.

Happy new year folks.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

My moment of the year for 2009 was successfully predicting that I'd find Tyrael's Might in bassano's MF tournament with my 0MF character - unfortunately my corresponding prediction that I'd win with that character didn't come through because the Tyrael's was a non-qualifier (by tournament rules). :D

My goals of 2009 were to keep playing and having fun. I succeeded in that one. I think I'll repeat that goal for 2010.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

[2009] Definitely the summer MFO. I got in with a good group of guys in the team portion, Jaedhann, Zaliquai, Joosh, and Grisu. Though I finished second in the pindle category, being a part of that team was quite a thrill, especially being in the Baal run that Zaliquai made clvl99 with his sorc. That doesn't come along every day. I would also say that becoming more of an active part of the forums was also a highlight. I tended to lurk and played with no purpose but following the legends around on these boards has taught me a lot and showed me how to "really" play this game.

[2010] As for goals for 2010... I just want to make more fun and varied builds, become more involved in PvP, and get my grail into the single digits. And of course have fun doing all of it. Oh yeah and annoying omg as much as possible would be nice too...
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009 - Got a tourney character to A1 Nightmare, but found Deeds due to HD crash. Also performed 3 full restarts (for not much reason, since I never had anything worth muling on: meh) which gets a big Meh. (Admittedly, one of the restarts was due to the HD crash.)

2010 - Get a tourney character to A2 Nightmare (keep our goals small), and perform no restarts since I now have everything pretty much how I likes it. *fingers crossed* I'd also like to find something that was actually worth getting excited about, maybe complete one or two of the low-end sets or something.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009. - Even geting that last Sur for my Enigma was pale to comparison of thrill when I entered moor for first time with bunch of people hostile against me. It was just great and I want more :badteeth:
lvl 85 area was nice, I took second place and I'm happy with it.
Too bad that didn't have enough time/will to participate more in pvp week.

2010. - Now that I got stable internet connection i might begin to host some pvp games when I'll have time. I would like to participate in mp a bit more.
Character goals? Probably one or two more PvP capable chars.
Item goals? Seems like everyone is goofing around with one or two griefs and I have none. One goal is to get grief. Second, little less realistic Doom etheral zerker. Modest goal don't you think? :whistling:

Happy New 2010 folks :wave:
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009 - I guess finishing Infinity was my big D2 goal for 2009.

2010- Make some chars that make good use of Infinity for their class.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009 :
Finding a Lo at LK, finding a WF in AT,Ohm rune at travincal and a Gul,Ist from HF......I just love 2009 :) .I didn't have any specific goals in 2009
2010 :To complete enigma and/or infinity.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

2009: Lets see... I haven't played much since spring, but back then I was set on finishing that 99 after I finally got the Infinity I had searched for so long.
- Finish a 99 either on or through MP'ing here. I have acknowledged I wouldn't be able to finish it on my own.
- Finish my mod and/or quit D2 ;)
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

Best thing about D2 last year was delurking here. And finding a Sur rune. That was a very very close second. A Grief PB is pretty much unreal, and Fortitude is too.

My goal for next year looks pretty much like Sirpoops. As long as I continue to enjoy playing the game, I'll play. I have about a dozen characters in mind to work on, so that'll keep me busy for a few months.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

Finding a Jah and running in the A85 tourney.

Gotta get me that Ber!

Happy new year people.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

Goals for 2009:
1) finding 2 out of 3 of these: Death's Fathom, Griffon's Eye, Nightwing's Veil
2) first character to lvl95
3) buying D3 in december and beating the game in Normal before the year is out :jig:

1) check! Found Griffon's Eye during Pindlethon, and Nightwing's Veil off a random monster during a Baal run.
2) almost check! My main MF character (SC meteorb) is sitting at 94.7.
3) fail! But not my fault, since Blizzard didn't even release a final 1.13 patch, let alone D3.

Goals for 2010:
1) reduce number of missing grail items by 20% -- I have to check where exactly I am at the moment, it could be anything from -50 to -80; so if it's -80 I want to reach -64 by december 31st 2010
2) first character to lvl95 -- at least this one should be easy :D
3) first tournament Guardian

Happy 2010 and good luck to all! :)

Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

Best moment of 2009:
-- PvP week.

Goals for 2009:
-- Beat the game. => Check!
-- Make a runeword. => Check!
-- Make a SC sept. => Nope.
-- Make an untwinked guardian. => Nope.

Goals for 2010:
-- Somehow get 'Enigma' (for PvP).
-- Make an untwinked guardian.
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

Joined this wonderful community,
Patted my first SP character (Gepetto)
Patted a character in MP with Wickedswami (Lord Lycan).
Joined my first tourny and failed miserably.

Continue with my grail, only sitting at -250ish,
Actually achieve something in a tourny
Pat my IK Barb, Cleric
Mat my Lite Sorc, Natalya MA Sin
Re: Your D2 Moment of 2009, and Ambitions for 2010

It was nice D2 year even I did not played so much :)
best moment for me was victory in PvP FFA tourney from L_E , I was really happy long time from that
Another nice was victory in winter MFO by drop at 22:42 on last day after 5880 runs :D
I found Jah, it is not so important for me but it is nice drop

PvP each time when will be possibility to play, especially learn to play with telesmiter and wwsin :)
make 99 hammerdin (MP with corrupted or self CS running up to became crazy)
try to win 3rd MFO on winter edition
Findlast grailer - Tyrael :)
do MF league and another area85 tournament without problems with organization :)
Estimated market value