Wondering Wednesdaily

Jan 29, 2009
RL: At workies and wondering...


wondering if the cats are happy enough at my mom's house
wondering if momma is happy enough with the cats at her house
wondering if the workers have begun jackhammering the bedroom floor yet
wondering if they're going to rupture something that shouldn't be ruptured
wondering how much of my stuff they're going to break
wondering if the bed is going to be of the proper firmness to ensure a decent night's sleep tonight
wondering if I can make it through the day with the limited amount of sleep I enjoyed last night


but I'm not much wondering about what's in store for me today: workies, some lunch, more workies, pick up a key for the model apartment I'll be sleeping in, call momma and ask after cats, poke my head in and see what all's been destroyed at the apartment (hopefully I can get some pictures of the crater they create...), shoot the 365 (if I haven't already...), probably hang around my apartment for dinner and to watch some tele after, then off to the model apartment to sleep.

D2: perhaps, but it'll all depend.
RL: Study for Tax Final tomorrow.

D2: Study for Tax Final tomorrow?

OVG: Study for Tax Final tomorrow!
RL: I have some friend coming over (yey social life) we are probably going to play something - the settlers of catan or civilization the boardgame and then ofc talking and drinking and stuff if they leave early and i am not to tired then maybe ..

D2: pits and meph - the hunt for the archon plate continues

O(V)G: well not video but board games- see above
RL: work. Stupid job that I bid too low so I'm eating lots of profits yesterday and today. Wife is out all week, do I'm staying up too late. Did get to bed at midnight last night, which is much better than the previous night's 2am.

D2: lol.

OVG: D3. Not sure what I'll do tonight, maybe get my DH started on act 3 inferno.
RL: Watched OL and cleaned the fridge today. It had started to freeze things and I think something had moved in there as well. So it was about time. I hate cleaning. I really do need to get a life again soon.

D2: Some Pindle, then remembered the fridge.

OVG: Nope.
RL: Working 8-5. Long day. Hour commute each way. May as well be 7 -6. Trying to sell my condo. Had an offer, buyer backed out. Back on the market, selling now for 20k less than what I bought it for. Ouch.

D2: If I have time I'll play for 15 or 20 min on my assassin.

OVG: I did play some CoD one of the older Ps3 versions last night. It was a good stress release. When is the next EA NHL 20XX coming out? That will probably be my next buy.

Cats are happy enough, but not thrilled.
Momma is thrilled that the cats are happy enough.
The workers did indeed jackhammer the floor.
The workers didn't jackhammer anything they shouldn't.
They also haven't broken anything that I can tell.
The bed I'll be sleeping in has two broken feet, both on the foot-end of the bed, and looks a bit squishy for my taste...
But I'm exhausted and will likely fall right to sleep.

but only after dinner and stories in my wrecked apartment.
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