Turkey Tuesdaily


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
Turkey Tuesdaily

RL: The reason for a preemptive Turkey Day is because we're doing a pot luck at work. Full spread: three types of turkey, all the trimmings and stuffing one could want, and a dessert contest. It's quite ridiculous considering Thanksgiving is only two days away... when the real meal comes along, no one's going to have the same desire. ...Except for me, who has no one to be with during the holiday. Since I'm not making a big meal, TODAY'S my Thanksgiving. All I'm making is corn and I get a gigantic meal out of it. I'll take it! Two more days of work before my massive vacation.

D2: Finding/shopping for items in QD's tourney. The two big finds of the night were a Head Hunter's Glory (first EVER, pretty great roll; forgot it had +lpk!) and an eth Reapers. MP with FastE tonight?
Re: Turkey Tuesdaily

@ TRM - Happy Thanksgiving to you! Hopefully this will be the last year you spend one without family. Hopefully your massive vacation is as awesome as it is massive.

RL: Counting down the days till I get a little break. Although work is slow from a project standpoint, its busy with many other things that need to be completed prior to the new year.

D2: Been bouncing around between my Lit Sorc (merc with Infinity) who has started her quest for 99, my decked-out AT-running blizzy, and my Trav-running WW'der. Would very much like to get a Griff for my lit sorc...
Re: Turkey Tuesdaily

IRL: Finnish military (mandatory for every guy in Finland)

D2: I was cruising through Act2 Hell with my blizzy and I just had to post this (view attachment)
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