Travelling Thursdaily

Jan 29, 2009
RL: Up early today... I should be excited about VACATION!!!!1!1!!11, but I'm not really. Oh well. I'll still enjoy myself, mostly, probably, so that's something. And it will be good to get away from work and Dallas for a bit.

So here in 5 or 6 minutes, I'll pack up the lappy, shave/shower, pack toiletries, pour a travel mug full of coffee, load up the ice chest, load up the car, and head out: should put me at my destination before or right at lunchtime. I've got the old iPod loaded up with a wide variety of stuff to sing along and meditate to, and I'll have the camera close at hand, so it should be an easy trip, especially with the new highway (the one that was completed in 1999, but is so significantly faster than the trip prior to that time that it's still the New Highway shortcut... I've been travelling to this part of the country for close to 30 years).

And then I'll try to relax and enjoy myself, get a hike and maybe a nap in, chat with momma and check out her new house, do some shooting, and hopefully sleep like a proverbial baby.

D2: I expect to have plenty to occupy myself, but it's on the lappy, and I'm taking a mouse, so I suppose stranger things have happened...
RL/D2/OVG: Long time I've last posted in this forum ... have been absorbed by RL (lots of travelling ;-)) and a few dozen hours playing TL2. Good to see that this place is still alive and people play tournaments, even some new ones. I think I'll give my useless assassin a go on the weekend ...
RL: pancakes for afternoon snack :)

D2: entering canyon of the magi normal with the HC amazon. Am thrilled to be finished with Arcane sanctuary - it drives me crazy!!
Congrats! Where you headed?

RL: GMAT is getting closer...

D2: More work on tournament char and getting my other characters to find rejuv potions so I can run NM Meph more.

OVG: No.
RL: Up way to early checking feeding and watering cattle! Really way way to early, but I'll live. I'm about to be off to sell umkins, seing as I have a truck load so why not..

D2: Good grief, not sure where to start today. Will most like try to not die for a bit with my new tourney character. Then hit LK my normal 3 or 400 runs. Then I dunno something though.
I arrived safely in the NW part of Arkansas... Beautiful scenery on the way up, once the sun came up. Fortunately, I was over halfway here by the time I could actually see the scenery, because most of Oklahoma is rather flat and uninteresting (to me: I love high plains desert, and I like older mountain ranges like the ones in Arkansas, and I don't mind the newer mountains much, and I don't mind the plains either. But north and west TX and most all of Oklahoma is dull dull dull, probably because that's the scenery I grew up with.)

And now it's naptiem. :nod:
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