The Mysterious Daily

John Remedy

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
The Mysterious Daily

Only mysterious in the sense there hasn't been one for a while...


RL: Been working on a few lists and spreadsheets to streamline productivity and cost in the house. It's ridiculously boring, but stick on some D&B and it gives an unemployed nerd something to do, and tells us where we can save a few pennies. The GF said she'd get me a tattoo for my birthday, which is awesome and just what I wanted.

D2: Nope. People keep telling me I should use the Enigma I found in less than four days of casual Trav running, but I disagree.

OVG: Minecraft on Dune's server, and in single-player. My #75 world score in Nation Red has been knocked down to past #100 and I haven't been able to top it. The Portal 2 fuss is lost on me. No sense getting excited over a game I won't be able to buy guilt-free for maybe six months. Does anyone know if LA Noire is coming to PC?
Re: The Mysterious Daily

Maybe you should've named it 'the mystery of the dissappeared daily(/dailies)'?

Anyways, i don't know what everyone has been up to, but somehow i don't think my life is interesting enough to keep spamming everyone with on a daily base.

RL: To make a short summery of recent events: work, work in/around the house, last sunday played a tournament. I played real bad. Somehow still managed to win 3 of my 7 or 8 matches. Concerning the leakage i had, the good news is the insurance company is gonna pay for it. Except for a very small amount that i have to pay myself, but considering the expected cost for the repair i'm very hapy with it. Still haven't found the time to contact someone to actually fix my wall. Arm has been (and still is) hurting because of RSI, so i'm cautious with being behind the pc.
As far as today goes: work is done. Also done some grocery shopping. Now working on dinner. After that i still have to do some ironing, but most of the evening should be free to do something i actually want to do.
Nice thing is the (work)week is already halfway. Not to mention also next week only 4 days of work. Combine that with great weather (and also great forecast) and it feels like summer already.
Only downside atm is a lack of sleep. For a change not caused by me going to bed late. For some reason i wake up early and just can't fall back asleep after that. Maybe it's the change to warmer weather?

D2: Not as much as i'd like because of a) general lack of time and b) the aforementioned RSI trouble. Still i think i can sqeeze in some runs this evening.
Re: The Mysterious Daily

Yesterday I encountered a funny bug in 1.10a. Decrepify cast by oblivion knights in nightmare CS increased my run/walk speed and attack speed, rather than decreasing it. It made me laugh to be cursed and suddenly start running faster. The attack rate swinging my orb was much improved as well.

RL: Badminton
Re: The Mysterious Daily

RL: Just had a test on college (Mathematical analysis I). Luckly for me, i did well.
Work is quiet as usual, so no complains here... as matter of fact, I'm really happy with it.

D2: Running Hell Countess like there's no tomorrow (I'm halfway to my 1000 runs goal). Also running Hell Meph to get a few uniques that I need. I also started a WW barb (my second barb ever) and a LF zon.
Re: The Mysterious Daily

RL: Exam later tonight on excel. The professor is crazy smart and doesn't relate well to humans of average intelligence so it'll be interesting to see how bad I get my butt kicked.

D2: Putting in some of my final hours on Bassano's mf tourny and maybe some trav runs.
Re: The Mysterious Daily

RL: Work and more work. Some vacation soon, will be great.

D2: Getting my secret girl into hell for some mfing. Time for the three bosses in late act 5.

OVG: CivIII. Oldschool is my Niche! :badteeth:
Re: The Mysterious Daily

RL; Working in a position above my pay grade, in the hope my pay grade will soon change to suit :D

D2; I suggested to my girlfriend we re-install D2 after upgrading to Win7 and not having touched it in 4-5 months or more, she wasn't that interested as we had cleared to Hell with a couple different characters by this stage.

Ended up showing her Eastern sun.... she was sold in a flash! And we are now playing this, I'm building an Eagle eye/Dance of Death Amazon, she is playing a Bone wave/Golemancer, it's a really nice change from regular LoD.
Re: The Mysterious Daily

RL: I completed the last of my projects for the semester this morning and the bulk of my exams are next week, so I have quite a bit of relaxation time ahead of me.

D2: I fiddled around with a few characters today, but I still feel no real compulsion to play. I need a fun side project to get me back into the game before I resume levelling Lux-Aeterna. One possibility is to build a melee character around my eBotDz for the sole purpose of displaying a really high damage number on the character screen, but I will need to find a Lo for Fortitude first.

OVG: I played a little bit of Borderlands today. It was fun, although I do somewhat regret respeccing my Berserker from launcher to melee, since it really reduced clearing speed. I am currently desiring Portal 2, although I doubt I will pick it up until it goes on sale.
Re: The Mysterious Daily

Rl: The past few weeks have been crazy with work. Since we sent the project out for estimating the client has come back with 120 scope changes (some of them significant) .... It has probably set us back about 2.5 months, but we are only getting an extension of 5 weeks.
Outside of work it is mostly wedding planning, while enjoyable it can be tedious (I do not have the attention to detail that my fiance has).

D2: plodding along with some tournament HC characters, plus a HC untwinked fishy that I have in act 2 nm.

OVG: Civ IV occasionally
Re: The Mysterious Daily

RL: few more weeks of police academy to go, so I'm focused in on the physical training part of that, as it is pass or fail(fail get a retest, fail again and your out). My numbers and time for the run are where they need to be at, but I need some more room incase of a sudden sniffles or something the day of.

D2: Tournament characters and non-tournament hc characters slowing being worked on.

OVG: still playing Rift at least until I finally reach 50, not sure if I'll continue depends on how PVP goes then.
Re: The Mysterious Daily

RL: Waiting for the teacher's institute day to be over tomorrow so I can have a three day weekend finally. Even though institute days are pointless for me (they do nothing for the area teachers and I teach art), it's still an extra day away from some of those insane little kids. Painting the living room and son's room this weekend, or at least that's the plan... Wife also just surprised me with a pet rabbit Monday night. How pleasant that was :p

D2: Working through A5 normal with a hammer frenzy barb in 1.09. The swinging is slow but double swing helps out for that. Looking for some socketed hammers and an Amn to make a Steel.
Estimated market value