The 12 Labors Tournament

Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

[FONT=Courier New]
Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       Jason             Necromancer   14  Tristram           Yes     1/12
Sint              WorkedUp          Druid          8  Cold Plains        No      1/12
Kestegs           AWorkingStiff     Necromancer    1  Rogue camp         No      0/12
Ojimijam          Evelyn            Assassin       8  Cold plains        No      1/12
Nightfish         Hammertime        Paladin       25  Kurast Docks       No      2/12

[FONT=Courier New]Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       DoraTheExplorer   Sorceress      1  Rogue Encampment   No      0/12[/FONT]

You wouldn't believe it but the Tower Trial was almost too much for me. I had to reroll my map 5 times to GET A FREAKING TOWER TO SPAWN! ROAR!

Duriel was close. Real close. I had stocked up on potions like crazy. Inventory and cube were filled to the brim. I had hoped to get some crushing blow by the time I got to little D, but no such luck. So, Plan B: Tank him and spam the hammers. My merc was alive for 2/3rds of the battle and helped a bit. He went down around the time I ran out of rejuvs. Not so good. Due to crappy shields I was sitting at 50% block, tops. Restocking my belt potions from inventory was pretty thrilling too, let me tell you that. A couple times I had to switch to vigor and run circles around the bug while my health potion was trying to get my HP above 30 again... Neat. When the dust settled I had about 4 health potions and 2 mana potions left and one big ol' bug was squashed firmly under Hammertime's heel.

I course,we all were sorta hoping for an Increased Stamina Fishy Barb.

I've never played stuff like that, have I? That'd be more Jiansonz's turf, tbh. ;)

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Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

Hm.. your story NF has strengthened (sp?) my believe that I need a good tactic for Duriel. Tanking might not be it for me though.. p8 Duriel hits hard. Good thing oyu mentioned blocking.. I might be able to shop a boneshield of deflecting! Oh well, first I have to get there...
I'm not sure I like the new runedrops regarding to lower runes. I reran the countess to make myself a Stealth armor and ended up with close to 15 Tal runes before finding an Eth :crazyeyes: Oh well, at least the merc now has a 3 Tal bow making her do 225 poison dmg over 5 sec. Oh and I just remembered that I can make an Ancient's Pledge too when I find a 3 sock shield. Anyway, it's been pretty smooth sailing so far and I'm pumping cyclone armor at the moment.
Sint: A Druid????? My God, man, what are you thinking? Seriously, my hat is off to you. :worship: As I am mulling which build to play, the Druid is the only class that hasn't tempted me. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with him.
Well, cyclone armor was one of the main reasons. A solid protection against anything elemental is pretty sweet when taking on Duriel or Diablo or Gloams for that matter. Also, tornado is pretty strong and coupled with Hurricane should provide some defense. First thing I did though was to get 5 ravens :nod: I love those bugger.. especially when they blind archers!

[FONT=Courier New]
Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       Jason             Necromancer   14  Tristram           Yes     1/12
Sint              WorkedUp          Druid         17  Outer Cloister     No      1/12
Kestegs           AWorkingStiff     Necromancer    1  Rogue camp         No      0/12
Ojimijam          Evelyn            Assassin       8  Cold plains        No      1/12
Nightfish         Hammertime        Paladin       25  Kurast Docks       No      2/12

[FONT=Courier New]Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       DoraTheExplorer   Sorceress      1  Rogue Encampment   No      0/12[/FONT]

I'll be without D2 a couple of days, so good luck!

Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

Well, since there is no love for the SC option, I'm going to enter a second toon. I'm opting for my signature build, a Magic Arrow Bowazon (I say signature because no-one else is stupid enough to make one of them; this will be my 5th, I think). And I will be re-running with her. No RWM is a bummer (Edge and Harmony are two tasty options normally for an untwinked Bowazon), but given the rate at which unique bows tend to drop, I should be fine. It's also not too hard to gamble a decent damge rare bow.

edit: Just learned that it is possible to roll a Blood Moor map without a house/special chest. My map did have a cow shed though, which is just ace!

[FONT=Courier New]
Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       Jason             Necromancer   17  Outer Cloister     Yes     1/12
Sint              WorkedUp          Druid         17  Outer Cloister     No      1/12
Kestegs           AWorkingStiff     Necromancer    1  Rogue camp         No      0/12
Ojimijam          Evelyn            Assassin       8  Cold plains        No      1/12
Nightfish         Hammertime        Paladin       25  Kurast Docks       No      2/12

[FONT=Courier New]Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       Jacinta           Amazon         1  Rogue Encampment   No      0/12[/FONT]
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Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

edit: Just learned that it is possible to roll a Blood Moor map without a house/special chest. My map did have a cow shed though, which is just ace!

I had that, too. I assumed the labor is completed when the blood moor was completely explored, Flavie talked to and Corpsefire struck first.

[HIGHLIGHT]Deathtrap in Drifter Cavern [/HIGHLIGHT]
... Once you have activated the Sparkly Chest, you are no longer restricted from attacking monsters.

Hearing my Pally say "I need a key" counts as activated, right? :badteeth:

Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

So the table had a necromancer, druid, assassin, and paladin. That left barbarian, sorceress, and amazon. The barbarian did sound all that appealing, and JM has an amazon on the SC table. Sorceress is my favorite class anyway, so I decided to go that route. :)

I decided to try a tri-elemental build. After reading up on a few different options, I chose to feature firewall, since I have never used that skill in a build. Thus, BrusselSprouts was born.

She just rescued Cain. When I finish Act1 (or maybe Act2) I will update properly with screen shots and everything.

[FONT=Courier New]
Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Nightfish         Hammertime        Paladin       25  Kurast Docks       No      2/12
Jason Maher       Jason             Necromancer   17  Outer Cloister     Yes     1/12
Sint              WorkedUp          Druid         17  Outer Cloister     No      1/12
jdkerr            BrusselSprouts    Sorceress     10  Dark Wood          No      1/12
Ojimijam          Evelyn            Assassin       8  Cold plains        No      1/12
Kestegs           AWorkingStiff     Necromancer    1  Rogue camp         No      0/12

[FONT=Courier New]Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       Jacinta           Amazon         1  Rogue Encampment   No      0/12[/FONT]
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

C'mon NF, why wouldn't you bring a key?

I agree that Ancients will be a tough labor, but I fully expect that to be very difficult for any build, I mean /p8 and no rerolls...jeez! My theory on that is that at least none will be immune to me, and I have a re-summonable tank at least. Of course anyone could get the dream roll on all 3, but that is pretty unlikely, I expect to see some deeds here (if anyone makes it that far)

Looking forward to starting, just 5 more hours in the pits until its go-time!
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

I had that, too. I assumed the labor is completed when the blood moor was completely explored, Flavie talked to and Corpsefire struck first.

Hearing my Pally say "I need a key" counts as activated, right? :badteeth:

Well, I didn't want to wait for an answer, so I took the cautious approach and re-rolled the map.

Incidentally, I had to delete my Zon and start again the first time because I forgot to do the first Labour. I realised just as Corpsefire bit the dust. (This annoyed me, because I'd just found a nice 14% Cold Res/+1 Max Damage GC.) :crazyeyes:

Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

Thats 3 who had to re-roll their blood moor map. I even googled special house just in case i was missing something...
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

Oh yea, what happens if we get "stuck" in the stealth labor. In the Dark Passge for example? Can you fight your way out? Save and exit and go again? Die like a man? This is obviously less of an issue for people that have CC

C'mon NF, why wouldn't you bring a key?

The real question is why would I buy a key from an old woman in some hillbilly village and expect that key to fit in a sparkly golden chest I found in a cave full of abominable snowmen, scantily clad flying demonesses and minotaurs?

Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

I think the idea is to plan ahead enough to not get stuck, I will personally plan on having charges of teleport prepared for the challenges that don't restrict it. A paladin, Zon, or Druid are probably going to have the hardest time with these, but I think teleport should make it ok. I think that the one in cata 2/3/4 is probably the hardest (maybe cows will be tougher, but I doubt it)
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

I don't care either way, I'd just like some clarification on the rules as it doesn't say one way or another. True, obviously you'd avoid getting stuck, but it can still happen. I just weasled out of a mob of about 50+ monsters that I had to lead on a merry chase around a small room while 2 fallen blocked my only stairs out of said room. I actually manage to get out of that one, but ran smack into 2 more fallen on the next stairs and one more guy walked up from behind, leaving me sandwiched between 3 monsters when 50+ couldn't stop me before. :badteeth:

As far as teleport goes... I wouldn't use that as a solution even if I had it. I mean that just makes the whole task pointless.
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

Well you do have a point, and tele does seem a little cheesy TBH. I was only planning on using it as a last resort, and not just tele'ing through the whole level. I think that terror, dim vision, confuse, or attract charges can all be pretty useful too. Maybe you feel those are cheesy as well, but I would want to have at least some kind of AI or tele help at least on switch. I'm pretty sure that for a HC character it just means death if you get stuck, as you have essentially failed at your labor to be stealthy, but of course Quickdeath can clarify it.
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

I think some builds have an easier time of certain challenges. Cloak of Shadows and Dim Vision are huge helps for the stealth challenges, but I am expecting Static Field to help me quite a bit for Duriel (we'll see how that goes...). A barbarian has BO, Natural Resists, huge life, and Leap for the stealth challenges, but a sorceress has Teleport to compensate somewhat for her complete lack of any CC.

Using charges might be a bit on the sketchy side -- all of the sudden a barbarian or sorceress has Dim Vision, or a necromancer has teleport? On the other hand, there is sometimes simply no way out, as you mention. In those cases, "TP and start over" would likely not even be an option. We'll see what Quickdeath says.
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

Maps without Blood Moors House, and A2 Firetower: d'oH, I did not anticipate either of these problems. Usually, Valley of the Snakes has 1 or 2 Firetowers. I think Nightfish took the preferred approach on firetowers -re-roll until there is one to kill. On Blood Moors, popping the special chest is not part of the difficulty ("difficulty" is a misnomer, the first task is actually quite simple) - so if you've done a full search of the area, its reasonable to continue on to Flavie.

No key in Drifter Canyon: lol, you guys should be lawyers. I will rule that a Non-Assassin must devote one slot in backpack to a key on a Labor where you must open a chest. If the chest doesn't open, you cannot fight. What a historic opportunity: you could be the first character ever to die for want of a key.

Jason: I played an untwinked Magic Arrow-zon into A3 Hell many years ago -one of my all-time fave builds to play.

Tele is cheesy - and I debated on whether to ban it during all Survival Labors. (It IS banned in Drifter Canyon, BTW.) However, I felt that Sorc would really lack any skills that would help her much in Survival Labors if I banned tele.

Sobering to hear about NF's mano-a-mano struggle with Duriel.
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

I'm in with an amazon named Jabberwalk. She will be jabbing things. And walking.

I've been kind of wanting an excuse to try a tankazon, and this is a pretty good excuse.

The real question is why would I buy a key from an old woman in some hillbilly village and expect that key to fit in a sparkly golden chest I found in a cave full of abominable snowmen, scantily clad flying demonesses and minotaurs?
And how come these keys work on *every lock in the entire world*, but break when you use them just once? And never mind why a hero who can slaughter entire armies singlehandedly has trouble opening a simple wooden box in the first place...

Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

This sounds like mucho fun, but as I don't have much time at all for d2 right now I'll just be doing it outside of the tourny.

With a fury/feral rager. Good god I'll need that life steal for Duriel.

This will also be my first foray into HC soooo I'm wondering how potentially short-lived my attempt is going to be XD
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

well, I think its still fair to ban Tele for a non sorc still, I would be fine with it, heck you could ban all charges in stealth areas if you want.
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

BrusselSprouts began her journey by talking to an old witch at the camp who asked her to clear the evil from a local cave. Never fancying herself the type for menial labor, she decided to check out local houses in the area, instead.
Deciding that there was not much to be had in the way of real estate on the Moor, she thought she would begin exploring, but an angry lady with a mean-looking bow put a damper on that idea.
Disheartened but not destroyed, she decided that she had nothing better to do than check out the cave the witch had mentioned. It was a total bore, really, until she met a mean-looking zombie.

Fail screenshot. :(
"Nice, but a little skinny," she thought to herself. Next, she tried tackling a fire-breathing boulder.
"Why I just killed a fire-breathing rock, I have no idea," she remarked in bewilderment. "How about a giant slug instead?"

BrusselSprout has avenged the death of my earlier fallen hero by beating Duriel in fair combat. Firewall is fun so far, but it is a strange skill to use. I look forward to gaining more experience with it.

The Duriel fight was taken very seriously this time. I went in with a full inventory of pots, but I knew that it would have to be a quick fight if I were to survive. Through the portal, the merc took off for Duriel, and I stayed close behind. As soon as they engaged, I teleported directly behind the merc and spammed static field while feeding reds and purples to my sidekick and blues to myself as needed. As soon as Duriel's health bar got low, I switched to firewall, stacking as many as I could under his feet. Fortunately, I kept the merc alive, and it was all over very quickly.

Onward and upward!

[FONT=Courier New]
Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Nightfish         Hammertime        Paladin       25  Kurast Docks       No      2/12
jdkerr            BrusselSprouts    Sorceress     20  Kurast Docks       No      2/12
Jason Maher       Jason             Necromancer   17  Outer Cloister     Yes     1/12
Sint              WorkedUp          Druid         17  Outer Cloister     No      1/12
Ojimijam          Evelyn            Assassin       8  Cold plains        No      1/12
Kestegs           AWorkingStiff     Necromancer    1  Rogue camp         No      0/12

[FONT=Courier New]Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       Jacinta           Amazon         1  Rogue Encampment   No      0/12[/FONT]
Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

Use of Teleport on Charge: The rules do not disallow it. [I personally will almost certainly try all the challenges without any teleporting. It would feel too much like a MF run.]

Even though I'm a few days from playing I'm going to declare on a Amazon. (especially since jdkerr slipped ahead of me and is playing the trielemental sorc that I was thinking about). She'll be a LF/CS/Poison Javazon -who will be starved for skill points, because I will definitely need a sturdy and re-castable Valk for this.

I will probably try a a Softcore character too - since, when it come to HC, I seem to have an unblemished track record for living up to my forum name. I'll need to think about that one some more.

[FONT=Courier New]
Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Nightfish         Hammertime        Paladin       25  Kurast Docks       No      2/12
jdkerr            BrusselSprouts    Sorceress     20  Kurast Docks       No      2/12
Jason Maher       Jason             Necromancer   17  Outer Cloister     Yes     1/12
Sint              WorkedUp          Druid         17  Outer Cloister     No      1/12
Ojimijam          Evelyn            Assassin       8  Cold plains        No      1/12
Kestegs           AWorkingStiff     Necromancer    1  Rogue camp         No      0/12
Quickdeath        Lizzie            Amazon         1  Rogue camp         No      0/12

[FONT=Courier New]Forum Name        Character Name    Class       Clvl  Current Location   SP?  Labours
Jason Maher       Jacinta           Amazon         1  Rogue Encampment   No      0/12[/FONT]
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Re: The 12 Labors Tournament

No key in Drifter Canyon: lol, you guys should be lawyers. I will rule that a Non-Assassin must devote one slot in backpack to a key on a Labor where you must open a chest. If the chest doesn't open, you cannot fight. What a historic opportunity: you could be the first character ever to die for want of a key.

Alright, then I guess I'm out. I did kill stuff without actually opening the chest. (Also I had to S&E in the Dark Passage, as mentioned above, that was probably a no-no as well).

Estimated market value