Starting Over


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Hey all - haven't played at all in what, 10-15 years? Used to post regularly on the old forums (still have a few things stickied there which seems so odd, as I can barely follow my own guides now.) But it seems like most of the action moved over here.

Is there a discord server or something too, or just these forums? People here generally doing single player, or is ladder still a thing? I saw a few videos recently and it looks like there's a ton of different mods that people are playing with?

I don't really know how serious I want to get into this again, but I just bought new keys from blizzard as it's probably easier to pay $20 than it is to dig though old boxes for discs, and dig through other boxes for a usb-dvd player to install them. Kicked up a few errors during the install, but seems to just work out of the box. Time to go conquer the den (assuming I remember how to find it)
Welcome back @MageChick. Indeed we are all still active and now over here on our new site which Elly and I created :) We are mainly here on the forums but there is also a Discord chat...

The SPF community is as active as ever and we're seeing things pick up again as we head towards D2R release. A lot of the old guides and new guides will be added to the guides section There's also updated guides coming shortly created by the community here in the forums.

Welcome back! :)
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