~ SPHC Ladder Part IV ~

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LaFuria Celeste

It was raining in the Rouge Camp when the young girl arrived. Unannounced and unexpected, the girl moved quietly through the camp towards the fire. No one paid any attention to her, save one old man warming his bones next to the campfire. “Greetings stranger. I am not surprised to see your kind here. Many adventurers have traveled this way since the recent troubles began. My name is Warriv, and who might you be?†“My name is Celeste, LaFuria Celeste,†she said quietly, averting her eyes from the man. “Is there somewhere I could place my belongings and rest?†“You seem troubled Celeste. Do you care to share your thoughts? Perhaps there is something I can do to help.†Celeste remained silent, her head down, staring at the ground. “Ah…the strong silent type Warriv chuckled. Very well then my young girl. My caravan is currently stranded here in this encampment, and I have an empty trunk or two I could spare you.†“Thank you sir,†Celeste replied, “One will be fine. A small one will do. I do not have many belongings.†Warriv looked through his wagon and presented Celeste with a medium sized chest. “Perhaps you can grow into it†he stated. Celeste nodded silently and dragged the chest into a corner formed by a crumbling stone wall near the fire. Warriv continued to watch Celeste as she placed an unfamiliar Tome into the chest, closed it, and secured the chest with a magical ward. The ward glowed brilliantly at first, and then faded from sight. Warriv nearly gasped aloud when he saw the young girl bring forth the magical ward. “A Sorceress†he thought silently. He watched Celeste lay out a simple bedroll next to the chest, laying down on the cold wet ground. He rummaged around in his wagon for some extra blankets for the young girl. He approached Celeste to offer the additional goods, but the young Sorceress was fast asleep. Warriv slowly shook his head and returned to his wagon. As he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts wandered. “What could a young Sorceress like Celeste hope to accomplish against the evil that was tormenting the land? Alone?†Warriv awoke with a start. He couldn’t remember the exact details of the dream, but it had not been pleasant. He could see that the rain had ended and dawn was beginning to break. His first thoughts turned to the young Sorceress, Celeste. How had she weathered the night? He scurried from his bedroll and out of the wagon. Celeste was gone! Her bedroll was neatly rolled next to the chest he had given her the night before. He approached the chest, curious to get a closer look at the strange Tome she had placed within it. He reached for the latch, and immediately received a shock strong enough to knock him off his feet. “The Ward†he thought. “Well, it appears that she plans on coming back…at least for now.â€


And so begins the journey of LaFuria_Celeste. Travel through the Blood Moor was relatively uneventful. The Den of Evil was fairly close to town, so even after clearing the surrounding area, Celeste was only Level 3 when she entered. Luckily, one of the chests I popped in the Moor contained a nice club:

Septic Club of Frost
+1 Cold Damage
+6 Poison Damage over 2 Seconds
+50% Dmg Undead

Even those very modest mods helped considerably in the Den, and Celeste experienced no close calls at all. Somewhere along the way I found some armor:

Sturdy Leather Armor of the Jackle
11% Enhanced Defense
+5 Life

Hey, every little bit helps. I allocated 5 Stat points to Strength to wear the armor. To this point I had not allocated any Stat or Skill points. I also found a (2) Socket Short Bow which I decided to save for my future Merc. Corpsefire dropped nothing of interest. A magical Leather Armor and a Rare Short Bow with very uninteresting mods. Celeste was Level 6 upon completing the Den. I received the Blood Moor map with the river, so after a fairly thorough clear of both sides of the river, I headed to the Cold Plains. Just as Celeste hit the WP, she was rushed by her first Boss & Minion pack, Gargantuans. Bone Drinker (Cursed) and 5 minions. A short game of Hit & Run did the trick. I found a Jewel with 30% Extra Gold. Since Celeste is totally untwinked and will remain that way, I threw the Jewel into my (1) Socket Skull Cap I had found. I was just going to sell it anyway, and I’ll probably generate a little more gold over time than I would have for the one shot sale price, which will help towards the tremendous amount of gambling I may have to do to get any usable/helpful items.

There were no other interesting encounters in the Cold Plains. Bishbosh dropped nothing useful at all, and I didn’t meet any other Bosses. I found the entrance to the Stony Fields before I came to the Graveyard, so I passed it by for now. I finally located the Graveyard, and had quite a lengthy game of “Tag You’re It†with Blood Raven. She finally fell. Celeste got hit hard a few times, with the poison damage making healing slow, but she was never in any real danger. Blood Raven dropped a decent rare Scimitar:

Vicious Scimitar of the Leech
34% ED
+2 Min Dmg
+2 Max Dmg
4% Life Leech
Lightning Res +10%
Poison Res +10%

Unfortunately my Septic Club still did better damage with the poison damage factored in. Oh well. I put it on my weapon switch for now. I received Amplisa as my Merc. I found that she fires Cold Arrows (Bonus!), so I gave her the (2)Socket Short Bow I had found earlier. I put a chipped Ruby and Emerald into the bow for some elemental damage. That gives her Fire, Poison, and Cold at times. Not bad. I decided to run Celeste through the Crypt. Nothing of great excitement here. One FE boss that dropped junk, and Bonebreaker who was, of course. Extra Strong. He dropped me a rare sash:

Hailstone Harness Sash
24% Enhanced Defense
+2 Strength
+4 Mana
Lightning Res +5%
Attacker takes 1 Damage

The chest he was guarding held something of much greater interest to Celeste:

Consecrated Short Staff of Self-Repair
+108% Damage to Undead
+62 Attack Rating vs. Undead
+2 to Static Field
Repairs Durability

I do plan on putting some points into Static, so that will certainly help in the beginning. Since I knew where the Stony Field entrance was, I decided I’d try to find the WP before packing it in. This is what is known as a mistake. It was a mistake for two reasons. First, as you all know, whenever you want to wrap up a session and just find a WP “Real Quick,†inevitably you will need to clear the entire area before finally finding it. It never seems that you can find it right away when you’re in a rush. Of course, that was the case here. The second part of the mistake came right on the other side of the Stony entrance. The neighborhood Welcome Wagon director would have been proud to see the entire neighborhood showed up to greet Celeste and Amplisa. There was a Foul Crow Boss & Minions (Extra Strong), a Carvers pack, a Fallen Camp with 4 Shamen, 2 Foul Crow nests (just keep pumping ‘em out baby!), 6 or so Dark Rangers (Hey, hit & run is my tatic!), 2 Boss Moon Lords, and 4 Regular Moon Lords. HELLO!!! I managed to clear the mess out without too many close calls, but it took considerably longer than I had anticipated playing. When Celeste and Amplisa finally stumbled upon the Stony Fields WP, Celeste had reached Level 11 (2/3 rd’s of the way to 12). I had still only allocated the 5 Stat points for the armor, so Celeste has 45 Stat points and 11 Skill points available. I will allocate those at the start of her next session.

LaFuria_Celeste - Level 11 Location - Stony Fields


Blue light flashed from the long unused Rune Stone at the edge of the Rouge Encampment. In a single wordless motion Kashya, Captain of the Rogue Guard, and her troops had arrows knocked and bows drawn. A startled Warriv met the gaze of Celeste for the first time, and nearly fainted as he looked directly into a magical abyss.
Yes, like everyone said, real nice story there :)

Just one thing, a reminder for you all...check the ladder site, the updates are now being handled by you. Meaning, mail or PM me for your password, if you have some specific pass you wish to use, include that request in the message.
I've been meaning to do this for a long time. Now that my barb-only game is over I'm starting my ladder-quest.

First up is SirReptitious, pally. I plan to make him a Frozen Zealot. Severe lack of creative thinking, I know.

SirRep started last night. He's cleared the Moor and the Plains, cleaned out the den and put BR back in the ground. He found the Fields WP and went home for a nap. The most useful thing he's found so far is this little club:

Glyph Call
One-Hand Damage: 9 to 13
+9 to Mana
+21% Enhanced Damage
+2 to Minimum Damage
Adds 1-8 lightning damage
+2 to Resist Fire (Paladin Only)
+3 to Sacrifice (Paladin Only)
150% Damage to Undead

For some inexplicable reason he misses his first swing every time, even with the Sac active. Once he gets a hit he goes into hyperdrive and hits everything. If he has to pause to find a new enemy then he'll miss the first swing again. Just too weird. He also found a nice +20 Poison jewel that went into his armour with a chip topaz. Current damage with Sacrifice & Holy Fire is 60-94. Even on /players 8 there's not much that keeps standing for a second swing.

He picked up Aliza when BR was destroyed. Her stats say she'll start firing cold arrows any day now. Still waiting for the first and we've already been through the Crypt and Mausoleum. I'm beginning to think she might be broken. Found a nice Short Bow of Amplify Damage, which she's handling quite nicely. Maybe the bow won't shoot cold arrows. I dunno.

He's just reached lvl 12 so I'll be putting some spare points in Zeal.

My only other HC pally croaked before the end of A2 so here's hoping. More later.
Rusull, the Fire Elemental Druid, lvl67, NM A5 (updated the ladder myself :) )

A4 went smoothly at players5, but I brought it down to players3 for Big-D himself. I managed to keep my HF merc alive all through the Chaos Sanctuary, not really sure why, other than the challenge. Of course Diablo fried him to a crisp repeatedly :lol:

Along the way maxed Molten Boulder, to boost my Volcano. Now points go into Fissure. My wolf pack is starting to become fragile, and I may have to switch to the grizzly soon. I need to keep my meat shields up at all times.
LaFuria Celeste - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“State your business…quickly,†snarled Kashya. “No friend of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye has used that Rune stone for years, and you certainly don’t look like a friend of mine. The only reason you’re still alive, is the fact that Sister Amplisa accompanies you.†“Please Sister!†Amplisa cried out, “I come with incredible news.â€

As Akara tended to her many wounds, Amplisa recounted how she had left the Rogue camp to gather information about the mounting forces of evil that were preparing to assault the Rogue camp. “I came upon a Den of Evil in the wilderness,†she started. “I had no idea how ill prepared I was for the horrors that were contained within. Soon after entering the Den, I was nearly surrounded and killed. I fled wildly into the night, collapsing with exhaustion deep in the wilderness. When I awoke, the young girl you see here was standing over me. I was deeply frightened, but she soon convinced me that no harm would come to me by her hand. After providing her with the information I had gathered about the Den of Evil, the young girl assured me that she would eliminate the problem. I showed her to the Den, but I am sorry Sisters. I was too afraid to accompany her in. As night fell, she emerged from the Den. Not only was she apparently unharmed, she had gathered equipment, potions, and magical items! We made camp just inside the now safe Den, and I told her the story of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye.†“HOW DARE YOU,†Kashya shouted as she lunged for Amplisa. “NOT TO A STRANGER!†“Wait.†Akara stated in a quiet, commanding tone. “Let us hear the rest of what Amplisa has for us.†“Thank you Sister,†Amplisa said with a nod. “I explained how we were once the proud Guardians of the Monastery, and how we were driven from our stronghold by the evil that corrupted our very ranks. I told her the story,†she continued, glancing at Kashya, “of your good friend, our military leader, Blood Raven. Of how she struggled against the evil that eventually overcame her, and of your wish to see your friends torment ended. As we walked, we came upon the old Graveyard. Our former burial place of honor, now the home of evil and the corrupted Blood Raven. At this point, I am afraid Sisters, that I again failed the Sisterhood. We were suddenly attacked by an army of undead, horrors we could never have imagined. Struck from behind, I fell unconscious. All that remained when I awoke were the signs of a great battle, and Celeste, LaFuria Celeste laying our Sister to rest. Blood Raven has been released from the evil that had corrupted her. Please, let us welcome Celeste. Let us help her in her quest to rid our beloved land of the evil that slowly corrupts it.â€

Kashya stood up, glaring at Amplisa. “You disobeyed direct orders. No one was to venture into the wilderness without orders from me. You wish to help your newfound friend?†She glowered as she spat on the ground. “So be it. From this point forward, you are no longer a member of my guard. Instead, you shall accompany your new friend in her quest. Remember this when you lay dying beyond the safety of our camp.†Kashya strode away, followed by a somber detachment of her Rogue guards.

Finally alone, Celeste laid out her bedroll, either unaware, or unconcerned, with the curious eyes of a Caravan leader who watched her from afar. Celeste released the magical ward she had placed on her chest, and began to sort through the equipment she had gathered. She used scrolls that she had purchased from Akara to identify those she was not familiar with. Only one item held interest for her. The Short Staff glowed ever so faintly in her hands as she examined the glyphs on it. Glyphs of Static she realized. Carefully laying the staff on her bedroll, she continued emptying her pack. She had gathered many types of gemstone chips. Fairly useless now she thought, but perhaps I can trade them for larger ones later. She also had a bow with what appeared to be two sockets for placing glyphs or runes. Celeste had heard that some gemstones had magical properties, so she tried placing one of her Emerald chips into the bow. The bow began to glow with a faint green hue. Encouraged, Celeste placed a Ruby chip into the other socket. The bow began to emanate with a mild warmth. “I can’t use this,†she thought, “but perhaps it will be of use to Amplisa since she will now be accompanying me.†She then placed a Jewel into the Skull Cap she had found, and separated the remaining items. She placed the gems into her chest, and created a pile of items she intended to sell. Celeste then removed the strange Tome from the bottom of the chest. She opened the Tome which contained previously unrecognizable glyphs. She suddenly understood some of the ancient symbols. She recognized Fire Bolt, Warmth, and Inferno. There were other symbols on the page that the young Sorceress still did not recognize, but she was alive with excitement. Quickly turning the pages she recognized even more glyphs. Ice Bolt, Frozen Armor, Ice Blast, and Frozen Nova. Another page held 3 symbols of a Static Field, each stronger than the previous, and a symbol of Telekenesis. Celeste reached for the Tome, and accidentally brushed against the staff she had previously laid on her bedroll. Immediately two more glyphs of Static Field were recognizable. “By the Gods†she thought.

Dawn was breaking when Amplisa was shaken awake. “Let us go†Celeste commanded. “Akara has given us a mission.â€


Before heading back to the Stony WP, I allocated my 11 Skill points as described above. I also allocated the 45 Stat points I had accumulated. I put 30 into Vitality, and the remaining 15 into strength. My current plan is to avoid placing any into Energy, but I’ll have to see how that goes as it is unlikely I’ll find any Uber Mana boosting items. I may get lucky with some gambling and/or crafting, but I’ll play that by ear. I may just end up with a 3 Perf Saph helm, but I don’t even know if I’ll have enough gems for that. The good news is, I may not need tons of Mana. Time will tell. I also don’t intend to spend a lot in Dex. It’s my hope that blocking won’t have to become an issue. I’m going to give this some thought though. Those damn Archers are quite annoying now.

Having cleared nearly the entire Stony Fields looking for the WP at the end of my last session, I knew where the Cairn Stones and the Underground Passage were. Luckily, both were relatively close to the WP, so at least I wouldn’t have to clear the whole place again. Unluckily, Foul Sin (Multi-Shot) and her gang of Dark Archers were almost sitting on top of the WP. Celeste and Amplisa got hit pretty good, but fortunately there was a well right there as well. Combined with a few healing potions, and the girls were on their way. As luck would have it, I found the exit to the Dark Woods almost immediately. It would have been hard to miss since it was almost next door to the entrance to the Underground Passage. I decided to take some time in the UP and find Level 2 to get some Exp. Another one of my brilliant moves **cough, cough.** Eventually I found Level 2, after having to clear the entire UP. Celeste and Amplisa stepped down to Level 2, to get the usual packs of fallen and a couple of Shamen. What I hadn’t really planned for was Seethe Weaver (Extra Strong) and his Skeleton Archer minions. Damn, that HURTS!! I should have just let it be, but I’m well…stubborn. A couple of frontal assaults gained nothing except for the use of most of my healing potions. Plan 2 worked much better. I took off and pulled the end around. I got around the corner (As you know, UP2 is a loop) and out of range of the arrows. I cleared out the Shamen and fallen at the back, popped the chest (nothing) and prepared for the ambush. With her Undead Whacking Stick of Static, Celeste and Amplisa crushed the Skelly Pack with nary a scratch. Gee…why didn’t I think of that sooner??? Oh, thanks for nothing Seethe buddy.


Celeste and Amplisa took the carved steps up towards the sunlight. “The Dark Woods!†Amplisa exclaimed. “I’ve only heard tales….†The two girls made their way through the thick woods. All manner of beasts assaulted them, as if they were working in unison against the brave adventurers. Corrupted Dark Lancers, Quill Rats that were constantly shooting poison quills, and Carvers and Shamen. Lots of Carvers and Shamen. Celeste and Amplisa were about to rest when the ground began to shake. “Earthquake?†Amplisa wondered aloud. “Prepare for battle!†Celeste cried. “FIRE!!†The two girls were being rushed by towering Gargantuan Beasts…and they were coming fast. Really fast. Amplisa began firing arrows. She had acquired some skill while in the company of Celeste, but she still missed frequently. There were even times when she struck her mark, but the damage seemed minimal. Celeste stood her ground, having switched to her staff, dropping her club and shield. Amplisa gasped. “What is she doing?†Suddenly, Celeste slammed the end of the staff into the ground. Static charged the air. The smell of burning fur and flesh filled the air. Celeste slammed the staff repeatedly into the ground. The beasts howled in pain. Suddenly, the Gargantuan Beasts began to fall when Amplisa’s arrows hit home. It was over, they had defeated the Tree Guardian.

Akara studied the symbols that Celeste had written on the parchment. “Are you sure these are correct child?†“Yes Sister, I am sure†Celeste replied quietly. “Then it seems the evil is even closer than I had imagined†Akara continued. “It would seem that the Cairn Stones have been enchanted with tainted magic. It is from there that the evil will spill forth from Tristam. Celeste. Thus far you have proven to be a much worthier adventurer than I would have imagined. I implore you. Take my translation of these symbols to the Cairn Stones and activate the portal to Tristam. Perhaps a surprise assault will afford you an advantage. It may be your only chance, and our only hope. A dear friend of mine, Deckard Cain, attempted this very feat a few months past. He has not been heard from since. While I don’t expect that your powers are nearly as vast as those of the Great Deckard Cain, I can only pray for your success.


Oh Akara..PLEASE!!! The “Great Deckard Cain?â€
Anyway, Treehead Woodfist was Extra Strong, Extra Fast, and came out of nowhere. With Amplisa's Poison/Fire/Cold arrows and some static, even the hardest hitters are falling without too much of a problem. Treehead dropped a couple of blue nothings.

Having already cleared the Cairn Stones on the way to the UP, I decided to go ahead and get Cain before I ended the session. As you know, when you enter Tristam, there is usually a Boss & Minion pack fairly close to the entrance as you head SouthEast, and another to the NorthWest. Then you have the Bosses in the middle of town. Generally there is a Boss & Minion pack of some sort down to the South around the corner of town, and of course there’s Griswold. My pack to the SE was Blight Grumble (Lightning Enchanted – Ewww) and his Skeleton Warrior minions. Things were going pretty well here, until Amplisa scored a hit on Blight Grumble while it seems I took a Critical from one of the minions at the same time. Wham. Life ball was nearly emptied in a split second. Fortunately, I was already in retreat, so nothing was around to finish the job. A quick juvie and a game of “Ring Around The Stone Wall†with some Hit & Run finished the job. Nothing decent dropped. I’m beginning to see a trend here. I worked my way around the edge of town with no further problems. Lots of carvers and such, Skeleton Archers and Warriors, but no other Bosses. Griswold was Cursed as always, but no trouble at all. Level 5 Static kept me well out of reach, and Amplisa just kept firing arrows. He was down in now time, and he never touched us. The aforementioned Boss & Minions to the NW turned out to be a real pain, literally. Steele Weave was a Mana Burn Skelton Archer. After trying some covert operations with no success, I swallowed a Mana potion and ran straight into the middle of the pack, emptying a full mana globe (yeah, like that’s a ton at level 15) of Static into the pack before they drained it for me. That proved to be enough with Amplisa providing ranged support, and my Enhanced Damage to Undead Whacking Stick of Static laying down the law. Two Champion Skeleton Archers were all that guarded the middle of town, and the deed was soon done. Hey, Great & Mighty Deckard Cain. How is it you ended up in that birdcage anyway??

Oh, and Akara. Thanks again for the new Ring of Extreme Crapiness.


A blue Portal opened in the center of the Rogue camp. Again, Kashya and her troops prepared to fire. “It…It..It can’t be,†stammered an astounded Akara. “Deckard Cain?!?â€


Lafuria_Celeste – Level 15
Location – Dark Woods
**/players 8**
An update for my characters. Haven't killed the Ancients yet with my hammerdin he have done some mephruns instead. He have done 258 mephruns and there will be more got some nice finds. At run 170 I found a gimmershred which works nice with my Zealot Crazy_Ploppy who is working his way through act 2 Hell.
I have also started a Sorceress my first in 1.10 she is called Icy_Ploppy. She will be using frozen orb, haven't decided what else but i think it will be meteor because I have started putting points into fireball.

Conquorer Blessed_Ploppy Hammerdin lvl 83 talking to Meph
Conquorer Crazy_Ploppy Zealot/Ranger lvl 77 taking a beer at Atmas tavern
Icy_Ploppy lvl 15 Frozen Orb/Meteor Outer Cloister

Take care out there the world is dangerous out there

Conqueror Montgomery - 76th level Skelliemancer

Monty's army has taken down Radamant. After I exploded all the skeletons in the area, it went pretty smoothly and slowly.
Conqueror Strong-Sad - Level 78 Skelliemancer

Still running the Pit for stuff (that never drops :grrr: ). But as other sept chars are making it up and collecting gear for him, he will make it though Act II soon.
At the moment Kussa is the only character that I have the ability to update on the ladder site so heres a list of all my SPFHCL Characters:

Kussa, Necro (Skelli)
Butterfly, Sorc (Energy Shield)
Penny, Amazon (Magezon)
MindOverMatter, Barb (Conc)
Smile, Necro (Dentist)


Edit: my speeling iz teribal.
Edit2: Missed one :D
sam_manzanza said:
At the moment Kussa is the only character that I have the ability to update on the ladder site so heres a list of all my SPFHCL Characters:

Kussa, Necro (Skelli)
Butterfly, Sorc (Energy Shield)
Penny, Amazon (Magezon)
MindOverMatter, Barb (Conc)
Smile, Necro (Dentist)


Edit: my speeling iz teribal.
Edit2: Missed one :D

the other characters should be added now, let me know if it doesn't work :)
Thanks alot Borlag :)
Just one thing. You forgot to add Smile, but it doesn't matter as I don't forsee me playing him much in the near furute, so you can add him later.
Thanks so much :D


Edit: I just noticed one more thing. There is a 'c' at the end of Penny. Sorry to be such a pain :)
hmm actually I didn't, just made a typo with the file, typed C when I should've typed c...

I know, big difference....but it still doesn't work when it's wrong :p

edit: that c removed lol
Rest in Peace PestyP! :) Got taken down by an FE madawc - he hit me before I was able to read his mods. I'm not disappointed in the least though. I didn't lose anything of note and his progress was much further than I would have ever expected. As I said when I first went up against Hell council, Pesty was on borrowed time - I learned alot and unless you have 3 Trang's + bramble there is no word in either the English or Portuguese languages that can express the sheer tedium of progressing with a venomancer in HC.

As far as my other chars, I'm recording some runs with Boneapart. I wrote down a set of countess runs due to the claim that we had earlier :teeth: and I gots up the wazoo. Regardless, he's up to 471 MF! I average 1 set / unique before I even get to Andy :p Hehe fun fun, and no need for condolences! :)
Hey all,

Getting out of D2 for awhile. I have a fairly decent HC stash that I will be giving to Burke--about 700 items. I will keep what is on my characters but the rest should be posted in his giveaway link, at least the sets and Uniques.

I may be back later, but I'm not sure. Good luck to all the mortals!
SirRep, Zealot, lvl 17, Sept rules
Took down the Countess last night with the worst run map I've ever seen. The marsh was split by the river with a U shaped area on one side and a big box on the other. The WP was in the wrong end of the U and the Tower was at the far side of the box. Took longer to run to the tower than to run through it. She was in a strange mood. Dropped mostly Nef, Eth and Ith. Maybe it was a reward for the long run. :scratch:

He replaced his old weapon with a just found +2 Zeal sceptre with + mxdam. Very happy. :uhhuh:
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Estimated market value