qucik ethics question

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Mar 28, 2004
qucik ethics question


It's been commented that the -w command is allowable if it allows dii to run better on your system...

I know this sounds silly, but... would anyone have a problem with me using it so I can check my emails etc while playing?

Promise I won't use it to abuse ATMA...
Nope no problems here as it has absolutely no affect on the game aside from how big the baddies look ;)
I'll tack on a couple of useful & non-compromising ones;

-lq : low quality mode
-ns: no sound mode
-res800: resolution of 800 x 600 is required to run in window mode, just in case someone might be testing this out and getting an error using -w. The problem might be you're set in-game to run in 640 x 480.
I don't consider it cheating.

I use -w so I can use my computers clock when I have to leave at a certain time. -w does not alter how the game is played other then the size of the screen it is played on. So it is not a game altering cheat like the act5 cheat.
On Mac this is a command in the game: You can hit Apple-M to jump back and forth between full-screen and windowed mode as the mood strikes you.

If it's not cheating for us it's not cheating for you poor Windows users either. ;)
DurfBarian said:
On Mac this is a command in the game: You can hit Apple-M to jump back and forth between full-screen and windowed mode as the mood strikes you.

If it's not cheating for us it's not cheating for you poor Windows users either. ;)

That's similar to us poor Windows users using ATMA not being cheating because you Mac users got this awesome muling application in DII itself right?

Oh... wait... you don't have that but we still have ATMA! :p
I love the fact that we're really concerned about the legitimacy of gameplay and item sharing--but let's tone it down a bit!! :lol:

I think we all know what is and isn't cheating--so sit back and enjoy the game! If you like to play it in a window, ask yourself how it could hurt anyone. If you can't come up with an answer, it's probably just fine.

Me, I'm just trying to resist the urge to dupe that Ist rune I found the other week. Ohhhhhhh...it hurts... :)
Wow. I second addicted2macs, both in the mac addiction and his great answer. Additionally, this is not an ethics question. There is no right or wrong in running diablo in a window...
yea, that is fine, i use it for all my D2 now. theres nothign wrong. it doesnt change the game, it doesnt give you an advantage, it doesnt allow you to do stuff you wouldnt normally, it simply puts it in a window, not full screen.
theres no need for everyone to get that obsessive about commands and other things that can help you.
If its illegal, then I have to fess up and admit I use the no sound command with the skip to battle.net command. I like listening to my own music when I play. :thumbsup:
no sound??

Then how do you hear those runes drop. :lol:

Being one of the rarest items in the game they are the quietest item that drops IMO.

Like everyone has said if it doesn't alter the mechanics of the game then its not considered a cheat. The only thing any of the -commands that Quest For Glory listed do is alter your view of the game.

If playing in a window enabled one to play in 1024x800 mode (or larger for that matter) then we might have a problem with it since the ranges in game would be different and therefore could be used as an advantage. I.e. you could know what stats were on a boss before they had the chance to see you.

This thread, which was only meant to have one response, seems to have offended some people.

This is partly my fault and partly not my fault.

It's partly my fault because I wasn't clear enough with my initial question - I should have asked if this would prohibit me from MP'ing or trading, rather than whether it was "right" or "wrong".

The point that no-one really seems to have picked up on is that -w and Alt-Tab both make it easier to abuse ATMA. Now I have no intention of doing this, but the reason this question wasn't trivial is that it does open up such possibilities. Lots of people (although in the minority) are against hot-muling, and so it was possible they'd be against windowed modes.

It's clear that this question was considered beneath a lot of people, but there are a lot of rules as to what constitutes "legitimate" play and I just wanted to be sure.

AE, could you close this thread please? My question has been plenty answered.
CheekyJez said:
AE, could you close this thread please? My question has been plenty answered.
Can do :)

I wouldn't worry if anyone was offended by your question. Any question is fair game in this forum.
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