Perfect Bow

Re: Perfect Bow

Actually crushing blow is not nerfed at range, it just acts in 2 time less:

1/16 on bosses
1/8 - on other monsters

the same with open wounds.

with gore riders you will have 50% crushing, 30% deadly strike.

using guliame face + atma scrab +gore +faith MB I kill hell baal in 8ppl game in solo in 40 secs. Who faster? I believe that crushing blow do the job here.

Do you have a merc wailing on baal at the same time? Whats your merc wearing? :)whistling:) A merc's jab with fanaticism with even 10-35% crushing blow would skew the percieved damage ALOT.

Is amp damage going off at all? I doubt you could go 20 seconds on any monster without amp damage going off on a I believe thats a HUGE factor in kill speed also.

Note: If you choose a helm such as giant lose only 25 crushing blow (still 25% in all with gores) and now have potential damage/speed coming from an extra open socket on a 2os skull. Also nice knockback mod. Either way, I think giant skull is better in all situations vs. Guill's on a strafer.

There's also the option of crafted blood gauntlets. Potentially an extra 8% cb (8+10+15=33%cb)with 20ias +2 bow skills + dex + dual leech. Since we are dreaming of the perfect bow mine as well have the perfect gloves too. Free's up Guillames totally. Heck, since you will have mechanic's mod, throw a Ber in that bad boy. I'd rather have three 40%ed jewels (with 15ias I suppose for intended speed breakpoints) in my helm and a Ber in the weapon, then 35 CB and maybe one 40%ed jewel.

Thats just my humble opinion if we have optimal mods on our weapon anyway and unlimited resources.

Re: Perfect Bow

I had merc from 2 act with might aura with pride ;) 3plet of auras: fana+might+concentration

year, amplify damage is the way to go, under AD Baal dies fast.

as for gulame, actually after many tests, I changed it to gaint skull with 2x ed/ias jewels. + golves 10%cb 2bow sk ar hp dex. but currently I use Faith MB as my primary weapon.
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