Patriarch Zasz, Arctic Shaman


Well-known member
Guide Author
Feb 24, 2006
After a couple of years of no D2LoD (didn't have a computer that could run it until recently), I'm back into it. Fortunately, I had backed up my SP characters and GoMule stashes, so I was able to pick up where I left off. A few more weeks of work, and I finally finished a project that I had started way back in version 1.10: Zasz, my Arctic Shaman (arctic blast hunter druid).

Name:       Zasz
Class:      Druid
Experience: 1226345557
Level:      86

Strength:   80/85
Dexterity:  130/168
Vitality:   270/270
Energy:     40/76
HP:         732/896
Mana:       230/260
Stamina:    414/458
Defense:    32/1011
AR:         620/5994

Fire:       108/68/8
Cold:       129/89/29
Lightning:  116/76/16
Poison:     88/48/-12

MF:         30       Block:      17
GF:         0

Raven: 1/3
Poison Creeper: 1/3
Oak Sage: 1/4
Summon Spirit Wolf: 1/3
Carrion Vine: 1/3
Summon Dire Wolf: 20/22
Solar Creeper: 1/3
Summon Grizzly: 14/16

Arctic Blast: 20/31
Cyclone Armor: 20/28
Twister: 1/9
Tornado: 1/9
Hurricane: 15/23

Final Gear:
Main weapon: Wizendraw, -35% ECR
Weapon switch: Kuko Shakaku
Pelt: Lore RW Antlers, +3 Arctic Blast, +1 Oak Sage
Body: Naj's Light Plate
Hands: Loath Touch rare gauntlets, +2 dex, 22% Cres, 14% Lres, 30% Fres, 16% MF
Belt: Bladebuckle
Feet: Hailstone Tread rare demonhide boots, 20% frw, 10% fhr, +15AR, 51% enh.Def, +25max Stamina, +2 light radius
Neck: Gaean Amulet of Precision, +3 elemental skills, +12 dex
Rings: Eagle Grasp rare ring (+8 min.Damage, +5% AR, +19 max Stamina, +9% LRes, +9% CRes, +9% FRes, +25% Pres, +5 light radius)
and Order Master rare ring (+53 AR, +14 dex, +11 energy, +8% all resist, -25% poison length, 10% MF)
Pack: Natural Grand Charm x3, and a variety of other small charms.
Stashed gear: Rhyme RW heater, Gaean cudgel

Chalan's (A2 NM might-aura mercenary) gear:
Hand of Justice ethereal colossus voulge
Guillaume's Face
The Gladiator's Bane

Just about every hunter druid that I have seen or played has these features in common: dire wolves/grizzly dealing physical damage, usually augmented by a might-aura mercenary and/or a heart-of-wolverine spirit, and the druid plinking away from behind with a bow or crossbow. That's usually enough to dish out sufficient physical damage, so single-player hunter builds just need some way to deal with PI monsters. Arctic blast seemed to the "the road less traveled," and I just love it's visual effect and its soft hissing noise, so that's the build I determined I would pursue.

Arctic blast works best when the druid's hurricane is active and the druid is positioned at just the right distance away from the monster, so that the target is getting pulse damage from the hurricane at the same time it's getting damage-per-frame from AB. Think of AB and hurricane as forming a capital letter Q - the sweet spot is the intersection.

I started this build many years ago - 7 or 8 years in the making, I guess? During those years, I have managed to defeat Hell Baal with about ten other assorted characters. When I discovered GoMule, I happily transferred some gear to Zasz to help him advance a little farther along. He has the best Wizendraw bow I have ever found. I put it on Zasz as an experiment, comparing his level 34 (Gaean cudgel) arctic blast to his level 31 arctic blast aided by Wizendraw's -35% cold resist. I was pleasantly surprised that monsters' life bars seemed to shrink noticeably faster when Zasz blew his minty-fresh breath at them through the bow.

As I progressed through Hell difficulty, I didn't know whether I would fully synergize dire wolves and grizzly and leave arctic blast only partially synergized, or fully synergize arctic blast at the expense of the grizzly. In the end, I split the difference, boosting both grizzly and the hurricane equally, so neither the pets nor the arctic blast are fully synergized.

Of course I had the trouble I usually have with Hell difficulty Ancients/WSK/Baal, until I GoMule'd the Guillaume's Face over to Zasz's mercenary. I believe it basically comes down the the crushing blow modifier. With CB on merc, Zasz achieved patriarch. Without that CB, Zasz probably would never have patted.

Hunters (bow wielding druid summoners) are my favorite characters to play, and I have several other hunter projects going on, so hopefully I'll get to report another patriarch hunter druid someday.
Cool! That's a really long project to work on, nice that you finally finished him.

What was the listed damage on Arctic blast?
No prevent monster heal? But maybe that wasn't any issue?

Cool build! Looking forward to Daggoth...
Congrats on your Pat. Eight years in a lot time to sit on a build, especially where Atlantic Salmon are concerned!!

Oh, Arctic Shamam!
Nice build, and build idea. Congrats on the Pat, and keeping him going over such a long time/break!
Also, I love the name, Zasz. :)
Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

@Kestegs: here's a screenshot; the listed AB damage is 1533-1643.

Off-topic: Kestegs, do you remember Malevolent's Fashionistas tournament a few years back? Yeah, when I finally got another computer and D2LoD working on it this year, one of the first things I did was fire up my Hc Zoolander druid. Being out of practice, of course, very quickly I got the dreaded "your deeds will be remembered" screen. So for what it's worth after 3 years, congratulations on winning that tournament!

@Maltatai: He does have a toxic small charm (100 poison damage over 5 seconds) in the inventory.

I used the Kuko Shakaku when I decided to use ranged attacks, not the Wizendraw. His AR is under 1K, so half or more of his normal bow attacks missed, depending on the monster, but when he did hit, that poison charm worked well enough to keep most monsters from regenerating their health too quickly.

All of my SC project toon names are four letter words, so that I can shout their names when I curse. <grin!> So, sorry to disappoint you, but I have no Daggoth. I like your thinking though. Maybe I should make a throwaway character named Abathur, just so I can have Anya personalize something disgusting, like "Abathur's javelin of pestilence" or something like that.

@TheNix: Hmm, is there any armor my druid can wear that would make him appear salmon pink?
That's pretty low damage, especially since it's lower in realty, 28% of the listed value iirc. I'm sure the -ecr helped a lot.

Off-topic: Kestegs, do you remember Malevolent's Fashionistas tournament a few years back? Yeah, when I finally got another computer and D2LoD working on it this year, one of the first things I did was fire up my Hc Zoolander druid. Being out of practice, of course, very quickly I got the dreaded "your deeds will be remembered" screen. So for what it's worth after 3 years, congratulations on winning that tournament!

That's too bad, rip zoolander!

I actually was just thinking of that death of mine this morning while playing another paladin through act 3. Still disappointed in myself, he should have gone all the way. Fun tournament though, thanks for finally conceding :p
Arctic blast, "the road less traveled." I'm fairly sure that path requires a local guide, mosquitoe netting, and a machete to be traveled. Nicely done. Any future plans for him? I have a pally named Zasz, I stole the name from Starcraft, any meaning/story behind it for you?
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