[NL] [SC] PC Nokk's Nikk Nakks

Saw you're looking for claws. Wondering if you might be interested in these. Bartucs.pngFirelizards.png
Turned up a +3 lightning sentry greater claws, is that of use?

Edit: gotcha, wasn't sure if assassin claw was more trap focused or base for runeword. Now I know where to go if any trap-focused claws drop.
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Do you want any Lum/Fal/Ko?
I can take 20 off your hand for Pul + Pul. Do you want to do the other 5 for some Lum/Ko/Fal?
Thanks for the trade :)

Feedback added
key of hate for your arreat's plus a couple pskulls
Nokky - I got some pskulls. LMK if your interested.
Lots of focus on those pskulls :p got some too as well Nokk if you want to trade... (>10)
I've got Lum/Ko/Fal for those (2/3/4 Pskulls each)
Added you. PMed you too.
Estimated market value