New to Forum, First Pat, Untwinked Bone Necro


Active member
Jan 19, 2014
Hello! I have been reading content this forum for a little while now, but I decided to make an account, because I want to share...

My First Patriarch: Patriarch Zen
Untwinked Bone Necromancer Extraordinaire

I would create a back story for this guy, but I'm far too exhausted for that right now. So we're going to explore the ins and outs of my untwinked bone necro. I'm going to say right now, that I had my luckiest drops ever going through Hell on this guy. I was floored at some of what I found, and while it made finishing Hell a bit faster, I am going to say right now that untwinked bone necros are completely viable, even without the luck I had with finishing this guy up. I hope you enjoy the read.

Level at completion: 80

Stats: without/with gear

Strength: 15 (base)/86
Dexterity: 25 (base)/30
Vitality: 415/425 (1159 life)
Energy: 25 (base)/57 (388 mana)
Unused: 10 points
So, I guess as a bonus, this guy is also a vitality-only necro.

Skills: without/with gear

Bone Armor: 1/12
Teeth: 20/28
Corpse Explosion: 1/9
Bone Wall: 20/28
Bone Spear: 20/36 (2899-3057)
Bone Prison: 20/28
Bone Spirit: 6/14 (points are going here until maxed. I have this solely for the synergy; I never use it.)
Clay Golem: 1/6 when summoning
Golem Mastery: 1/3 when summoning
Summon Resist: 1/3 when summoning

Endgame Gear:

Weapon: +3 Bone Spear base White Bone Wand (+8 Bone Spear total)
Shield: +3 Bone Spear base Splendor Unraveller Head
Helm: +2 PnB, +14 energy rare Circlet
Body: Enigma Breastplate (most of the game spent with Stealth Studded Leather; from the end of act 1 in Normal until act 5 in Hell)
Gloves: 20 LR, 9 FR, half freeze duration, 25% reduce poison duration rare Demonhide Gloves
Belt: 22 PR, 25% reduced poison length rare Demonhide Sash
Boots: 10% FRW, 14 CR, 11 FR, half freeze duration, 14% mf rare chain boots
Switch Weapon: +2 Necro skills, +3 Decrep Magic Bone Wand
Switch Shield: +3 Clay Golem Preserved Head
Ring 1 & 2: Crafted Caster Rings. Nothing special, 7 res all on one of them, 13 CR on the other.
Ammy: Crafted Caster Ammy with 10 FCR and +1 Barb Skills

Endgame Simpleton:

Barbarian Follower
Weapon: Flamebellow
Armor: Boneflesh
Helm: Rare circlet with 5 life leech


Normal: Played on /p8 in its entirety. Leveled up Teeth to 4, placing single points into the one-point wonders as I went and saving the rest. At 12, I started to pump Bone Wall. I shopped Charsi for a 2os Studded Leather armor to make a Stealth runeword in, which I could equip with +STR charms. After killing Andy, I replaced my rogue with a random desert merc with a cool name and shopped Drognan for a 2os +3 Bone Spear bone wand in act 2. That took maybe around 30 minutes. I would have died doing that if not for music and youtube. Once I hit level 18, I started to pump Bone Spear along with Bone Wall. Somewhere in act 3, a +3 Bone Spear head dropped, and I saved up runes and gems to be able to roll sockets into it (which I did during act 3 in Nightmare), and luckily, I got 2 sockets. After maxing Bone spear, I started finishing up Bone Wall. Baal dropped Spirit Shroud, which I didn't want to use at the expense of Stealth's FCR.
I finished Normal at around level 45, I think, with most of the gear I would be using through the end of hell.

Nightmare: Played on /p8 in its entirety. I found a Dol and a Lum rune in act 1, and held onto them until I could put them in their destined items. Nothing remarkable happened throughout Nightmare really; act 3 was a pain, and I ended up ignoring the character for months. After coming back to him, I finished act 3 and the rest of the difficulty in short order. Along the way, I got an Io rune and with it, I made my weapon. A definite upgrade to the base wand I had before it, increasing my damage by maybe around 6-800. I found Swordguard in act 4 and decided I would ditch my desert merc in favor of the act 5 barb for a change of pace. I also found Boneflesh somewhere along the way to suit him up. Between Diablo and Baal, I found Trang's shield and Laying of Hands.
I finished Nightmare at around 72, I think (it was a while ago).

Hell: Mostly played on /p1, for a few parts, I bumped it up, but I gave up on it because I didn't want to take forever. I continued playing my necro until I finished act 1 then I stopped playing him for months again. Then two days ago, I started playing him again, and I finished Hell with him. Nothing really interesting happened (aside from some crazy drops that I have no idea how I got them), I just continued to max skills in a mostly predictable manner. So after I finished act 4, I went to act 5 and killed Shenk. I thought to myself: 'I've been using this one armor (Studded Leather Stealth) since act 1 in Normal... Let's switch it up.' So I went to act 2 in Normal and found a 3os Breastplate from Fara and made my Enigma. Having less FCR and FHR hurt, but I saved time and was able to use teleport to escape some harsh situations. I teleported through most of act 5

Hellforges: Amn (I think), Ko (I think), Ko

So I spoke about some crazy drops... some of which is obvious if you read my gear.
I hit a hot streak between the end of act 2 and the end of act 4. I found a bunch uniques and a few high runes.
Shapeshifter gc in early act 2
Gul rune (!) from Tal Rasha's Tomb
Blue Essence from Duriel
Ber rune (!!!!) in the Spider Forest
Arm of King Leoric in the Flayer Dungeon level 2
Jah rune (!!!!!!!!) in the Chaos Sanctuary. (Anyone thinking what I thought?)
Gheed's from Diablo
Less notable, but I still appreciate: Dark Clan Crusher, Bloodmoon, Goldskin, Baranar's Star, Flamebellow from various parts of acts 2, 3, and 5.

Bar none, theses were the best finds I've ever had when going through Hell. IT was extremely satisfying to finish the game on this guy.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I have screenshots of most of the important things, but I don't know how to use the spoiler function so that they aren't intrusive in the post. Any questions/comments are welcome. Thanks again! Peace!

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You, sir, are amazing. Not only you had the style and skills to make a bone necro your first character instead of a summoner, you've completed one of most expensive and most desired runewords while questing and untwinked toon!

You rock!
That is definitely some nice luck on those rune drops. Even with 1.13 drop rates, the odds of that happening again while questing are VERY low. To put that in perspective, it took me about 3 weeks of running LK to get the runes for Enigma (though Pindle dropped a Zod during that time!). Nice job on the character. Now join the dark side and go hardcore.
That was as stylish as it is crazy to find all those treasures. I've never found anything close to such a collection of high end stuff with any character. Respect for not keeping the town guard :thumbup:

Now keep this up and DON'T degenerate into a twinking cookie cutter generic bore. Self-found hardcore characters forever!
Thanks for the encouraging comments, guys. I started a new necro a few days ago, and, provided I can finish him (between hours spent at school and work), he will certainly be something you wouldn't expect. Don't want to spoil the surprise, though.
I will say that he is nothing like you have seriously considered doing to a necromancer, and he is furthermore doing it untwinked.
If Iron Golem was only a bit more stable, oh the possibilities it would open up...

Doom Golem
Beast Golem
Pride Golem
Peace Golem
Azuwrath Golem
Crescent Moon Golem
I've used a C-moon that way

ahaha better be. If only it could use the teleport skill. Golems already have crazy FRW, but adding 45 more + teleport would be entertaining
I hate that Ondal's Wisdom is a staff.
In my Dreams I find one made of metal, with +1 TP skill and high EXP on his kills!
Ultimate Minion!
Gratz on the untwinked Enigma!

I think there was an untwinked bowazon a while back that finished the game with BotD bow, which is super rare, but I definitely rather finish with Enigma.
Well. Since it's not just an intro thread, but a pat thread with a tint of intro, I suppose the shin kicking part can be omitted in this case.
That escalated quickly.... *puts on shin-guards*

Well. Since it's not just an intro thread, but a pat thread with a tint of intro, I suppose the shin kicking part can be omitted in this case.

A good intro thread should include a pat/mat. Plus there are ceremonies one must stand upon, what with the shin-kicking and all.
Estimated market value