New patch to be released soon.

Gorny said:
Pineapple must be = to fÎðà7ìñ6 áÎðñ6 â §éá Öf 4zü®èîéám§
Which just happens to be one of the clues. I think you made an important link there Gorny. :wink3:
Now that's something that would tempt me to play on again...

Although we could get Dredd into the SP verison. It wouldn't be too hard to replace the superuniques with Mod names. Instead of running Pindle, we'd be running Dredd, or Baal becomes Gorny :wink3: Goes off to ponder creating mod...
Now that's something that would tempt me to play on again...

Although we could get Dredd into the SP verison. It wouldn't be too hard to replace the superuniques with Mod names. Instead of running Pindle, we'd be running Dredd, or Baal becomes Gorny :wink3: Goes off to ponder creating mod...
as long the custom uniques dont have mod sticks and cast ci, rd and temp bans :thumbsup:

Don't worry, I don't understand a thing here as well :azn:
blah was really hopin for a new patch, u should be banned for 10 years for makin such a thread :wink3:
Newest world event:

If you sell enough redheads to merchants, Dredd will walk the Earth.

If you can beat this monster, you will get either a godly bale of hay that restores all health, or a godly pitchfork that can kill Baal in one hit.

You and your noob tricks.

Can i one Hit K.O the monster with a pineapple if i put it into the monsters soulstone chamber located at Kurast and smash it?

Yeh, only a few know the true meaning of the pineapple.

Estimated market value