New Ladder Classic Trade Thread

If you can get to 40pgms, its a deal too:D

Well, if you are not in a terrible hurry i would bin that offer to me. Not sure how much i got time to play thought. Between work, sports and my woman i tend not to have too much online time. Maybe i if u could give me some leeway over the weekend and then see how much i have gathered? Anyways if someone gives you soj for even with this bin then by all means go for it! Anyway im off to hunt and maybe trade some pgems myself :grin:


I'm not in a hurry no, i'll give you a week on that lance, if nobody else offered a soj by then, it's yours for the 40 pgms.
I'm not in a hurry no, i'll give you a week on that lance, if nobody else offered a soj by then, it's yours for the 40 pgms.

Nice! Can offer few hell forge rushes every now and then 4 u later as a bonus :)


USEast SC Ladder

I really need a 230+ mart, and a -20/30 req ornate. If anyone has either of the two, please post what you're looking for. I might have something of interest.
....i actually happen to have both of those pure....

all i really need atm is a 17/30/20 priz shield or a decent din shield/light plate mage...

nate is 7XX def sexy brown -20 and 10 fhr and some res.

mart is like 233 and i dont remember hunt it down.
Ok since there are no offers, i don't have to feel bad to say that the shield/boots and best ring are gone. Got myself a soj and 40 pgms on bnet :)
Got the pgems 4 ya struikje. Donno when im online next time, but i'll add your account jantje... see ya soon.

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if anyone has a crap Bonesnap they could toss my way, so I can get back on my feet, I will return items back to you when I get them. +interest =)
rares sell list
also selling angelic amu or two and approx 30 pgems, a couple of rare +2/20fcr nec wands with poor other mods, goldwrap.

Main current needs are bloodfist, good res gloves, a pala amu (lres and dex the most preferred secondary mods), 30 frw fr/lr boots without mf (can trade fr/lr boots with 10fhr/20mf for 30 frw with fr/lr), a pvm frenzy barb bh, soj(s).

I pay 1 pgem for 100k.

Items posted here don't have the same requirement as in the trade forums right? As in I won't get banned if I decide I want to keep something or happen to find a generous buyer in game...
Well, if you have accepted to a deal on here and then find a better offer online, this deal on here comes first.
Bessides that, it would only be nice towards your fellow forumites if you can refrain from trading items you offered away. Do onto others what you would have them do onto you.
Anything serious enough to be reported will be investigated and it might result in a ban.
No I wasn't planning on doing that. The trade forums are somewhat harsher as I remember; you can't withdraw items even if you do so before anyone has offered on them.
Here, all you have to do is be very clear which items you withdraw and I doubt anybody will have a problem with it.
ISO sorc stuff (for orb/TS or meteorb sorc for rushing) need resists/mana/life/skills with low str requirements
could use a cathan amulet to complete set
(useful low sets would be helpful to me like angelics or irathas)

very poor at the moment, but i have game gold, gems,
sigon belt & boots
serpent lord
blood crescent
+1 necro 15ar 20energy 13 mana amulet

Is it better to trade gems in classic, or convert them to LoD?

find me at *enderdeckard or *kayoung
Gems are worth more in LoD.
In classic, unless people intend to convert them, Gems are usually worth their selling value.

Might help if you put your realm in your profile or add it to the post. Unless you mean that you are so poor you wouldn't mind switching to other realms. (I think you have LoD chars on the linked realm though :) )
Oh yeah, sorry I'm east softcore ladder.
I've got a bunch of characters in LoD, but I thought I'd try out classic for a while. No reasonable currency in classic it seems. I hate bartering; oh well, no choice I guess.

Any kinky MLD/LLD gear, Particularly Bows/Wands/Wh's/BHs/Low mauls.


+2 pally ias weapon/29 or less req.
if anyone has a crap Bonesnap they could toss my way, so I can get back on my feet, I will return items back to you when I get them. +interest =)

Im trying to build up my GF/MFer barb again, I am level 30, and still have crap weapons. If anyone would be gracious enough to loan a weapon to me, preferably Bonesnap, any %ed will do, I would gladly give back more once the MF part kicks in :thumbsup: I did find Cleg Sword/Gloves, Gleamscythe, and Noka amu thus far, if you want all of that for it :prop:




+2 pally ias weapon/29 or less req.

29 or less str or dex ? Because unless I am mistaken, +2 pala spawns with level 42 req.
Otherwise, look to full Milabrega's set. It's amusing for the +3 pala, though you could get more +skills from +1 pala (with added skills), tarn, silks and sig shield.

Estimated market value