Modern Classic Discussion Thread (1.10+ without LoD)


Aug 20, 2021
Welcome! This is the place for general 1.10+ discussion, info, and gossip... A place where intrepid players can share their finds, characters, and projects...ask questions and share advice and ideas...or just share their experiences or ask about other's...

This is done by creating a character (of the original five classes - no Druid or Assassin) and not check the expansion box. Thus you have a tiny stash, Four acts, no runes, jewels, or charms. Yet unlike playing 1.06, you have synergies, the larger screen sizes, respects, and the QoL additions that 1.10+ added.

It might not be time travel, but it exploring a very different Diablo 2
Note, in 1.10+ Classic, you cannot give your merc gear. Seems like Uniques/Sets drop a lot more as well.
With the small stash does GoMule still function with your saves?
Yes, you can mule off stuff.

I not tried putting stuff from the GoMule Stash back, but I would go on the safe side put it in my Invatory and not the stash itself. I really suspect without runes/charms I am getting more Set items/Uniques, though I not played enough to be sure.
One major play-style difference related to charms.

Without charms you have a lot more innovatory space, which results you carrying more stuff back to town, which means more gold, which means more gambling for nice rares.

I am gambling a lot more in Classic then in LoD.
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