Keeping track of inventory


New member
Jun 12, 2006
Keeping track of inventory

Hi all,

Anyone got a nifty way of keeping track of their inventory IE Excel spreadsheet or something else? Organization is the key! :thumbsup:
I am definetely not organized....
If you wanted to get insane about it I suppose you could make an access application to track your inventory, but the word overkill comes to mind haha :) It would not be difficult to do, but you would probably spend just as much time that way as any other way to track your inventory. I could do something like this, but it would probably just be ridiculous haha :)

Probably just making tabs in a spreadsheet would serve, tab it by character or by item type depending on how you store your items.

EDIT: Imagine being able to query a database though, haha. Organizing mules would no longer matter because you could find exactly what you were looking for.
do windowed mode with microsoft word? Maybe it's me but windowed mode doesnt work with vista.
you can take screenshots, just use image viewer to switch thru them and notepad to keep track
I recommend using window mode with Microsoft Word. The advantage of having whatever you put down in a Word file is that you can copy a list of items and quickly paste them in trade channels. This allows you to quickly alternate between various trade spams.
Marzuk: You mean microsoft access? Sounds good but never used the program.

Lancier: My Mules are essentially all called booobooo. I did this to myself lol, I would need someone to open a game for a very long time while I create new mules and then start transferring them. I almost think I need 2 comps now.

you can take screenshots, just use image viewer to switch thru them and notepad to keep track

What program would that be for image viewer? I like this.
I would give you a hand with transferring if you want. Honestly if it were a big mess and it were bothering you what I would do is start perming mules then contact someone trustworthy on the forums and do it in stages.

Start by creating a temp muling account, and put a mule on there for each general type of item. (One for weapons, one for armor, one for Jewelry etc). Then for the ones that you have enough items, create an account for that item type (Weapons account with Swords, Maces, etc.)

I almost never realm down this way because I minimize my character swapping, while still maintaining awesome organization. At most I have to get 8 mules to completely clean out a character with a minimum of organization, and when that mule gets full its another 8 at most to sort it the rest of the way.

Yes, I am an ocd packrat. LOL.

As for image viewer, you don't need a program. Image viewer comes with windows :) It seems like it would be an easy way to catalog your things, without creating new mules / moving a bunch around.
Hey thanks for the tips all, I gonna get around to doing it eventually.

Marzuk any help is always appreciated, however US east NL?
I also use a pen and paper to track items, which is quickly breaking down as I start to trade things, but I can't emphasize one thing enough: Buy another copy of D2 and LOD so you can self-mule. The game is old enough that you could easily find a combo pack for under $20, and then you can mule and transfer to your heart's content! Plus you might end up like me and have your wife take an interest and start playing too :)
I take screenshots of every unique/set item I find, rename them and drop the pics in appropriate folders labeled by weapon class/armor type/set. I created a shortcut on my desktop to the folder which is located in my Diablo II directory for quick access. If I have multiples of an item, like something valuable or rings, I simply put a 'x2' beside the file name. So not only do I have a list of all my found items, but I can also view the stats for each one.

Also, like someone else menioned, I have several accounts full of mules with names similar to the folders that contain my screenshots of items.
I use the nothing method to organize my items. I probably should when I post a trade thread, but copy+paste from the last one with a few changes is alot simpler :D
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