Hot Tuesdaily

Re: Hot Tuesdaily

There's another video similar to what's being discussed (i.e. real/fake): A kid is playing Wii bent over a lounge footstool and gets 'attacked' by a 'friendly' dog. Couldn't find it for you though.

Hey Grisu! I was going to change my avatar... But I won't :) :whistling:

I just got back from an awesome session at the gym. Had a Subway. Got stopped by charity workers *and* mormons in the street. American mormons at that. I would've given the charity guy money but he was only offering monthly Direct Debit subscriptions, and couldn't accept a cash donation. :scratchchin:

My ex is coming round tonight... to stay the night! :thumbup: I'd shout it from the rooftops if I wasn't so busying tidying, cleaning and preparing to study. Tomorrow we hope to go to my college for a bit of admin-sorting and then play badminton. :cloud9: :smug: :cloud9:
Re: Hot Tuesdaily

RL: Work all day, pack up all my possessions all evening, sleep what is left.

D2: I doubt it unless something gives, and I have a feeling it won't be work...
Re: Hot Tuesdaily

RL: Got to go to work yesterday, today, and tomorrow at least, highly doubt I'll be working anymore this week or this month. And it is hot, I got burnt on my forearms, ears, face and neck. Oh well.

D2: Maybe a tournament character.
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