High Rune Documentation


New member
Mar 28, 2007
From the rules:
Runes of Vex and up should have a history.
Runes of Lo and up must have a screenshot.
Runewords should include the history of the runes / screenshots as above.

The screenshot is just of when it dropped, yes? I mean, is this not easy to fake? I'm not sure what more one could do, but it just struck me as a bit odd.

And how does one establish a history from a newly dropped rune? Or are they just not meant to be eligible for trade period?
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There's no perfect way to handle this. It is all about trust, history helps, and screenshots/vids too, but there's no way to be 100% sure.

There can be doubts if there's a 5 HR drop in a couple of hours, but RFL rounds show that sometimes crazy things can happen. Anyway, for THIS guy who had a luck streak, well there are all the other ones who just had worse results, even at balanced runtimes...

So well, on my side I have a follow-up on Gul+ per habit, in my personal thread (see here, at the end of the first post in the spoilers), I guess it can illustrate a way to handle screenshots/vids and stories.

My two cents!
Best place for this is a PM to me, as per the third paragraph of the rules :)

The easiest way to record your drops is with a screenshot, labelled with the name of the character. Mine look something like: Smith Ber1 CS.jpg
File creation date shows when it was found, or you can add the date in the filename too.

SPF is based on trust. For me that is mostly about how people post and interact with the community more than the screenshots.
But after awhile you will probably amass your own high rune stash and not need to trade. I wasn't the most active trader initially and then after playing awhile I just stopped trading full stop! Half the fun is optimising your chars to run certain areas and targets that have the possibility of gibbing those HRs/Sets/U. Stay real Shira.
Best place for this is a PM to me, as per the third paragraph of the rules :)

The easiest way to record your drops is with a screenshot, labelled with the name of the character. Mine look something like: Smith Ber1 CS.jpg
File creation date shows when it was found, or you can add the date in the filename too.

SPF is based on trust. For me that is mostly about how people post and interact with the community more than the screenshots.
Crap, sorry, I must have glossed over that bit in my impatience.

When I thought about it, even if it's not entirely practical at face value, I realized that even just the 'ritual' of requiring the screenshot has a certain psychological effect and value. If if wasn't there it would feel more easy and comfortable for transgressors.

Anyway I'm replying tentatively since this thread wasn't supposed to be posted in the first place.
No, I think it was a good post. Maxicek will give you a straight answer of course, but by posting to the community you get other responses like babyhell's that make you think . It also serves the purpose of enlightenment for those that are new or coming back after a long layoff that don't bother really reading all of the rules. This one is in the trading section and someone might not plan a trading and skip over the section.
Estimated market value