Hardcore Solo Boner


New member
May 21, 2008
Hardcore Solo Boner

Now that I have your attention, I have some questions regarding my sp hc bonemancer. Considering it's an untwinked single player char:
1)Should I go for max block or Vit?
2)Should I spend some points into summons besides 1 pt in clay golem and 1 pt in golem mastery?
3)Skill allocation sequence.
4)Any other helpful tips are appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Re: Hardcore Solo Boner

I have a HC Solo Boner...oh, wait...

Anyhow, now that that is over, I will address your points as they are presented:-

1) Untwinked I tend to not bother with block and use Bone Shield, Decrepify and Bone Wall for defense...if you somehow find a Homunculous then for a modest Dex investment you get the best of both worlds
2) You can hybrid if you like but a solid merc, Decrep and CE should be enough, with Bone Wall for sticky situations. It's a tactical build and fun with it!
3) 5 into Teeth early on for a solid spray, pre-reqs as they come up (Armour, Golem etc as soon as you can, Amp until Decrep), max Spear as soon as you can, with one every other level in Spirit. Once they are both done, if you use Bone Wall a lot max that before Teeth (and enjoy the Bone Shield boosting) or if you like sheer offense max Teeth, then Bone Prison last.
4) Patience is the key when untwinked. Try to position your merc and golem between you and them so a tightly packed group can be Spear'ed, hitting a few in a line. Once one goes down, make sure they are still Decrepified (some go with Amp due to the bigger duration and radius but I like em slow!) and let loose with a Corpse Explosion chain.
If you are in a dangerous area, spam Spears off the screen until you hear the hit noise, then Decrepify the edge of the screen and if it's something fast-moving with Might and you see your Merc and Golem get cursed then try to lead some of them away to split the pack up and stick a Bone Wall between them (with Frenzytaurs this isn't a good idea as they will 'charge up' so common sense dicates use of this tactic!) so you can manage them more easily.

These are purely my Bonemancer tactics and most people don't bother with Decrepify but that's how I roll... :thumbup:
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