Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

Not sure if this belongs in the Statistics forum... I want to gamble some nice trires boots for my new Dual Dream Sorc - ideally fire/lightning/cold. Other stats don't really matter since I can teleport; just need 30+ each res.

I have a goldfind barb who can get me gold, but he's at lvl 92 now. As I understand it, that's not really the best level to gamble for these boots.
I had a look at the affix tables at the trusty German site, but I can't really figure out all the ilvls, alvls, qlvls xlvls ylvls etc. :tongue:

So I thought I'd just ask you guys. Which lvl is optimal for gambling these boots? Does the type of boots matter?
And what odds do I have..? Just don't depress me too much. :rolleyes:

Kind regards,

Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

here's how the game figures which mods something can get (I'm going to go ahead and knock out some steps which have no bearing in this case):
The Alvl is dependent of the Ilvl and the Qlvl of the item, the formula is:

if (qlvl>ilvl) then {ilvl=qlvl}

if (ilvl<(99-qlvl/2))
then {alvl=ilvl-qlvl/2}
else {alvl=2*ilvl-99}

*all calculations use integers so there are no fractions at any step.
ilvl for a gambled item is -5 or +4 clvl. (or is it the other way?)

because of the if statements, you can't really simplify this formula and try to work backwards without making a lot of assumptions. Hell, before we plug anything in going forwards we have to decide what boot to gamble.

well, lets go ahead and use your 92 barb and gamble greaves (qlvl 27). we end up with an alvl of 75 (assuming a minimum gamble roll--remember there's a range). Our target alvl for the highest possible res that can generate is 25. So yes, 92 is far too high...

The problem we have now is that the resists are all prefixes--a rare will generate no more than 3 prefixes so we want to lower the alvl as much as possible to remove the possibility of higher level mods. Even after that there are several prefixes alvl 25 or lower which could still generate and knock out the res you want!

we want to get under 30 to knock out the Faithful mod, which seems to be the next highest point in the list. So we want to tweak the equation such that alvl is 25-29.
Even within that range you can still roll enhanced defense, +mana, +light radius, +stamina, and heal stamina.

Out of 9 possible mods you want exactly 3 of them. I don't remember how to figure that probability :doh:

As for the mods rolling, it looks to me like you want to be somewhere around level 45. I suggest just taking your characters that are near that level and running them through the formula, and see what you come up with. Keep in mind that different boots will have a different qlvl and will change the result, also if your gamble is upgraded that will significantly change the result too.

I realize this is not the answer you wan but it should at least show you what a pain it is to figrue this stuff out.
Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

ilvl for a gambled item is -5 or +4 clvl. (or is it the other way?)
That is correct. I found a nifty little calculator at the German site; using it I was able to determine optimal levels for gambling Boots and Heavy Boots: 31 for the former, 33 for the latter. Any lower than that and the needed affixes can't spawn; any higher and the odds are lower ofc. That is not to say they are high to begin with: 1:13,5k (ilvl=clvl-5); with a bad roll (ilvl=clvl+4), 1:18k. This is not encouraging, to say the least. And you have to take into account that only 1:10th of gambled boots are rare, too - so in fact the chance is something like 1:150k. Tbh I may well settle for buying said boots and just gamble for Circlets.

Edit: Ofc at that level, the boots are mighty cheap too. They cost ~40k with my barb, so with a lvl 33 char I guess it's something like 10-15k. However you might wear out a few mouses per week if you keep this up for too long. :rolleyes:

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Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

How about 2oskill ammys, what char lvl is optimal there?
Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

As high as possible lol, u need a lvl 86 char for any chances at all for them, and 95 to always have a chance.

And yeah, gambling resist boots at the low lvl 30s is totally sweet, so easy to get nice low req dual res boots, totally overlooked.
Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

Maybe I'm just lucky but I've never had any trouble finding rare dual and tri-res boots. I just identify all rares I find in my runs or while questing. Good luck with it though and let us know how you do.
Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

Ahh.... Tri-res boots. Wish I had known about the gambling level before though. I always assumed that high level = best gambling. Since I never got those, I had to rip diablo a new one to get these. Dont even recall what I got for them, only that I somewhat regretted it afterwards XD.
Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

Where can I find documented information on this topic?
Re: Gambling Tri-res boots optimal Lvl?

gamble it with soso.on lvl 50.,60.,70.,80. and u will see.or u will drop it.i gambled 2 pairs of these boots on actual with frw, other without frw, but high mf.i think i gambled it on lvl 70+ but maximum 76 or 78 with my necro or dudu (using edge and gheed).i think more important than lvl is enough gold, patience and good luck ;) btw: if u dont need frw and any other stats etc. try safety craft boots, maybe u will be lucky.if not u can create useful boots for other char....
Estimated market value