

New member
Nov 21, 2003

Well since the thread I made yesterday got pwned by the forum crash..

Now I believe we had come to a decision to make level ranges...and it could be either hardcore or softcore.

We would also need to lay down some basic rules at least..(Aka no slow..no potions..you know, stuff like that)
I think this would be a nice idea. Not necessarily a tourney either. We could always make a dueling thread, and post the address's of the games we are in, and people could join, and have friendly duels.

Suggestions...comments...free beer?;)
i would love to start doing some LOW lvl dueling with people from the SPF. Thou im not sure if anyone else is interested in particulari LOW lvl dueling but hopefully there is...

as you said it doesn´t have to be a tourney, we can just get those who are interessted to duel whenever they are on - get a thread for it and start kill people :)

If anyone (that can host) is interessted in lvl 9 (or something like that), softcore, 1.1 dueling then i will go and make myself a char for it.
Yes, low level dueling would be fun as well.
I would be interested in this also, along with mid level, and semi high level dueling.

I will PM Alterego and see if a Dueling thread is alright to post.:D
I like the idea. Low level duels are better 'cause then I wouldn't have to spend time to level up my char.

I can't host and I have no expirience in PvP and have no idea about it :D
PvP in the SPF. That will be the best. Hasn't there ever been? I mean Diablo2s been around for years.

Whatever the case, I'm in...we just good some good hosts to be interested. Too bad we can't pw open.net.

Ok...soon I will am going to update the rules, and make a few character level ranges.
Now the rules aren't going to be anything out of the ordinary..just basic things.

Edit- what do you guys think the max dueling character level should be?
Cuz if we're going all the way up to 90...that's alot of character ranges..and people you're level might not be on to duel enough.

I think we should keep this below 50.
On the rules and lvl reqs I think we should attempt to use a type of "Weight class system". For instance, builds like;

Chargeidins, foh dins, fireball sorcs, teleportin' Hammerdins, tele-Winddruids, Tele-godlyBarbs and Bone necros.

All kinda belong in a Heavy weight class. I'd allow them to go to clvl 90 and above personally.

Other duelers like;

Kickers, non tele barbs, non tele wind druids, Dual element sorc builds, trapsins, V/t palis

Can't quite compete, with the above listed classes from my understanding.

However, this type of system might be overcomplicating it a bit. I think the most reasonable course would be to base the rules loosely around clan-honor's rules, as those guys have done testing, and then go from their with our own respective play-test-duels to see what's fair.

This might take a while to get straight, but hey...if we got time to play this game, we got time to play it right.

On the specific question of clvl range, it depends kinda...we could have 3 OR 4 leagues. VLLD, LLD, MLD, HLD respectively. The convetional system.

If done right most SPF members will join at least one of the leagues before too long I think.:)
I think we should have a Lvl 9 untwinked three on three tourny. Gather up teams of threes and assign some judges to confirm that the character is in fact not twinked. Judges would post standings in a thread or something and last team standing would win the pot. This could be done either SC or HC.

Edit: For the "pot," each team could contribute a certian number of unique/set items as an "entry fee." What the fee would be is beyond me, but it might entice more people to join up and try their skills.
Shaigon said:
I will PM Alterego and see if a Dueling thread is alright to post.:D
No problem at all with this thread - PvP in SP is a great idea. Go for it :thumbsup:
i love this idea..i used to pvp all the time in hell(bnet). im game. i can also host games. just kepep posting and i'll help as much as possible
Yes...as you mentioned, some characters are just over powered now, and others cannot compete. I'm sure we can come up with something to solve this problem sooner or later.

Well..for the VLLD,LLD,MLD,and HLD.
What are we looking at for level ranges here?
Because say if the VLLD level range was oh...9-18, or 20.
Well...most people would be making lvl 20 chars to pwn the little ones:p
I say VLLD= 9-12 anyways...but thats just me.

I need some more suggestions people:)
Before I make the official thread.

Thanks for the confirm Alterego:clap:
not for me it's not of my mind

anyway it was already a tourney PvP here, if I remember well it was 21 cvl and some items were not autorised. Why not create another tournament with rules.
nemar said:
not for me it's not of my mind

anyway it was already a tourney PvP here, if I remember well it was 21 cvl and some items were not autorised. Why not create another tournament with rules.
I'm not really looking to make a bunch of tourney's here.
Sure it would be nice..but I think it would be cool just to have friendly dueling going on whenever you feel like dueling.

Just my 0.02 though.
Ok, I think I could put something together. Here is my idea for a lvl 9-12 tournament:

1. No items are allowed to be muled in, including gold.

2. All combatants must confirm that their equiptment is what you would find gaining your current level with a sanctioned judge.

3. (optional, but more fun) Players must group together in teams of three. First team to lose all three members loses. Players must stay dead until the judge gives the signal that one team has one.

4. You may not hostile the judges.

5. Each person/team should submit a number of set/unique items to be determined at a later date.

6. The winner of the tournament wins the whole pot and decides what to do with the items.

If you can think of any more rules, let me know. I'll be happy to organize this.
Level range might be 3 or 5 in earlier levels and more in higher levels. We should also allow people to play in some kind of super heavy seriese. If somebody wants to level his PvP char to 90 he should be allowed to do this. Last "weight class" could be 85+ or something like that.

Team duels are also very interesting idea if we have enough people to participate.
:D shaigon..great idea....imo...

vlld=9-12 you can still use some +max jewels and that's the point



reasonablly hld 40-55

anyhting after that you can pick who you wanna fight

just my 0.02 :D

edit: there are also some pvp rules set out by what used to be 76legit...i think they work good
Those levels seem ok.

But as mentioned before there will be high level duelers as well.
We can't really skip from 55, up to 85+, if you know what I mean.
Since their is so many variables, I think we should follow the basics of Clan Honor (formerly 76 legit) and then start some testing. To do that, we might have to decide on a set time/day were a group of us can do our own testing.

On that subject clvls arent the only thing to consider in deciding "Duel classes". Some chars are alot stronger than others at certain stages of the game. Things like that are why we should just use some existing, functional rules to go by, at first, and modify them as we see fit.

I think once you create the Official thread Shaigon, The Hosts should post the time they're available, 3-4 days in advance, if possible, at least, so we can get a good group goin for any possible games....

That all sound good?:music:
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