Crisis of Conscience - Help!

LozHinge the Unhinged

Active member
Jan 22, 2007
Crisis of Conscience - Help!

I don't know, I'm at a crossroads here. I thought I was fighting the good fight, but am I any better than those against whom I have aligned myself? I am pursuing my chosen profession, with some success, in a role I felt really suited me ... but doubt is creeping in.

I'm a lvl 91 Patriarch Necromancer, a Summoner, secure in my power and in the knowledge that my cause is just. And then, whilst patrolling the Mausoleum the other day, checking Undefiled Graves for whatever I may find ... it suddenly struck me - these are undefiled graves, untouched by the forces of the Three. Why am I disturbing the rest of these souls (some of whom rise up against me in angry response - only to end up as a part of my Army of the Undead)? This is evil work.

I'm as corrupt as the Three and not even honest about it, to myself or anyone else.

My question to the forum... am I playing too much Diablo? :laughing:
You just made me remember how when I first started playing, I wouldn't touch the graves because I didn't want to defile them. You know, being a Paladin and all :)
If it's any consolation, I don't feel any better going through the pockets of dead rogues and barbarians...

...and yes, we both play this game way too much :rolleyes:
You can, if you step on them I think. My housemate does that with the snakes in two and the rats in the tombs. And the big slugs in Tal Rashas tomb.

@OP - er yes you do. There could be a Ber in that tomb!
I wish I could kill the bunnies in act5.

Oh, you can. I knew you could smash the rats and scorpions earlier on, so I tried it in act 5 with the bunnies, pretty much figuring they were like the chickens in act one. I was pretty horrified when I succeeded i squishing a bunny. I'm more careful about it now. :laugh:

Well, I've read the replies to my OP and I'm glad to say I feel 100% better. Inner turmoil finito. Especially now I know that you can crush bunnies in Act V. (Hey, you want "pink & fluffy" from a necro?)

I love this game.
Although I have not witnessed any bunny trampling, the thought has inspired me to create a character solely for the purpose of the ANYA personalization (sp?) reward quest. I haven't figured it out yet, but I will be personalizing a unique or set item to give it the "bunny stomping prefix". Any ideas?

Leading Candidate: "Bunny Squisher" Treads of Cthon
You can, if you step on them I think. My housemate does that with the snakes in two and the rats in the tombs. And the big slugs in Tal Rashas tomb.

@OP - er yes you do. There could be a Ber in that tomb!

Actually, if it's in act one, you could find Gul/Vex from chests IIRC.

Act two is Ohm/Lo, 3 is Sur/Ber, etc, etc. ;)

Yes, that was me being a nitpicking bastard.

But this is also a thread where people are worried about defiling the graves of a few bytes of data.

Therefore I can lol and make rude comments all I wish! Bwahahahhahahahaha!

Wait, what? Yes. You play too much D2. Go out some more, buy some beef jerky, have fun! But don't stay out too long, it's getting to be close to summertime. Mosquitos and all of that are around. Plus it's starting to be really hot. Nobody wants that. Better stay inside while it's safe, maybe play some videogames. How about D2?

Pat/Mat? meh ... Guardian? So what?

Give me a Bunny Stomper everytime, that's your true "Hardcore" character.


Good work, folks.
Actually, if it's in act one, you could find Gul/Vex from chests IIRC.

Act two is Ohm/Lo, 3 is Sur/Ber, etc, etc. ;)

Yes, that was me being a nitpicking bastard.

Actually, I was just guessing. You know. Whimsy. Sarcasm. You should understand that. :grin: :tongue:

This thread has the wakiki seal of approval.:thumbsup:

I wonder how a Paladin feels when looting the beds with dead Harem members in them? I'm just glad I rarely play Paladins :smiley:

Now I'm off to do some bunny squishing! (I never noticed :grin:)
I wonder how a Paladin feels when looting the beds with dead Harem members in them? I'm just glad I rarely play Paladins :smiley:

Paladin is glad this isn't AD&D game so he cannot lose his skills :tongue:

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