

New member
Aug 22, 2011

Hey Everyone,

So I am currently playing my un-twinked fishyzon through Hell and am sitting in Act 4 at the moment. Since I use a bow I need to get my resists through some other means than a shield. What is the best way to get resist charms so that I can fill in the holes that my gear is leaving?

I would like to move towards more mf oriented gear once I beat Baal so resist charms should help me out there too.

Re: Charms

- nm cows: dense place perfectly suited for lf-zons. possible to find nice uniques and sets

- hell lower kurast: easy and fast, possible to acquire hrs and make some runewords while hunting charms

lk has a more steady, reliable return per time for charms, but i think its boring. so i would run cows
Re: Charms

For re-rolling is it just 3 perfect gems? Is there a certain ilevel I should aim for?
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Re: Charms

Yep, 3 pgems will re-roll charms.

I went through the same thing recently. There is a detailed guide that I found useful. Hope it answers some of your questions :thumbsup:
Re: Charms

If you can kill Council in a reasonable time they are also great for charms and jewelry.
Re: Charms

LF/FA. I don't remember the usual immunities of council, but I figured that with dual elements it might be doable. Hence the "If you can....".
Re: Charms

There is no reason he can't be killing the nm council, they will drop resistance charms at the same rate, and will be much easier.

Of course if you can do hell council, stay there instead.
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