Change MFO Categories

What area will you run in the upcoming MFO

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Active member
Aug 18, 2004
Change MFO Categories

Lately, the participants in the MFO categories have not been very well distributed. I think its time to make a change but I can only look at past MFOs and see what hasn't been run much, I can't guess what will be ran.

So, I want to know what area you plan to run in the next MFO. (It will start July 24th). Please select the target you plan to run, I won't hold you to it but we will get the best results if you do.

Also please post your 2nd and 3rd choices (after returning form the random poll thread).

Just a few notes.

1. If a rune hunt is involved I will allow everyone to protect 1 rune.

2. If you're preferred target is not on the list please post it.
Re: Change MFO Categories

I'll be running AT. My second choice would be the Pits, and my third would be Baal.

I think it might help distribution a little bit if you seperated the alvl85 section to AT and all other areas as separate categories. I think that would definitely see a rise in Pit/Mausoleum/WSK runners, who currently can't really expect to compete with the AT runners (unless they have insane gear, of course).

One question: I know you mentioned planning on including jewelry as qualifiers last MFO but couldn't figure out a good scoring system. Are you still thinking about adding jewelry, or not?

Edit: no poll? Ok, there it is; voted.
Re: Change MFO Categories

I selected AT as my first choice.

2) Runehunt (i couldn't start this by myself, MFO might be encouraging)
3) Pits (not likely)
Re: Change MFO Categories

I also selected AT as my first choce, although I agree completely with Maareek.
2nd choice: Runehunt

If a change in the A85 category would take place my first choice will be Mausoleum.
Re: Change MFO Categories

For me this equates to what I would run since play self-found and don't have a trader profile to participate.

Pits all the way now that I have a 'nigma for the poison necro, otherwise it would have been AT with a runehunt a very close second.
Re: Change MFO Categories


:spam: If I had a toon in a viable position, I would happily run the A85 areas that haven't had much press in recent months (mausoleum, in particular). Unfortunately, unless I build something in the next few days/weeks I'll likely not participate. :spam:


Edit: I love the Spamcan icon. Good times.
Re: Change MFO Categories

I voted for the AT, as that's the area that has been getting most of my love recently, although second would be WSK for my fishymancer.
Re: Change MFO Categories

I'm not 100% sure if various RL constraints will allow me to participate, but if I did it would likely be somewhere in alvl 85. Come to think of it, my only 1.12 sorc is a pure fire sorc w/ essentially no backup, so I may just have to start my own category and run Hell Andariel. Gieb Arcanna's Sign!!!!lol111!11oneshiftone!! :D
Re: Change MFO Categories

Voted for Baal, second will be any A85 I think, only they're so boring...

Also: protecting items is for felines.
Re: Change MFO Categories

AT, mephisto, LK

Not sure if there will be time due to my masters project being due soon therafter but I hope to be able to do 1-2K runs at least.

@Steven Q Urkel: Funnily enough I was also thinking about NM or Hell Andariel as I still need Tals Ammy, and some other jewelry.
Re: Change MFO Categories

Hm, first 2-3 days I will havbe moral idea between PvP week and MFO :scratchchin:
I thouhgt about change from AT to pits for next MFO but probably I will rest with AT beaccuse my pit project it is much longer range then for MFO and I want tyrael from 5k AT runs more then some possibility to take some runes from 2-3k p7 pit runs I am able to do during MFO.
Also most interesting part could be battle between areas as pit vs AT vs WSK :) So keeping area85 category as last times is my first wish. I just thought about some MF tournament for year 2010 with simillar interesting targets as mareek said (mauzoleum,kurast temples,maggots lair level 3,...)
so order is: AT , pits , baal or meph (in case I we will have alchemist team and I will run category to have all categories runners)
also I do not like protected items it is MFO and always was like that, so who have fear, he should stay in corner on his dark room and not crying for protection :D
And I am not so happy even with idea rune hunt beacuse even it could be nice and interesting change, runes have no finegerprints and we all know how it is sometime with runes, but It should not mind for me beacuse the same I will not run runes never in MFO :)
Re: Change MFO Categories

oki Nihlathak anyone:smug:

I would prolly run CS if there is enough interest. other than that I guess I can get my sorc back in the AT, she found a Jah rune last time so she might get lucky again
Re: Change MFO Categories

I'll be using the MFO as motivation to level some characters at the same time. Not very efficient MF wise I know. Also I have the same problem as Bass, the start clashes with the Weekend of PvP week.

Definately not ATs, Meph or rune hunting, Pindle is unlikely. Pits / Mausoleum / WSK are possibilities. I do like the idea of a "Not the ATs alvl85" option.
Re: Change MFO Categories

It is now very unlikely that I will participate in a MFO, but I would run AT (with a goal of finally finishing those 25K AT runs set in Elite Runners thread).
I like to run LK very much, but I wouldn't participate in a Runehunt and I agree wholeheartedly with Bassano's point of view on Runehunts (especially where looting is possible).
Re: Change MFO Categories

Baal, AT, and maybe Pindle, in that order. Hearing about 5k runs in 9 (?) days makes me pretty sure I'm not cut out for this though. *hides*

This is only my warcry how to scare enemies, nothing more. I will not do 5k runs beacuse my laptop have bad climatization and I can not play 8 hours in row. I must shut him off every 90 minutes for 30 minutes. :D

oki Nihlathak anyone:smug:

good idea, I will thinkabout it :)

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Re: Change MFO Categories

I voted for pindle but my next 2 would be 1. Meph 2. Rune Hunt
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