Champion Pitlord - A Pindlezerker (maybe some time a Pitzerker)


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Guide Author
Oct 8, 2019
I made this char for Pits, but howl didn't work underleveled (my guess is that level+howl must be above 87 ).

I make Pindleruns atm with him, and he found a Windforce, so misssion accomplished. (deathweb or fathom would be cool too)

Level 83

The skills are:

20 Berserk
1 Natural resists
Itemfind 50% with +skills
20 swordmastery
Howl and BO equally the rest

His gear is:

Head: Shako PT
Armor: Enigma (BP)
Weapons: Grief and Wizardspike (no Ist)
Belt: Trangs belt
Rings: despite having 2 >30 mf rings, I went for Nagelrings because of AR
Boots: Wartravelers (low mf roll)
Amulet: Highlords for IAS and damage
Gloves: Chanceguard (37%)

Switch: Dual Gull

1.07 eth Insight
Duriel's Shell
Wormskull (could now be Andariels but I have only one and the merc is mainly an auraslave)

I will keep him as Champion as I plan to make him a Nilathak runner(maybe Conc then) and only Pat him if it will be enough for 99

I think Berserk needs even more enhanced damage %, making up for being singletarget.
Estimated market value