Blizzap RIP :(


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Lvl 64 Cold sorc, was probably gonna go fire also for hell, has bit the dust. Man lvl 64 HC SP self found, no runeword mod. Was going so nice! I ran meph and baals nm on players 3 from lvl 52 to 64 and found few goodies:
Tals helm, WW, Wartravs! And literally 2 baal runs before i died, a sweet site for my mana chugging eyes dropped in the throne room, wizzy :( Man was I feeling pretty tanky. I had full res in NM without wizzy, so all that mana res and fcr had me thinking hell yeah, time to get to 75 and start hell. But a few dolls in the throne rooma had other thoughts. I knew just as I hit the left mouse button that it was not a good idea to spray that frozen orb as the dollies rushed at me at a a crazed fanatical pace lol. Oh yeah had 30res vipermagi on too (norm baal dropped that one!!) I mean pretty sweet ass drops for self found! eth sundan was on my merc too ;( oh man... too bummed to play for awhile. Its a lot of work without rwm lol.
damn dolls! ;)
but hey, maybe time for a mele again :eek:
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