Average stash sizes


New member
Feb 16, 2004
Average stash sizes

Need some info off you lot. How many items do you generally have in stashes?

Looking for something like:

Average: 3000 items
Max: 6000 items

No need to be precise :)

Re: Average stash sizes

Average stash size: ~100
Largest stash: 500

Amount of stashes: ~30-40

Why only 500 stash? I find it a little slowish to open bigger stashes than 500 in ATMA, so that's why I've limited myself to use only 500 items stashes.
Re: Average stash sizes

I'd say average 2000 but up to infinite (for main stash), although it's true what Neksja says, I've noticed the same thing.
Re: Average stash sizes

@NekSja + Starloader: Try GoMule - It's a lot faster than ATMA at opening stashes.

GoMule holds all the txt file data in memory at once, so it's faster per item at loading. ATMA has a lower memory footprint, but is slower. I'm trying to work out if I should switch to a loader based (like ATMA) approach, or keep the current approach and deal with the large memory footprint in other ways.
Re: Average stash sizes

Average is probably around 500, but highest is around 2000. 30+ stashes.
Re: Average stash sizes

@silo, I have GoMule and I use it occasionally, but I'm so used to my ways working with ATMA, so I doubt I'll change soon :D And I don't like big stashes, I find stuff easier if I smaller stashes.
Re: Average stash sizes

@silo: I do use GoMule (imo it is superior to ATMA in almost every way that counts for me), but still sometimes it's really slow (in terms of ms ;D but still).
Re: Average stash sizes

I have just begone to build up ATMA stashes... I used to Mule in tcp/ip, So I have some 60 chars full of junk + a couple of small stashes.

I tried GoMule but I didn´t find a compiled version so I tried Atma instead.
Re: Average stash sizes

A couple going on 2000, rest <500. Usually both the big ones are open, so 4000 items in ~5 stashes and 1-4 chars at a time.
Re: Average stash sizes

Most stashes 1000-2000 items after pruning them down.
Max is probably 3000.

On the subject of memory, I would say that I started using GoMule because it could deal *quickly* with the larger stashes. At one point I had Uniques1, 2 and 3 all teetering around 1000 items.

The biggest thing that I noticed over ATMA was the GoMule takes much longer to actually start the instance. Once itself has loaded the stashes are pretty quick. The only real delay being if I'm pulling an item or character from across my network. Which is understandable.
Re: Average stash sizes

Most stashes: 60-600

Max: try to keep at 2000 or less. It used to drift upwards of 3000 but not anymore.

I have a big stash "unsorted" that tends to grow until I get a chance to sort it. When it gets up around 2000, I open up "unsorted2" and add to that, and so on.

The ability to select items nicely in GoMule means that I can do quick sorts so quickly now that my big unsorted stash doesn't get to be too huge anymore. For example, if my unsorted stash is getting large, I can just select all the ethereals and move them to an "unsorted ethereals" stash or do things like select socketed elite body armors and move them to a socketed elite armor stash. I used to dread sorting out the unsorted muleoff stash but now its much easier going.
Re: Average stash sizes

Max stash size for me would be around 1200. Character specific stashes are much smaller (~100).
My pgems stash is nearing 1K now, which I'm pretty happy about. Major charm rolling session on the horizon.
Re: Average stash sizes

max: ~1200
avg: ~500

... or something like that... although my charms stash is the one that's pushing 1200, and I can't think of an efficient way to make it smaller, so it's only going to grow from here.
Re: Average stash sizes

These huge averages are freaking me out!

For me it's something like avg 50 max 600
Re: Average stash sizes

Largest ~1000 (gems and runes)
Average ~50 (a stash for each class for amulets, class-specific goodies)
~15 stashes, but I've only been using stashes for 6 months.

I only keep the best 2-3 set and unique rolls for each item, and I have a lot of undeleted mules that I used to bring 1.07 stuff forward to 1.12. Overall, I'm guessing I have less than 5000 items in ATMA at any one time.
Re: Average stash sizes

Max 1600 (Grail Pile + Repeats)
Ave 300-400 (10+ Stashes Organized by Usable Items)

Had to trim down the single grail stash due to atma slowing down with it. If the stash management was fast enough and organized well I would prefer one stash for each game type (HC, SC, Modded, Vanilla, Untwinked Char1, 2, 3, etc).
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