D2 Assassin Assassin using "Leaf" staff and Fist of Fire?[Updated]


New member
Oct 9, 2021
Hi All,

Edit below

I have a question about using a "Leaf" staff with the Assassin.

My character is mainly a "Leaf" Trapsin that switches to dual claw on Bosses etc.

With a Leaf staff equipped you get +3 to Fists of Fire in the tree as its a Fire skill, but can not be used directly as its not a claw weapon.

My question is if i charge up "Fists of Fire" with dual claws and switch to "Leaf" for a finishing move are the charges released with +3 to fire or are they release under the conditions they where charged at?

I'm loving playing through D2R, I'd like to play smarted not harder this time through.


This has been a splinter in my mind since I posted I had to do something. It’s far from scientific but it works for me.

So I screen recorded a battle on Andariel using FoF and DT to avoid weapon differences on finishing.

I Attacked with charged FoF and DT and got 15 pixels of damage without leaf. Then I charged again switched to the leaf staff and used DT and got 26 pixels of damage. That’s good enough for me, I’m calling it good till further evidence presents itself (a sample of one isn't definitive).

it was recorded at 1080 so your pixels may vary.

full bar was 164 pixels, FoF charged and DT took it to 149 pixels = 15 pixels Damage

the next time was at 77 pixels, FoF charged and DT took it to 51 pixels = 26 pixels Damage.

So it looks to me that the "Leaf" staff does apply the +3 to fire skills on the Fists of fire charges when using a finishing move.

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