Anya bug?

Alright, maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. It has happened in the past, probably before 1.11 (and definitely before 1.10), that I would resurrect my mercenary and, after several minutes of combat, he still didn't activate his aura. This isn't a 'you're mistaken' moment - it happened, period. A rejoin was required to get him out of this phase, just like repoisoning or refreezing was required to get him to turn his normal color (rejoins fixed that, too, but it clearly wasn't as serious as lack of aura).

So, if you want to tell me it doesn't happen, or hasn't repeatedly happened, then you're wasting most of your breath. If it's happening still, then you're wasting all of it. Anyone else?
The Fade on my 'Treachery' didn't trigger for close to 5 minutes once. That must've been a bug also.

Or maybe when I couldn't for the life of me find Reaper's Toll one ladder season, then the next ladder season I found 4 or 5 of them right off... that must've been a bug.

It all makes sense now.

Wow, you people equate 'chance to cast' and a Desert Warrior using one of his only two skills the same. Sorry, RTB, but the chances are 100% in my experience, barring a bug. The fool doesn't just sit there and get hit, hit, hit without activating for five minutes. We're not talking about me teleporting around and hammering everything before he gets touched, but if you want to say it's low, go ahead. I've leveled a lot of characters into the WSK this season (that's CLvl31 or higher) and their mercs activate an aura every time within the initial phases of first combat. Doesn't change much for the several characters I have in hell.
Wow, you people equate 'chance to cast' and a Desert Warrior using one of his only two skills the same. Sorry, RTB, but the chances are 100% in my experience, barring a bug. The fool doesn't just sit there and get hit, hit, hit without activating for five minutes. We're not talking about me teleporting around and hammering everything before he gets touched, but if you want to say it's low, go ahead. I've leveled a lot of characters into the WSK this season (that's CLvl31 or higher) and their mercs activate an aura every time within the initial phases of first combat. Doesn't change much for the several characters I have in hell.

I hope you realise that the merc activating his aura is an "attack" and not a "chance to cast when hit" thingie. The higher the mercs level, the lower the chance for him making an aura attack. Yes, it can take ages, and it's no more of a bug than not finding reapers one season, and when the ladders restart, finding many. All in your imagination.

I never said it was a CTC, that was PhatTrumpet comparing runeword armor to mercenaries. The fact is, even if the code treats all merc abilities as attacks then, the Rogue has just as much of a chance to 'attack' with her Inner Sight as a Desert Warrior does with his aura, and she'll go to town with that damn spell - even when every hell monster in the FOV is affected by it, already. I'm assuming mercs have a checking routine that chooses which attack to use, and that, if the aura is already active on a Desert Warrior, it simply replaces the roll with a Jab.

The higher the level, the increased chance of Jab and decreased chance of aura? That hasn't been my experience, which has been activation very quickly after successful melee attacks, except in certain case where he never activates it no matter how many times he's attacked. If the code has changed, then what was Blizzard thinking?
I never said it was a CTC, that was PhatTrumpet comparing runeword armor to mercenaries. The fact is, even if the code treats all merc abilities as attacks then, the Rogue has just as much of a chance to 'attack' with her Inner Sight as a Desert Warrior does with his aura, and she'll go to town with that damn spell - even when every hell monster in the FOV is affected by it, already. I'm assuming mercs have a checking routine that chooses which attack to use, and that, if the aura is already active on a Desert Warrior, it simply replaces the roll with a Jab.
The odds of the Rogue casting Inner Sight is somewhat higher than the chance of an act 2 merc picking his aura to 'attack'. And no, if the aura is already active he can still pick it again, leaving him idling for a moment.

The higher the level, the increased chance of Jab and decreased chance of aura? That hasn't been my experience, which has been activation very quickly after successful melee attacks, except in certain case where he never activates it no matter how many times he's attacked. If the code has changed, then what was Blizzard thinking?

That has been the case since 1.07, can't check for classic because I don't have those .txt files.
NM might merc
	chance for:
lvl	Jab	Might	Normal attack	total
25	102	10	30		142
50	127	10	30		167
75	151	10	30		191
95	172	10	30		212

So, at lvl 25 the odds of him picking Might is 10/142 ~ 7%, and at lvl 95 it's 4.7%. I can remember several threads on whether keys have stopped dropping or not because they couldn't find a single one in 100 runs or more. The odds for a key to drop is about 1/12, so you'd expect them to drop often. You're doing the same thing by asking if there's a bug related to mercs and auras, when it doesn't activate for several minutes.

Statistically, no, I'm not doing the same thing. The mercenary activates his aura rather quickly from my experience, or doesn't at all. You'd think there'd be a more even spread if it were a specific percentage (IOW, some times in two minutes, some times three, others four, etc.). Like I said, it's been quickly or not at all. That doesn't sound like statistics, that sounds like a bug. After all, 1/20 happens damn quick when you're letting the merc fight for you (Paladin Avatar or pure Medic).

Again, though, you can keep telling me there's no bug or you can join one of my games and watch him activate. Either way, it's not a big deal to me, I'm just telling you what I see. As for the difference with keys, the drop is once per game, and you'd have to make 25 games to see it miss twice. A merc can attack that many times in thirty seconds, so - like I said - it's quick or never.
Estimated market value