Anya bug got fixed


New member
Feb 12, 2016

I already posted this in this thread, but figured it might derail the topic too much, where it's actually a thread which deserves to stay focused ... So I post it here again, also for more visibility, since it's quite the news on it's own, especially for PVPers, but also because it still makes me believe there's more of this to come, even in the near future. This post seems to confirm that.

Since the post on the official forums states they reset the servers for it, I'd think it's a server-side only bug, which doesn't need your own game to be patched, just fix it on the servers and restart them. Which makes me doubt if this bug is a thing in SP as well (although I've always thought this is the case), and if it is, how we get rid of it, since our game wasn't altered. I think I'll ask in the official thread.
This bug has been in the game since LOD came out, and there was a fix for it way back when. The fix isn't related to save files, so it can be patched into the game. It was fixed by changing the resurrect code to get your base characters resistances from ptr* ptUnit. This only changes a couple bytes. Hopefully they implement it in SP for the next patch. Good news though.
Playing HC in order to avoid the Anya bug, isn't that cheating?
Hi Wanderers,

We will be restarting D2 game servers shortly to fix the following issues:
* Weapon Swap Glitch should no-longer silent-disconnect the player when spammed repeatedly.
* Malah's scroll of resistance is now correctly applied to players when they resurrect (fixed the Anya bug).

Thanks Classic Games

This leads me to believe that the fix is only server side at the moment, so until we see 1.14e it won't affect SP.

SP gets shafted again.

Edit: Yes bug does exist in SP, it is quite apparent when you don't allow for the 30 resists in a PvP game.
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Reply on the subject from @onderduiker at the Basin:

@T72on1 This bug exists, and continues to exist, in Single Player (and Other Multiplayer): hopefully this won't be the case after the next patch (assuming there is one).

Has anyone actually confirmed that it has, in fact, been fixed on the realms?

So yeah :(. Hopefully Blizzard will add some more bug fixes soon, enough to warrant that 1.14e.
I had forgotten it got (mostly) fixed.
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