Any interest in 1.13 final SP Ladder?


Active member
Sep 23, 2007
I was just thinking, the last one died quietly, but at least from the start it was mighty fun. This time we might plan periodical restarts like every 3-6 months to keep it alive. Since this is the final version ...

Also, there are some restarts, some pindlethons, some returnees from D3 etc, it might be a good time now. Im just probing the waters, nothing more *derpface*
Sounds tempting, but I hesitate to commit to much. I was enjoying D3, I just took a break until they get things balanced. Its hard to build a character capable of surviving Inferno difficulty when they come in and patch skills or a mechanic that drastically reduces damage like they just did with IAS. It didn't effect me very much, but its still annoying.

I loved the ladder seasons when I played D2 online, so this is a great idea.
I thought Blizzard said (in blue post) that they have no such intention 1.13 being the final patch for D2.

But there are tournaments like "my first 99 thread" what does the same.

Might give it a try though if you'll mean the thread permanent, and will overwatch it.
I thought Blizzard said (in blue post) that they have no such intention 1.13 being the final patch for D2.

Sure, they also said that skilltree stupifying and lack of SP in D3 is for our own good :greedy:

The goal of the ladder (at least for me) would be to provide synced restarts for the participants, more than run for 99 or such. With the runestorm (read pile of zods for everybody and their mother EXCEPT me :D but thats another story) of the 1.13 patch I thought it might be healthy to have a ladder with "retirement" of old wealth, because otherwise everyone will have everything in the end. Much like haxornet restarts, it would keep the game fun and fresh (as ladder restarts are imo one of the few not broken things about bnet, in fact, very cool gamedesign decision, so why dont we have them? ;)

Also, it might (perhaps) create some space for PvP inside the ladder, as everyone would start from the same place.

But there is not the time yet I guess, as not many folk have shown interest ;]

I will not to do a complete restart for this if it were to happen. I will keep separate characters and stashes for it though. Kind of like Ladder and Nonladder on It would be interesting if there is trading or mp going on with the other participants. Otherwise it would just be an untwinked see who can get the farthest fastest type deal. I can already do that now by just creating a new character.
Exactly what I had in mind. You of course keep your newfound Tyraels. Thus the term "retire". You just "downgrade" your chars to normal chars and start new ladder set. Also, everything is like normal ladder, MP, PvP, trade, but you simply have subset of your chars in the ladder bubble until it bursts and another restart happens. Then it does not matter whether you have access to 1.07 items, or five years more lk running, just few months in this patch as everyone else, and you would have this "from fresh" competition and that might be imho fun. And of course we have the rest in the "open SPF", but ladder mechanics (and maybe trist, but that not so much) is about the only thing what I miss compared to bnet.

But as I said, maybe its just me and there is no interest, thus this thread to find out. Specifically, I think this might appeal to people who tend to restart time to time, and we might create a group to do the synchro restarts together to bring more fun and competition to that (you know, all the firsts on the ladder, first mat/pat, first necro, first ladder sept, first to find windforce, cham, etc) and well, I have the kikbutsorzest windy on the ladder and stuff like that...
I would be interested, if there is more people that also join in anyways. I would be doing HC though so if there isn't at least 4 or 5 others doing HC it probably wouldn't hold my interest. Guess I will join you in the waiting-and-seeing.
I could maybe see my self joining in HC. But I wouldn't have too much play-time though, so no chance of winning it.

Depends a lot on RL.
Even when I was very into D2 and played on Bnet, I never even considered "winning" the ladder. I just viewed it as a chance to ditch my overpowered characters and start the hunt for cool items all over again.
I normally play HC, but if we're talking about pvp and trading within the ladder-participants, I may just play SC for the pvp purpose of it.

Have some lvl 9/18/24. Since everyone will be on the same-ish level item wise, think that would be fun!
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