Advice on WW/Trap MF Sin

Feb 3, 2011
I haven't played in probably a year and a half, and when I logged onto Yerp, my WW/Trap assassin, I found that I had stripped her of some of her gear for another build. I put equipment back onto her, but I'm only hitting around 160% mf and I was wondering if you wonderful people had any advice?

Current gear:

Guillame's (w/ pTopaz)
Chains of Honor
Jade Talon (w/ Shael)
String of Ears
Laying of Hands
Cow Kings Boots
4 Trap skillers
MF scs

20 Claw Mastery
20 LS
20 DS
1 Burst of Speed
1 Cloak of Shadows
1 Mind Blast
1 Dragon Flight
1 Weapon Block
Rest into LS synergies.

And a Might mercenary. With this set up I'm hitting the maximum trap laying speed, 4.2k trap damage, and around 920-1300/1450-2200 WW damage with Jade/Chaos. 75/40/75 resistances. All in all, the build works very well and I find myself able to do /p3 Baal runs. Not incredibly fast, but well enough that I'm always moving forward and no bosspack really stalls me.

I was thinking about swapping out some gear to increase my magic find. As follows:

Guillame's (w/ pTopaz)
Maras (28@)
Chains of Honor
Bartucs (w/ Ist)
String of Ears
Crafted Blood Gloves w/ mana leech and MF (lol this will take quite a few gloves. A rare with mf/ml as a placeholder for now)
War Travs (when I find them)
3 Trap skillers
MF scs

I'll lose some resists, especially cold, but with Raven's cold absorb I'm thinking I should still be okay. With Ist, War Travs, mf gloves, and swapping out a Trap skiller for mf scs I'll bump my MF up to about 230%. I think my damage should stay the same except for losing deadly strike and ED% to demons. Perhaps it would be better to keep Highlords and swap out SoJ for a rare resists ring, and instead of more MF scs add in some resists...

Thoughts? What I'm worried about are my resists, losing deadly strike from highlords, and losing the 350% ED against Demons from LoH. Perhaps I would be best off just replacing the Trap skiller with MF scs and swapping Cow Kings for War Travs when I find them. This would result in 20-40% more MF, depending on the Travs. My LS damage would drop to 3.8k, but that's not a big deal.
I would definitely shoot for mf charms and kill speed. It’s honestly not a huge difference in terms of +-50mf if you’re around 200%.
Agreed. I'd aim for 200% mf and kill speed. In the end DS will do most of the killing, so I think your best bet is to get your WW damage up to get that first corpse and then have DS do the rest.

War Travelers would definitely be a very good upgrade in this respect. If you don't mind trading for them, I should have some available. Barring WTs, it shouldn't be too hard to get rare boots with the same amount of mf than the Cow King ones, but with better other stats.

Other than that I would definitely keep your current setup over the alternative you suggest. First thing I'd swap to get more mf is the SoJ for a ring with one with mf, AR and dam.
Why Baal runs if you want to MF? The Pit is a better target for this build and you can level to at least 95 there.

If you run The Pit, you can drop resists and increase killing power and MF.

I’m assuming you don’t have Enigma?
Sounds like a fun build. I have been taking a close look at elite claws that drop, because I really want to play a WW sin and never have on or SP. a WW/Trapper sounds like a blast..
Thanks you guys. I went with your advice and kept it mostly the same, except for swapping out the soj for a Nagel, and my trap gcs for max dmg and mf. Put on gore riders too and I feel like I'm doing more damage with more mf!
Estimated market value