[2005] Bounty Hunter Tournament [by goltar25]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Migration complete :)

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by goltar25 on Jan 5, 2005. The last post was made Feb 26, 2005.
link to original thread on diabloii.net)

Bounty Hunter Tournament

Since my random tournament is nearing the end, I think it's time for something a little different. So here it is, the Bounty Hunter Tournament. And the rules are:

1. Any class/build is allowed.

2. Any merc is allowed.

3. All gear is allowed.

4. You may mule items off, and mule back on any items found by this character.

5. Hardcore or Softcore is allowed, there will be a separate competition within each.

6. There is no requirement to complete any quests or get any waypoints.

7. No areas may be repeated. EXCEPTION: Once you kill the Cow King in Hell, you may return to any area at will.

8. You may restart with a new character at any time, including after a Hardcore death, but you will lose all points.

9. How to get points. I will post the name of a unique monster. Not super-unique, just a random unique that I find during my playing. A point will be awarded to the first character in each category to find and kill a unique monster with that exact name. In order to be awarded the point, you must have a screenshot (either posted or emailed to me) showing the name of the unique monster and send in any magical/rare/set/unique items (or gems, if that's their good drop) to me.

10. All items sent in will go to a prize stash for that category. The winner of each category will receive the entire prize stash, except for three items picked by the second place character, and one item for third place.

This should cover everything, but I may change these at any time.

The tournament will begin when I post the first bounty. I will try to decide on a somewhat regular time to post a bounty, or at least give a heads up before each bounty is posted of when to expect it.

My email is g*@*.com
Last edited:
Note: These are posts #2-20 from the original thread.

interesting idea for a tourney. very interesting

SC assassin
probably going to be a trapsin.

bonus points if people know the name origin. would've gone for yoshimo but wanted to try an assassin
When do u win? :O
The winner is whoever has the most points at the end of the tournament, which I will give some warning about.
Cool tournament. Since we're essentially assassins for hire, why not make it more interesting? Like force us to all play hc with only assassins, no traps besides blade skills so we're really in character.
mmm you could limit builds to only those that seem bounty hunter like. like assassins or sniperzons and the like.
No, I am specifically not restricting any builds, or requiring hardcore. All I'm doing is keeping hardcore and softcore as seperate categories to keep things a little more even.
This sounds pretty cool. I think I'll join.
I am still runnin' in my Poison Tourney, but this will give me the op to build the sorc I need for MF'ing.
I think I'll go Softcore.

Let's call her SuperFly!
Excellent idea! I'm in!

Just starting:
Level 1 SC Trapper
Leveling until a hit is ordered!
actually i wont actually compete, but i will keep an eye out for the unique monster names, i wanna twink this char though.
Sorry to hijack this thread, but it brings up a really newbish question on my part. How do you take a screen shot?
Seems to me that without the ability to repeat areas until you kill the Hell Cow King, it will be next to impossible to "bounty hunt" until you do. There should be some provision for hunting in areas that you have already completed... perhaps restricting /players to 1 on any repeated area. Otherwize it will just be a mad dash to kill the Cow King so that you can actually start the tourney.
Gabriel74 said:
Sorry to hijack this thread, but it brings up a really newbish question on my part. How do you take a screen shot?
*points and alughs at the noob*
sorry. Anyway, just press print screen on your kleyboard, next to F12. Diablo 2 automatically takes a screenshot and saves it into your dioablo 2 directory. thwen send the pic as an attachment to goltar, or find somewhere online to host the image for free.
Shagsbeard said:
Seems to me that without the ability to repeat areas until you kill the Hell Cow King, it will be next to impossible to "bounty hunt" until you do. There should be some provision for hunting in areas that you have already completed... perhaps restricting /players to 1 on any repeated area. Otherwize it will just be a mad dash to kill the Cow King so that you can actually start the tourney.
Good point, especially in HC, it might take weeks to find a unique with the right name if you cant rerun areas. What you could do is every unique you come across, take a screenshot of them, and hope they come up later in the tourney :lol:
EDIT: damn the :lol: has gone. Right, im starting a petition to bring it back.
This confuses me little bit. You are talking about unique monsters, but you mean ordinary bosses right? And their names are a bit random in the same way as on rare items, right? I am just curious from how many words their names can be composed and if some type of bosses can spawn only with limited number of words (as for example rare amulets spawns often with scarab or wing word)?

And unfortunetly I have not enough time for the fourth tourney to go.
*points and laughs at FB*

I just wanted you to feel the pain that your ridicule brought upon me.
Gabriel74 said:
*points and laughs at FB*

I just wanted you to feel the pain that your ridicule brought upon me.
*cries* That was uncalled for.
I'm in! SC shredsin by the name of Black_Oni.

EDIT: Don't count me in until the rules are refined a bit - an assassin only thing would be cool, but yeah these other guys are pointing out a few conflicts that might make this not so much fun. :D
I think the no repeating areas is a major problem with the tourney, just think about it this way I get to act 2 Hell and you put up a fallen pus spitter how the heck am I even going to be able to find a fallen named pus spitter since I can not go back to act 1.

The tourney sounds really cool but the rule is far too limiting in the scheme of things. The enemy type should match as well as the name in order to count. There are 100's of john smiths out ther but only one john bart smith of dallas Texas, for example. bounty hunting is hard to do, the point system should be steeper for finding the exact boss.

*points at FB and "laughs"* no offense but that :lol: looks so funny without the :xxxx: working correctly 👍

@Gabriel74 hit printscreen joo noob (I had to ask long ago as well)
All Super Unique moster mantaine the same name ie: pindleskin, haphesto, puke spitter, eldrige ....

granted the lesser SUm's spawning points are randomized somewhat but the names r the same.... theres a .txt file in the MPQ that holds this true

As for the tourney .. I'm in.
Sc MA sin
Rift lvl 1

I think you should be allowed to re-run an area other wise you wont be able to hunt certian SU's. and since you only stash teh items for the bounty at the time re-running should be a big deal.
I think it might be helpful if u post what act you found the SU in.. so that it might speed things up a bit for the bounty.

SO the question stand..... when can we start this?? bc if you dont allow re-running then theres no point to start now.
Note: These are posts #21-40 from the original thread.

Sounds like fun - it's been a while since I joined one of these so I'll join this one :)

And I think the 'no-repeat' might cause problems too unless you get, like, 25-30 people playing. Perhaps posting bounties in groups of 3-5 at a time might work?

Whilst I don't have the files to hand, there are probably about 20 prefixes, 20 middle-bits and 20 optional suffixes, which makes... a lot of possibilities. (close to 10000 if these numbers are anything like close)

What character to choose... hmm, I think a Bowazon might do well here, sniping the enemy from afar.

And I'll play this SC just because I hate fudging FE Ancients.
i see nothing wrong with not re-running areas. naming the badguy type would make it next to impossible and i think goltar just meant.
" find a baddy named choppy the chopster" doesnt matter whether hes a goat, a vampire or a duck doing the lindy hop.

thus re-running areas is pointless really. :D
corax said:
thus re-running areas is pointless really. :D
not true...there are some areas with more bosses than others. The Canyon of the Magi/False Tombs for example.
Well, I was thinking about the no area repeating earlier today, and I guess it's good that I did. The reason I have the no repeat rule is so that someone can't get a really high lvl character and then go back to a much easier area (Canyon/False Tombs in normal for example) and keep running there to find the monster. I will change the no repeat rule slightly:

You may repeat areas for leveling and mf purposes. However, once you have been somewhere (whether or not you kill anything there), you may not return there for purposes of finding the bounty.

As an example, let's say the bounty is for Rakanishu (won't happen, he's a super-unique). If you have already been to the Cairn stones, and have gotten the Scroll of Inifuss, but not yet rescued Cain, or just want to go back to the Stony Field for whatever reason, you can return there, but you CANNOT use Rakanishu for the bounty. You have to wait until you reach him in the next difficulty.

As for the other issues. I am only going to use random unique monsters, NO super-uniques. And as Corax said, I will only give a name to match. It doesn't matter what type of monster gets that name. I may do something such as specify a name and a bonus, which would be worth more points than normal if I do that. Something like Sin Skin with LE for 3 points, as opposed to just Sin Skin for 1 point. I also may go for the suggestion of posting multiple bounties at once.

You can start playing anytime you want. I plan on posting the first bounty Friday when I get in from work, so about 48 hours from now.

Also, another issue, one with timing. Due to the forums being rather sporadic recently, I would suggest emailing me the screenshots, or posting them online somewhere and emailing me the url, rather than just posting the url here. I will go with the earliest timestamp as being first. In the case of a tie (within ~5-10 minutes), I will award the point(s) to both (or more, if it actually happens).
Great idea Goltar! I have yet to enter a Tournament, as I am fairly new to the Single Player realm. But I must say, this sounds like tremendous fun. So, in light of the upcoming tax season, I introduce:


I'll be playing softcore
I am in with Taters (Like "Taters and Gravy ;)) Good idea once again goltar.

Hey goltar25, how's this for a no-repeat rule?

Maybe give certain points to certain monsters, but remember that 1.10 experience spreadsheet? How about you can only be in a certain area if the exp you get there is a certain amount - a sliding scale of what areas are ok to be in, so that way no one would repeat normal Rakanishu at level 60-something?

Here's the sheet I'm talking about:

I think it's better if people can repeat areas as they wish. I'm restricting where you can get the bounty monsters, which forces you to advance beyond the early areas, though you can go at your own pace and still have about the same chances as someone going faster or slower.
IMO the best idea is the whole you can repeat all the areas you want but the bounty only counts if you find the monster on the first go through
I think theres is like 7 or 8 softcore and I am the only hardcore player. :confused:
I'm looking forward to this tourney and think it's a great idea!

I was thinking about the no repeating thing as well and here's my suggestion...

I assume that we will be e-mailing or posting our character updates with Clvl and current Act/Diff. What if the no repeat rule was related to your current Act in the game.

I mean, if everyone posts an update after each Act they complete and our esteemed host is able to maintain a status post, then when a Bounty is released there can be a stipulation that says that each character cannot search in any Act prior to their most recent update. It would give players a bit of freedom to search without allowing them to drop back 4 Acts where their higher Slvl attacks will decimate anything that moves...

Just a thought. Regardless of the final rules, I'm in.

Alright, since the forum was down for maintenance earlier, and usually when that happens the "10 minutes" or whatever can be all day, I'm posting the bounties now while things are up. Your targets are:

Black Snarl
Storm Wound the Hunter
Flame Thirst the Dark
Star Call
Vile Skin (Fire Enchanted)

As you can see, Vile Skin has a bonus attached to it. The way this will work is you will get 3 points for find a Vile Skin with Fire Enchanted, and only 1 point for just finding a Vile Skin. All other targets are worth 1 point each.

Let the hunting begin.
Just started out with my Bowazon, AgentNinetynine, and lo and behold she discovers that well-known villain Vile Skin lurking. Email is going out as soon as I've transferred the loot.

AgentNinetynine, Level 11 Bowazon, Act 1 (cleared Cold Plains, Cave + Burial Grounds but not Crypt/Mausoleum).

edit: Screenie of the villainess prior to her timely demise. Now what mod did she spawn with...? *laughs evilly*
I think I will join this thing, since I had planned to start a new assassin anyway. I'll play SC. The assassin's name shall be...HunterKiller. I have an interesting build in mind for her...

Anyway, I see Vile Skin has been claimed already. Good job, shade.
Good job Shade. I got your email. Well, that's the softcore for Vile Skin. SuperSavage, as there's nobody else in hardcore yet, you've got plenty of time to find any of them. And for softcore, there's still four more out there.

When I'm listing scores, I'm only going to show non-zero scores, so for now, it's just Shade.

Current Scores:

3 - Shade

Also, I don't think I mentioned this earlier, and Shade, thanks for already doing this, but make sure in any emails, make sure to specify that it's for the bounty hunter tournament in the subject.
Hunter Killer has assassinated Star Call...pic to be up here soon
I'm in, with a hardcore bowazon named True-shot. Watch out Savage, you've got some competition.
Meh...even though I killed Star Call, I forgot to get the blue items he dropped. They were really crappy tho (I think it was a magic bardiche), not really worth picking up.

So I guess my kill doesn't count...he's back on the bounty block.
@xxarcherxx im glad you joined the HC side of the tourny. I have an opponent!


Level 17
Last Quest Completed: Countess
New Monsters Found: None

Things have been really easy on /players 8, no monsters found yet. Trying to run countess so I can get Tal + eth for stealth.
Anyone find bosses called "Devil Hack" I have seen him like 3 times now. :(
Note: These are posts #41-50 (final post) from the original thread.

*brings in flamethrower, torches tumbleweed in thread*

Right. AgentNinetynine has been out to the Stony Field but didn't find anything to send to the local taxidermist. She did gain a level though, so that's nice.

AgentNinetynine, Level 12 Bowazon - cleared up to Stony Field (except Crypt/Mausoleum)
Ok, where the heck is my previous post? I posted it, it says I posted last on this thread, but it-isn't-here.

edit: WTH? Now it's there again. Disregard this post... sorry.
Is it too late to join ?

If not, I present Stryker_II the ConcBarb (softcore - I'm too scared of hardcore...)
Bumping in the hope that Goltar sees this ....

(especially as I've found one of the fugitives, but won't claim here until I get confirmation I can join - I've sent Goltar the details by email)
Hey everyone, this is my very first post on the forums. I saw this tourny and I have never done one before but it sounded like a great idea, I'm in(as long as it is not to late to join)! I hope that I do not have to establish my position around here before I can be counted in, I have been playing SP loyally for some time now.

SC Meteorb Sorc
voop said:
Hey everyone, this is my very first post on the forums. I saw this tourny and I have never done one before but it sounded like a great idea, I'm in(as long as it is not to late to join)! I hope that I do not have to establish my position around here before I can be counted in, I have been playing SP loyally for some time now.

SC Meteorb Sorc
I don't think Goltar's been here for a while, so I'm guessing it's on hold. Shame really, 'cos I too wanted to join, but have had no reply from the email I sent him ... I guess real life has intervened ...

Oh, and welcome ... it's customary to make an intro thread, but I'll just take this opportunity to welcome you to the friendliest forum on the planet ...
Just make sure you're wearing shinguards, helmet, and shield when you do make the intro thread.
Thanks for then info guys, I made a intro thread and have already met corax.
Ok, I haven't been here in a while. I've unfortunately lost my interest in running the tournament. If anyone else wants to take over, feel free to do so. I can send over the stashes I've gotten and a few more monster names to help out.
goltar25 said:
Ok, I haven't been here in a while. I've unfortunately lost my interest in running the tournament. If anyone else wants to take over, feel free to do so. I can send over the stashes I've gotten and a few more monster names to help out.
Yeah you certainly were not here for a while... your avatar didn't even noticed that the Xmas are gone :)

This tourney thread was not updated for a month. Maybe it's time to close it?
Estimated market value