1.09 NM cows, worth doing? Take 2


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2003
1.09 NM cows, worth doing? Take 2

As my thread is one that fell into a black hole somewhere, I'll ask, again, the collective mind of the SPF my question. My 1.09 Wirtadin has killed NM Baal and I was going to do some Baal and Meph runs for a while before going on to Hell. I was wondering whether the NM cow runs were worthwhile doing, or should I just kill the cow king and concentrate on the other two? Gee, I said it much better last time! :D
Concentrate on the other two. Baal runs as well as giving you the chance for smoe good stuff, give quite good experience.

Butz. :teeth:
The only problem with Baal runs is getting passed Lister the Smegger. I think that Baal on players4 is easier than Lister and his cronies on players1. :(
Err... Wirtadins and Cow Levels don't generally mix for obvious reasons (...hey, I'm unarmed!) :)

Park Baal's cronies if you have to, they're more trouble than they're worth most of the time. Baal should give up some quite decent gear if you beat him up enough.
I've already made two cow runs without a problem. There's no need to be unarmed. You go to Tristrum kill everything, TP home drop the leg, TP back and pick up the new one, TP home again, create Moo Moo Farm portal, and pick up the originally leg. Easy. I break up the herds into small ones, kill everything and Redeem any lost HP. Pity they don't drop better, I've only got 175% mf, but I would have hoped for more than just one Chain Boots!
Estimated market value