
  1. D

    PC on fcr, str, res, energy ring

    PC on fcr, str, res, energy ring
  2. M

    D2 Paladin High strength zealot

    Hi guys, I played original D2 and haven't played much until now (D2R.) Don't want to play the usual builds and thinking of doing a high strength classic zealot (fanatism.) Don't care about being best or later ladder or anything. How viable is a zealot in hell (say 3 players in game on average)...
  3. Luhkoh

    Pitzerker Simulator for Optimization

    I'm reposting this simulator I posted on the old forum on Jan 14, 2020. I would like this to not move to the archive since I have some new discussion resulting from using it lately. LINK TO SHEET (must download to use) Introduction Hi all. There was some interesting discussion recently in the...
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