The Mana Regen Master


New member
Oct 16, 2006
The Mana Regen Master

How effective is it to stack mana regen items? I know perfect skulls give 19% when in helms or body armor (plus life regen), and eth runes give 15% in shields, helms and body armor.

So 9 Perfect Skulls, 3 in a helm, 6 in a body armor(I know, 6 socket armor is rare), that's +171% mana regen, 4 eth runes in shield would be another 60%, 2 Manald Heal rings would be 40%. For a total of 271% mana regen if my math is correct.

Add to that a unique weapon, gloves, boots, and amulet that regens mana, anybody know of any? I don't think rares can spawn with +mana regen%.

Over 270% mana regen sounds awesome on paper. But how well would it work in game? Does anyone know the formula for mana regen? I know a larger mana pool = faster regen. And which characters would this regen setup work best for? If it stacks with a Sorcerors warmth, that would be massive. Even without warmth, I think it could reach 500% overall if it's not capped.

I know, it wouldn't be optimal for max damage or survivability. Not a top notch practical gear setup. But it sounds like a cool project. Thoughts?
Re: The Mana Regen Master

Meditation aura (read: Insight) adds huge mana regen. Magefist[25], wizardspike[15] are the only uniques I can think of.

Stealth, Splendor, Bramble, Rhyme all have 15; Eternity has 16, Harmony has 20.

All the caster crafts I think.

Insight staff on switch is pretty popular in Low Level Duels. Skulls also are a popular choice but the mana regen is just a bonus next to the life rep.
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